RetroPolkaDot Member


  • I might just write the prediction it give me down and just see if it's close or not in 5 weeks.
  • I've glanced at the prediction but I've not noticed if it's accurate. I'd think it's probably not because there are too many variables. Off Topic: the puppy in your avatar is adorable. Cavaliers are such sweet dogs.
  • I already logged dinner and increased serving sizes to account for any extras that occur. I decided that if I get a serving of something that I am meh about I don't have to eat it. I am having dessert because I made a cheesecake. Then the goal with leftovers is to not repeat the entire dinner and dessert.
  • I'm logging it. It's not going to be super accurate because I am not going to quiz people on how they made their dishes nor am I going to weigh my portions out. I don't care what the calories end up being. It's one day. I also made the decision that even if it's on my plate I don't have to eat it if it turns out to be…
  • A few years ago, I took Alli for about a month or so. I don't recall nightmare issues with the side effects but I was paranoid about keeping the fat in my diet to the recommended amount. I did lose weight but most of that was most likely from the diet change. I, of course, quit taking it and gained the weight back because…
  • I tried the lemon juice, water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper cleanse thing. I lasted until dinner time on day one of that before deciding it was just too stupid and gross.
  • can you attach it to a wristband for when you walk in place? If you are like me you'd move your arms so it would pick up that movement. Just a thought.
  • I didn't gain or lose anything. You might see a slight loss. The worst part is going to be the clear liquid diet and the prep. For me the worst thing about the prep was drinking the liquid in the time allotment. It's nasty tasting no matter what it is mixed with so I just had to chug it.
  • I'm curious to see what size mine end up being. I'd go in for reduction right now due to back, shoulder, and neck pain but I've been told that reduction will be better if I am at my goal weight which is 45 pounds or so from where I am at right now. My current size is a 36H in UK sizing. I sort of figure that even if they…
  • I got a Misfit Flash last month. I didn't want to spend a lot of money in case the novelty of it wore off. I figured if I used it a lot I could upgrade to something else later. I've been really pleased with it. I only need something that would track steps and general activity.
  • I have a mini goal set because it's less overwhelming to think of losing 7 to 10 pounds instead of 45 pounds. My doctor suggested it because I mentioned that I'd start and stop as I got discouraged.
  • I love potatoes. I always say it's not the potato at fault but the toppings I could select for on top of the potato. The toppings can be troublesome because they can add up quickly. I rarely make mashed potatoes. I often have baked whole or oven baked potato wedges or boiled. I like making a whole dinner around a baked…
  • I find I sleep better and just in general feel better. My biggest reason is so I can walk several blocks and run up a flight of stairs without getting winded.
  • I went to my doctor today for a usual checkup and to discuss my weight. he put in a referral request for me to see a nutritionist and we set a small goal weight loss goal for over the next two months. We worked out that my first goal should be 7 pounds maybe 10 if we rounded up. I came home from my appointment and updated…
  • Depression can cause low energy levels. It can become a vicious cycle that feeds off itself. If you are currently on medication it could be that your current medication is not the correct one for you. Perhaps you need to make smaller changes and be proud of the changes you've managed to make rather or not they lead to…
  • Friend. They are a good start to a quick meal.
  • Is there a reason why it need to be done in the morning? I used to think that was how it HAD to be done. I would struggle as any other night owl would with having to get up that much earlier. I would literally dread waking up in the morning which in turn made workouts unpleasant for me. Finally one day I thought to myself…
  • I don't care for the almond butter that has the oil on the top. I really like Barney Butter brand almond butter. I usually only use it when I am bored of peanut butter.
  • My mom is a type 2 diabetic and has been over over a decade. She just went on insulin. I decided that I don't want to one day face diabetes. I decided that I should take the steps needed to, hopefully, prevent type 2 diabetes before I wished I had done something. also, I have started sewing my own clothing which is great.…