stiggymt Member


  • Good afternoon I said I would get back to the contests we have every week. Every one brings 3 quarters and a healthy food (apple, banana, carrots, etc.). The healthy food goes to the Loser of the Week. We have 3 containers for the quarters. One marked HaHa, another marked Gain and another called Fruit Basket. Haha Each…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt June 29
  • Good afternoon I definitely do buy things that will cause me to over eat, including healthy food. Too much of a good thing is usually not good. I rarely buy grapes because I’ll eat one more and one more and one more until they are completely gone. But I really enjoy them when they are offered to me. We have 3 contests that…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt June 27
  • Good afternoon I’m the leader of our chapter. Because our chapter is so small, I wear many hats. I also am assistant weight recorder. I also do other things, as needed. I was the Loser of the Week at TOPS this week with 1.1 pound loss. We also got a new member! We’ve always had some excuse of some kind. I once believed…
  • Good afternoon My goal for next SRD is to regain my KOPS status. I’m going in the right direction. 20 pounds to go. I will do it! The trash bag activity sounds good. Not much junk food in my home. I don’t bring it in or any healthy food (like grapes) that I can’t control and end up over eating. I rarely bake any goodies…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt June 22
  • Hi Louise! Good to see you again! I never knew your name before. I use iPhone and have the same problem. MyFitnessPal is not apple friendly. I can’t even complain to tech support. I tried. I’ve been thinking about abandoning all social here. There is very few that respond here. I was checking daily and respond only a new…
  • I have iPhone. I can’t create a new thread. All I can do is respond to existing threads
  • Good evening! We just got back from SRD. It was all good. We had a fun time. I’ll show an activity we did at SRD. We’re doing it tomorrow at our chapter meeting. We’d probably more active here if notifications were sent out when someone posted. I would make that suggestion for tech support, but MyFitnessPal is not friendly…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt June 11
  • I’m Bea and I’m the leader of our small chapter in western Montana. I’ve been in TOPS for 10 years now. I was KOPS, but lost it during Covid, then Christmas and Christmas and Christmas. Now I’m on the journey to get back to KOPS again. 21 pounds to go! I think if MyFitnessPal would send notices every time someone posted…
  • I’m in Montana. My name is Bea. I belong to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and I reached my goal and then COVID happened, then Christmas and Christmas and Christmas and another Christmas happened. I’m now on my way back to my goal. I have 20 pounds to get back to goal.
  • Good evening It’s beginning to look like only 2 of us will go to SRD. One of the gals has a husband in ICU and it’s not looking like he’ll last long. Our TOPS meeting is canceled for this week. No on is able to be there except me. I spent the day today mowing our lawn. Im almost done. I should be able to finish tomorrow.…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt May 21
  • Good afternoon It’s actually morning but will be noon soon. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon, right after lunch. We’ll eat at Cracker Barrel. I usually hav grilled chicken tenders wit steamed broccoli and fresh fruit cup. There are good choices at Cracker Barrel! Out TOPS meeting was this morning. I thought I…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt May 16
  • This is a couple of the bazaars that we did.
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt May 6
  • Good evening I check in here every day to every few days. There’s been no activity here so I haven’t been posting. I don’t know what happened to Connie. She dropped out of sight. I’ve been losing small amounts, but at least I’m losing. Our TOPS chapter still isn’t growing. I’m not sure what else to do. I advertise on…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt May 6
  • Good afternoon You’re doing great! I think I’m back on track. The scale will tell the story tomorrow at TOPS. I’m not sure what happened to Connie. She’s been gone for her longest time since we started here. I see a surgeon for a consultation next eeek. I’m not sure what to expect. It’s for my neck. It’s for arthritis and…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt March 12
  • Good afternoon Today, I’m catching up on things and taking it easy. At TOPS yesterday, I had a small gain. For the last 3 weeks, Dianna and I have had the exact same weight. We laughed about it. I called her a copycat. lol It’s weird! It’s snowing today. I’m ready for Spring!
  • We are so small that we don’t usually sing. We do pledges. We have a closing pledge. It’s common with a lot of TOPS chapters. It’s not official. We hold hands and say You take my hand and I’ll take yours. We’ll start out today A helping hand is what we need To help along the way. The road to goal is a challenging road We…
  • Good evening This week is turning out just as busy,at least through Wednesday. Today, I took Mary for a CT scan. Tomorrow, she’ll get an echocardiogram. Wednesday, Robert will see a pulmonologist for his lungs. Not much else going on.
  • Good afternoon It’s been a busy week! We were traveling on Monday home. Tuesday I took Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. Wednesday, TOPS. I had .5 gain. Thursday I took Mary for doctor appointment and dentist appointment. She had a filling and a tooth pulled. Friday was mostly resting and catching up on things.…
  • We mostly read articles from TOPS News. We did a game at Christmas time. Going through the alphabet, we took turns naming a healthy food…. Apple… Beets… cauliflower…, Dates and so on Then we did it again listing the not so healthy foods. … Apple Pie. … Baked Alaska ….Candy …. Donuts and so on. We had fun with it. Last…
  • Good evening We were at our son’s home celebrating a couple grandkids birthdays over the weekend. We had a fun time. The kids sure grow up fast! I’m not sure I could do 10 pushups, let alone 100. I know my toes and feet couldn’t handle it. Tomorrow morning I have TOPS, Considering I ate like a pig (or it felt like it) this…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt February 7
  • Good evening Today was a quiet day at home. Fog moved in so it’s been really foggy. Tomorrow I go to TOPS. We’re the only TOPS chapter in our county. The closest other chapter is about 40 miles or further, depending on which direction I go. Missoula has 2 chapters.
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 31
  • Good evening We’ll be going to see our son this weekend. We have a grandson and granddaughter that has birthdays within a short time. We had to go to Missoula today to do the things we forgot to do last week. Weather was just the opposite as what it usually is. It was beautiful here with sun shining. Then we got to…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 30
  • Good evening Weekend is here. It warmed up here into the 40s. Sun was shining this afternoon. Our church had a chili cook-off. I made a pot of chili and won 3rd place. That’s pretty considering mine is not hot. It has just a little spice to make it taste better, but still family friendly. I still have a little left over.…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 27
  • Good evening We’ve had cars that didn’t start in the extreme cold. We started our car every day when it was so. But we didn’t try to drive it. Maybe we should have. Today’s adventure is freezing rain. Church was fine . But this evening our bible study was canceled because of it. Then we got an automated call from our…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 22
  • Good evening We had TOPS on Wednesday. We got 2 inches of snow and it had quit snowing. So we all decided to go ahead with the meeting. I lost .6 pound. We had another snowstorm that went through last night. All it produced was another couple inches. I’m so ready for Spring! But we still have at least a couple months for…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 19
  • Good evening It was warmer today, but still hugging around 0. Last I checked it was -4, but it was above 0 earlier. On Tuesday it’s supposed to be in the 29s. Then snow Tuesday evening through Thursday morning. Depending on how much snow, we might cancel TOPS on Wednesday morning. I hope not!
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 16
  • Good evening It warmed up to 0 today. When you mention double digit below 0 are you talking about F. or C.? When I talk about temperature, it’s F. We got into the car this morning to go to church. It started fine, but the transmission was frozen. I’d never heard of that happening before. We bundled up and walked to church.…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 15
  • Good evening It was 28 degrees F. this morning when I got up. The high today was -9 degrees. It’s supposed to be warmer tomorrow with the high at 2 degrees above 0. A lot of things are being canceled, but we’ll still have church. I’ve stayed home all day today. I did touch base with a friend today. She moved away a couple…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 14
  • Good evening Our high today was 3 degrees above 0 and the low was 9 below. At our warmest time I shoveled our porch and walk. It was still too cold. We had 5 inches of snow. Because of snow, blowing wind, and frigid temperatures, we had emergency travel only and schools were closed. Connie, come in when you can. Hopefully…
    in Chat Room Comment by stiggymt January 13