RetroPolkaDot Member


  • That is a lot of bananas.
  • sometimes you can find nutritional info online. If I can't find that then I just search out what I had and try my best to find a similar dish. It might not be 100% accurate but I figure that attempting the best i can is better than not bothering to count it at all. I rarely go out to restaurants for meals so I usually…
  • Congrats. It's an awesome goal to hit not only for weight loss but for general health. Keep up the good work.
  • I think what's her name could have kept her diet plan if she wanted but it obviously wasn't right for her. I'm now watching the first part of the show. Taskercising at the grocery store was just weird.
  • I found the show because of this thread but I missed most of it. I'll have to see if it's available online or On Demand later.
  • The American Heart Association recommends that people limit their added sugar. Their recommendation for most women is 6 teaspoons and for most men 9 teaspoons or less of added sugar per day. Most added sugars in the average persons diet comes from soda, candy, baked goods, and dairy based desserts.
  • whenever anyone mentions it I think of MREs
  • There are foods that live at the grocery store instead of coming home with me. I can have them but I have to make a special trip to get them. When possible I buy thing in single serve packaging. I have gotten pickier. For example bakery cakes are often disappointing so I usually pass those up now but I will have a small…
  • are you talking the less fat kettle chips or the baked ones? I highly recommend the Kettle brand baked chips. They are seriously the only baked chip I have ever had where I couldn't tell that they were baked. They have a wonderful crunch and flavor.
  • The other option you have is if Points Plus really worked for you just go back to that. You'd have to track points on paper instead of using the WW app and you have to use a calculator to figure out the points. There are ones online just google weight watchers points calculator. you should be able to find a points…
  • I've never read any of her books. I have the 30 Day Shred and Body Revolution. Several years ago I got to level 2 of 30 Day Shred. I did the first phase of Body Revolution but I've not done the rest of the program. They sit on the shelf gathering dust because I let my fitness level go down too much to jump back into them…
  • I've made my own flour torillas which I found worth the effort.
  • I know in my meeting the things people have been talking about really going up in points are things like coffee creamer, sweetened yogurt, ice cream, and some cereals. I don't care for most breakfast cereals because they get all soggy and gross and I don't really like yogurt. I did cut back on my coffee creamer because it…
  • Coffee with some creamer, sandwich made with one slice of white bread (it's big bread), 2oz roast turkey lunch meat, 1/2 ounce full fat cheddar cheese, some mayo, mustard, slice of onions and lettuce, 1 tangerine, and 1 serving of kettle brand baked sea salt chips. ETA: I like to save my calories for dinner. I grew up in a…
  • I am aware of the changes. I still get in bread, pasta, rice/grains, and potatoes in proper portions. My doctor recommended that I limit added sugars in my average day to day diet so the new points really helps with that. In fact it gave me the kick I needed to make the changes. Did you even give smartpoints a try or did…
  • I do both because I like to see both numbers so I track calories here. I count SmartPoints on paper. I, personally, like the new smart points. I don't find it overly low carb. I suppose it depends on what you like to eat. I still eat all my favorite things in moderation. One thing I don't do is waste points/calories on…
  • That's when you use your extra weekly points. You go the party, enjoy the cake and ice cream and know you haven't blown it because you have the extra bank of points to use. Then the next meal you get right back on track. That's what those extra weekly points are there for.
  • I like the new program. According to my WW leader they had been working on the new Smart Points program prior to Oprah. Anyway, back on topic. Weight loss is not always a solid line down. There are times when weight will go down, times when it will stay the same, and times when it will actually go up despite doing…
  • As it is a highly invasive surgery I'd get a second opinion and even a third. Even if you met with a specialist about it they can't force you to actually get it done. One thing you must consider is the risk of the surgery itself and also the risk of secondary issues related to surgery. Surgery should never be taken lightly…
  • I had had a plan and then my plan sort of went out the window. I had too many snacks and things. Luckily, mine is all water weight because I gained 6 pounds in two days and lost 3 of those pounds in 18 hours. Instead of beating myself up over it I just dusted myself off, got right back to tracking, and I am drinking more…
  • This week has been hard for me. I find out of sight; out of mind works for me. so I have stashed things away in cupboards for tomorrow's family dinner. I don't put them in a regular food cupboard. I put them in the built in buffet in the dining room with the fancy plates.
  • This thread has all sorts of spiciness to it.
  • I was thin as a child and was always outside being active. By the time middle school and high school hit I was the only one my age in the neighborhood and I had quit riding my bike for hours after school. I ate for comfort because I was lonely. I didn't have any friends in school and just drifted by as if invisible. I lost…
  • I like the new Smart Points. My daily food is more like what my doctor recommended. It's not low carb though. I suppose it depends on what type of food you choose to eat and the amounts. I don't eat cake with frosting on a daily basis so that fact that it is now 24 points means it stays in the special occasion area. Not…
  • My leader did say some of the bars were discontinued because the new points would have made them pretty high. Chocolate went up by a whole lot of points. To me that means that if I want chocolate then I should get a really good, high quality chocolate and not waste calories/points on inferior chocolate.
  • I'm a current member and I attend the meetings. I lucked into finding a good leader. The new Smart Points plan is very much like what my doctor wants me to be doing. So far my only real big adjustment has been cutting back on the amount of creamer I add to my coffee but that's probably a good change for me. I haven't found…
  • I'm currently a WW member and counting calories here. My health insurance is paying for 6 months of weight watchers meetings as long as I lose weight (min half pound per week on average and attend a weekly meeting). I pay with coupons the my insurance sends me so I don't get access to the etools...I don't think. I called…
  • When I have enough calories I have a snack at around 8pm any later and I can get heartburn. if I don't have enough calories set aside then I drink tea. I finding more and more that I am not actually hungry at night. For me night time snacking seems to be both a habit and a mindless activity. I am finding other ways to fill…
  • The next meal is a new start. No reason to feel bad or beat yourself up over it. No need to detox. Some people find that drinking mint tea helps relieve the symptoms caused by overeating. Also walking, think gentle stroll. If you feel acid indigestion you might consider taking something for it and sleep with your head and…