Chat Room



  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 62 Member
    It's good to hear from you.

    I'm glad you are healing well.
    How wonderful to have such a support group!

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,119 Member
    Good afternoon

    I haven’t been checking here much, maybe every week or 2.

    My neck is healing. I don’t have to wear my neck brace now. I’m now doing some exercises. Motion is lotion.

    I’m getting cataracts in my left eye taken care of on Tuesday. On Monday, my granddaughter is going to have some kidney stones taken care of. They are too big for her to pass naturally. That’s all the news I have.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 62 Member
    No worries about checking in. Getting healthy and taking care of family is important. Although it is good to hear from you.

    My chapter had to cancel the first meeting of year due to weather. I went to the other chapter in same city tonight. I really enjoy bouncing around.

    Take care, JP
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,119 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Cataract is gone on my left eye. Now for eye drops and the healing. The other eye will be done in a couple weeks.

    So far we’ve been able to have our TOPS meetings. But I may have to cancel any week because of weather. It’s winter. We all have about 8 miles to travel. We’re in a rural area and our meeting place is in the center distance of 3 small towns. It’s a good location.

    Not much else to say.
  • JPismefromSP
    JPismefromSP Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 14
    I'm glad you hear the surgery went well.

    I understand the drive. I live about 45 minutes from our meeting place. Especially with the weather. I'm rural as well. For us, it's the cold more than snow. The building we meet in doesn't have heat unless someone is in it. We are heading to single / negative degrees.

    We met tonight. I know first weigh in doesn't count for much according to TOPS, but I lost almost 2 pounds over the holidays. I was hoping for no gain but a loss is even better.

    Our program was simple about goal setting, finding your why and "just a pound". The goal/why i from the SPA email earlier this month. " just a pound" is something was introduced to by the other chapter I visited.

    Anyway. I'm heading off to bed.
    Have the best day! onh7halk0od6.jpg
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,119 Member
    Good evening!

    I just had my 2nd cataract surgery yesterday. The first eye is pretty much healed. So now I wait a couple weeks for the other to heal. I’m so tired of all this healing.

    I love your Just One Pound. Very inspirational. I might share that with my chapter.

    I’m going my normal January thing. I just need to get my mindset in the right place.

    “I will control my emotions and not let my emotions control me”

    I need to remember that!
  • Jaderose1234
    Jaderose1234 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I was looking to re-engage with people who used to belong to Sparks. I miss the friendships and support I found in the groups. Hope to make some new friends.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,119 Member
    Good afternoon

    We’re here to support. It’s not very active. It would help if MyFitnessPal would send out notices when someone posts, but they don’t. I try to check every1-2 days.

    This group is mainly for TOPS (Take Offf Pounds Sensibly) who were in SoarkPeople. But we’ll welcome you whether you are a member or not. After all we’re trying to take off pounds in a sensible and healthy way.