Is it ok to go over your calorie intake??



  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    not the mention that 1500 at 100 lbs to lose is TOO LOW
  • burdett124
    burdett124 Posts: 13 Member
    Go4Me2 wrote: »
    I had a big lunch and I only have like 64 calories left for tonight. I'm not hungry right now but may be later on and I really don't want to go over but....

    You can just go over your limit for the day and make sure to burn it off. When I'm losing weight I typically go to my calorie limit or just right under it, and make sure to burn around 200 calories on the treadmill. This way I'm eating enough not to kick my body into starvation mode but I'm still under my limit.
  • KT_3009
    KT_3009 Posts: 1,042 Member
    Everyone on here will go over there recommended deficit calories at least once. It will teach you how to pre-plan meals or just eat healthier or smaller portions. Don't stress about one day where you didn't even go over by much! Work on the tomorrow's and just add in some exercise through the week! Best of luck :)