texasrigdiver Member


  • the "ballad of Curtis Lowe". I usually wake up to running through my brain, but its only been for about the last 10 years or so....I wish I was lying. the few morning that isn't playing then "he went to Paris" is...thankfully I like both songs but damn, enough is enough.
  • one of the reasons I posted actual scientific studies is because these are the sources I trust. I'm always concerned of the motivations of authors or bloggers that don't quote sources, its just what they think, what are their qualifications? what are their motivations? ego feeding to come across as an expert? I cant tell…
  • hers a few scientific studies that mention autophagy/intermittent fasting and keto/atkins/paleo type low carb diet plans. copy and paste anyone of them into your browser and read up- become knowledgeable and responsible, have an open mind because if you already know it all, then you cant learn anything. (I think if we all…
  • research "autophagy fasting". intermittent fasting is the practice put into effect in part from the autophagy discoveries. Also research the 2016 Nobel prize in medicine which is the discovery of a dormant immune system that is activated by autophagy or intermittent fasting. people look for a magic bullet in the form of a…