slhalvorson1 Member


  • Let's talk diet.... I am embarking on an anti-inflammation diet, which I think will help me with some of my physical symptoms... the anti-inflammation diet with a combo of Mediterranean diet is what I am attempting to follow.. I do not so much restrict calories, as I make wise food choices and portion control... I track my…
  • Prior to my massive relapse 2 years ago, I was a fitness fanatic, exercising 1.2-2 hours a day, 7 days a week (one day yoga, one day stretching)... The workouts were tough (p90x), but I felt so emotionally amazing all the time (if not incredible sore!). So, since my relapse, I have slipped into a major depressive state, I…
  • Try the Nike app, there are a bunch of great workouts that do not need any equipment!
  • Hi everyone, my goal is to increase endurance, gain strength and flexibility... In the process I am hoping a few lbs will drop off, although that is not my primary concern. My plan is to stop eating christmas cookies (done), and get back to my active life, which includes the gym 4 days a week, karate 2 days a week and off…
  • That is pretty funny that you had to force yourself to eat because you ran out of spoons! I can relate! I study Kwan Gek Do, which is a blend of Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai kickboxing, I started taking karate, snowboarding, playing golf, cycling and learning cello after I was diagnosed with MS. So, there was some good that…
  • Greetings everyone, my first time joining any sort of "group"... thought I would give it a try. I have RRMS, and have had a rough 2 years! Two years ago in April I finished P90X, and my 6th century MS ride, and I felt AMAZING, then I had a major relapse, and have not been able to recover! I am pumped up with IV steroids…