burdett124 Member


  • Congrats, looking good. ;)
  • Find out your maintenence for calorie intake and just go around 500 calories over that each day. Also watch your fats and carbs and weigh yourself from time to time. If you're gaining more than you're comfortable with just cut it back. If you just google some of this stuff and find macros that work for you that will help a…
  • Thanks man.
  • I guess I'll just insert myself here. :D
  • Thanks. :D And yes I am.
  • You're welcome, that was probably confusing to read but it's hard to put in words online like this. cx
  • After you know your BMR just get on this link http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/ and do the simple equation. After you do that, add 300 to whatever number you get. That's a rough estimate of how many calories you want to take in a day.
  • Go on google and get on the BMR calculator and type in what it asks to find your BMR. After you find your BMR, add My bad on that previous comment, lol. Anyway go on google. Google "BMR Calculator" and find out your BMR. It's quite simple, it's an online calculator that calculates how many calories you naturally burn a day…
  • Don't mention it, happy to help. I was once where you're at and it can be overwhelming.
  • You need a few things. 1: Lift weights. There's more to working out than just "lift weights" if you want to gain muscle, but I don't want this comment to be too long so just make sure to do some research on how to train with hypertrophy to gain muscle. An effective workout plan is important. 2: Be in a caloric surplus.…
  • You can just go over your limit for the day and make sure to burn it off. When I'm losing weight I typically go to my calorie limit or just right under it, and make sure to burn around 200 calories on the treadmill. This way I'm eating enough not to kick my body into starvation mode but I'm still under my limit.
  • Oh yeah, considering I've only been lifting for a year I'm still a bit fresh, so my kik is burdetto1 in case any of you more experienced lifters want to give me advice or just if anyone wants to talk in general or ask questions about this. It would be greatly appreciated. :D