RetroPolkaDot Member


  • I liked Supersize vs SuperSkinny when they had that food tube thing and spent more time in the clinic. it was always interesting to see each participant deal with the portions. Secret Eaters was fascinating as well. I liked Fit to Fat to Fit. I watched BL the first season but didn't watch after that. I did watch a couple…
  • I got a box last time I was at Costco. They're not bad. I've never really eaten many brands of protein bars before so I can't say how they compare. Someone told me to try warming the brownie one in the microwave. I haven't done that yet but this person swore it was good that way.
  • I have a Misfit Flash. I've had it since October and have been really happy with it. I got it because of the price. Mine was priced under $30. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on something that might have ended up on a drawer once the novelty wore off. It's not fancy but it does what I need it to do which is track my…
  • I'm still on page one. Reading the "no woman should lift more than 3 pounds ever". Lots of things weigh more than three pounds. Gallon of milk, bags of groceries, newborn infants, and the list goes on.
  • Unfortunately my veggie bill is higher. Except for corn and green peas I really hate frozen vegetables. I live in an area where double coupons do not exist nor do we have Aldis. We do have Winco which has a great bulk foods section. Summer will be here soon and the local farm will be selling produce. It's not always…
  • I tried South Beach. Did well for two weeks and then well a plate of pasta was there looking for innocent. I admit to starting one of those lemon juice "cleanses" but I gave that up by dinner time on day 1. I did take Alli and never had side effects. I did lose weight but I figured I could do it on my own without the…
  • In the US most people call the wiggly wobbly stuff jello even if it's not jello brand gelatin. It tends to be served either on it's own or with fruit in it or some people make different types of jello salad which can range from sensible to the just downright bizarre. Mid-Century era recipes use a lot of jello in odd combos…
  • I so rarely eat restaurant food that I just order whatever I want and let the calories fall where they may. It's only one meal.
  • did this occur between periods? you might have just had breakthrough bleeding. If that is the case you can let your doctor know and try a different pill if it continues. Chances are you are either adjusting to the pill as you've only been taking it 6 weeks or you are adjusting to change of diet. If it worries you or you…
  • I do both WW and here. I like seeing calories and points. I actually like the SmartPoints program. In fact it reminds me a lot of how my family ate when I was a kid. We never had daily sugary treats and we never ate massive amounts of bread, pasta or other carbs. My meals focus on protein and veggies with a modest amount…
  • I got the book from the library. it was the only book that I ever checked out and then returned a few hours later.
  • lol... flavored with forbidden honey. Forbidden Honey would be a great garage band name.
  • all this talk of ice cream makes me want to put the core for my ice cream maker in the freezer. Normally it lives in there but I needed the space for a turkey purchased before thanksgiving.
  • I'm able to stick to it better if I prep my food beforehand. I usually prepare lunch for 3 or 4 days at a time that way I'm not stuck eating the same thing throughout the week. It changes every 3 or 4 days which I find okay. I'm not a fan of the usual lunch type meals so I typically make a dinner like dish that I can…
  • I'm a current WW member and I actually like the new points system. However, I really hate that commercial.
  • Just make an appointment. Your doctor will probably want to run some blood tests. Then depending upon those you go from there. You just explain to your doctor what you explained to us.
  • My dog likes to help particularly when I have to do anything on the floor. He likes to lay down and rest his head on my chest and look at me with adoration
  • I'm catching up on this show. I think I am on week 4 on their plan and the taskercise lady is still in this episode. The Super Swap plan seems sensible to me but then again maybe it seems that way as I haven't heard her say anything really wacky. I do like that they talk about some medical health aspects of weight loss. I…
  • baby food? um...nope. baby food is not very palatable for adults. Plus you will miss chewing food more than anything. You don't even realize how satisfying it is to chew food until you can't. According MFP a 4oz jar of banana baby food has 90 calories. A medium apple is about 95 calories, 62 calories for an orange.…
  • I tend to either gain slightly or not lose anything when I begin a new exercise regime. I look for other victories during that transition time instead such as my clothes fitting better or my fitness level improving.
  • I think I depends on how the topic is being presented to him. If you are saying you feel frumpy and unattractive because of your weight how is he supposed to respond? He's screwed either way. If he agrees with you then he's calling you fat and if he says honey your pretty the way you are then he's not being supportive.…
  • WW members don't have to eat prepped food. I don't eat any prepped foods. I cook all my own meals. It's no harder to count points in home cooked foods than it is to count calories in the same food.
  • My mom has type 2 diabetes. She went on insulin this past summer. That scared me and made me get serious about my weight and health before it became too late. I was tired of feel tired and frumpy.
  • I'm currently a member. My health insurance is covering it as part of my insurance plan. I figured I'd give it a good try. I'm also counting calories here because I do like seeing both numbers. I actually like the new SmartPoints. I find it's really helping me with moderation of snacks and treats. I gained 40 plus pounds…
  • I think with exercise videos it's important to be realistic about your fitness level. For instance I'm coming from years of being a couch potato so I can't expect to take on those really intense videos tomorrow; I have to work up to it. I like Leslie Sansone walk at home workouts because right now they are at my current…
  • I rarely eat restaurant food these days mostly due to budget so when I do I just order whatever my favorite items are and I don't worry about the calories. However, If I had take out or ate at restaurants more often then I'd choose a stir fry style dish that had plenty of veggies in it, steamed rice, and wonton soup.
  • 2 or 3 and maybe 1 snack. Dinner is my biggest meal and sometimes I want an evening snack. Sometimes I don't feel that I need that snack. I eat lunch every day but I may or may not eat breakfast. It depends on how I feel in the morning. I don't usually have snacks between breakfast/lunch or lunch/dinner.
  • I was struck by your comment that you wait until your husband and kids are asleep which to me sounds different than say openly snacking at night out of habit or boredom. I think you need to ask yourself if there is an emotional factor to it? Are you lonely, depressed, stressed, or something else? Then if you figure out…
  • My experience with South Beach was similar to TheBeachgod. For me the biggest ah-ha moment has been getting real about what I was eating. Not only the type of foods but more importantly the portions. I would be thinking I was doing great and sticking to whatever plan it was but the reality was I was simply still eating too…
  • That is a lot of bananas.