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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I had PT this morning. My next PT is on Wednesday and it's the last one that is scheduled until I see the doctor on Thursday. The PT helps at the time, but during the day afterwards my neck is back to hurting. I'm not sure how I feel about continuing. We'll see what the doctor says.

    I have a doctor appointment early tomorrow morning to see why I have this sore throat and stuffy nose. Its been going on for a week. I hope the roads are good. It's snowing. I'm so ready for Spring!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been MIA. Busy plus password issues.

    Bea could you send some snow my way? I need the extra cash. We have been only getting flurries that adds up to a dusting.

    I have my feelers out about possible jobs. That includes my Minister. Definitely need to get that darn food handlers certificate. But no postings for the exam dates. So will have to call the health unit and find out. If I don't get a job then life goes back to the way it was 3 months ago before the job.

    So Saturday I spent the day baking and wrapping Christmas presents for our family Christmas yesterday. Didn't get to bed till midnight Saturday. Got up at 6 am Sunday to get ready for Church. Went to church and got lots of support about my job situation. Even had myself put on the prayer list. When I got home from Church I finished getting ready to leave for family Christmas. Got home fairly early last night and couldn't log on to MFP as I couldn't remember my password or find it. I hate when MFP makes me log back in. Any ways as you can tell I figured out where I wrote it. Lots of calories this week not sure the scale will be happy tomorrow with the lack of exercise. Oh well what will be will be.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    This is the most wonderful time of the year fir gaining weight! So many goodies to try! Too many parties! Too many gifts of food (mostly junk food)! I enjoy it all too.

    I saw the doctor this morning. I was tested for strep throat and flu. All I have is a very sore scratchy throat and a stuffy nose. Lots of mucus comes out. No cough, fever, sore muscles (except what arthritis dishes out). The doctor said that many people came in with exact symptoms. Hald of them was flu positive. I'm part of the other half. No flu. Part of it might be the low humidity. Humidity in my house this morning was 30%, which is low.

    Another lady for our TOPS chapter, also
    an officer, is same as me. I made a few other calls and every one felt more comfortable in staying home and staying warm and get over whatever. Temperature tomorrow is supposed to be below 0 F. So no TOPS tomorrow. I still have PT, but it's later in the morning.

    I hope everything works out for you. This is the most snow we've had in several years. We've been getting 1-3 inches nearly every day. It's snowing now. Thursday no snow, but high and low temperatures is supposed to be below 0.

    Then after Christmas it warms us and rains. lol
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was cold with some sun. Gained 4 lbs this week. The weight recorders thought I was crazy for being happy about the gain. I explained I wasn't happy about the gain. I was happy that I haven't lost my 100 lb loss status. It's getting close. But I think the scale will start to change soon. I can do this.

    So there's getting to be more stress at work with the residents. They're not liking the fact that our takeout supplies are limited to a couple size containers. All we can do is tell them that we have asked housing to get them as they are the one who supplies them and they are refusing to provide them.

    Yesterday I had a sore shoulder as I hurt it before work. Today I hurt my hip. It's so painful that I can't bend, lift heavy things or turn much. This makes work extremely difficult. Thank goodness everyone is understanding and able to help with the lifting and carrying of heavy things. I did do it a couple of times and paid dearly for it with extreme pain and almost dropping the dinner. I hope tomorrow it's better as I have way to much at work to do to get ready for the Christmas dinner for the residents on Thursday.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Good thing e decided to cancel TOPS last night. There was an emergency travel only advisory on the roads this morning because of frigid temperatures and blowing snow. I would have had a gain. Too many parties!

    Work places can be so brutal, but when someone is hurting, in most workplaces, everyone steps up to help the one who is ailing.

    I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning. It's supposed to be cold, but no snow. We are leaving for our son's house right after the appointment. So I have to be mostly ready tonight.

    So I better scedattle.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm hoping you have a very merry Christmas! And it warms up for you. It warmed up here after a couple days of very frigid temperatures.

    We made it to my doctor's appointment on time. And made it to our son's home. They left early this morning to go to Nebraska where our daughter in law's family is. We are still in their home, but will later go to another son's home for Christmas eve then back there again for Christmas Day. Our other son that lives here is quarantined for covid exposure. That's a bummer! It is what it is!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Back to sane eating as of today, that is, Monday!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    We're home now. I took Mary to hospital early this morning for her colonoscopy. It went well, but by a different doctor. The doctor who was supposed to do it was home with covid. The same doctor that was supposed to do it today was supposed to do her surgery tomorrow. So that got postponed until next Wednesday. Life happens.

    With coming home yesterday, and the early morning this morning, I'm really tired.

    Tomorrow is another early morning, but not as early as this morning. It's TOPS. Because of Mary's surgery that was supposed to be tomorrow, we were going to have an earlier than usual weigh in only. Now we're having normal time for the weigh in, with no meeting. Too many doctor appointments and other things with the members. I will meet with the weight recorder to help with the year end forms. This is her first year doing it.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    I got in! Yesterday was something else!

    Electricity went off about 1:30 and was off for about 1.5 hours. I called Mary to make sure she was OK. All I got was a busy signal. I decided I better go check on her. She still had no electricity. But the problem was less than a quarter mile from her house. Apparently, high up on the pole was a fire. They worked on it for several hours. Mary's electricity was off for over 5 hours. I did make a trip back to town to pick up a few groceries and prescriptions.

    At TOPS on yesterday, I had a 3 pound gain! Ugh! At least I can say it was for 2 weeks, because there was no TOPS last week because of weather. Now that January is almost here, I can get that off again.

    After TOPS I has my last PT. We'll see how I do for a couple weeks. Then decide to go back or not.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I have read through the posts. By reading what comes next you'll understand why there are no responses to other posts.

    If we're MFP friends you may have seen my update on the feed. I AM STRUGGLING!! More than I have since starting this journey in November 2018. All I want to do is sleep. I am fighting an infection in my wrist. Next Friday I have to spend $103 to fill a cavity that may not work and will have to be pulled. I want to keep my tooth as long as possible. I am out of a job as of end of shift Jan 15. Yesterday we got our termination papers from the group taking over. In the letter it says termination effect date. In the next paragraph it more or less say "but please feel free to apply for a job with us." Now if they wanted to have us work for them why would they terminate us and make us apply? Why not just come talk to us even the residents than just offer us a job? Jan 18 I wright my food handlers certificate. I am not sure if I should apply with the group that is taking over the contract or just take a breather and see what comes next. Stressed about being stressed about everything no wonder I am so tired. I don't know how much more I can take and that scares me. All I can seem to manage right now is waking up everyday and praying for God's guidance.

    This week I lost 7.75 lbs at TOPS.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Rain most of the day. But walked to do some shopping. Felt a little better today. Work went well. Still have to make taco dip for my friends after work. My Son is here for the weekend.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I sure hope and pray that things get better for you. I'd give you a big hug if I could.

    That happened to my husband a few years ago when he was still working and we still had kids at home. When a new company bought the company my husband was working for, all the employees were fired. They all had to apply to work for the new company. It worked out, but there was a big pay cut. I don't know if that would happen to you or not.

    Today I picked up a prescription for Mary and brought it to her. Then Robert had a doctor appointment. He's being referred to a pulmonary doctor for his COPD. He's not that bad yet, but hoping to slow down the progress. He's also being referred to a dermatologist because a couple months ago, he had a sore on his nose "froze". The sore returned.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening and Happy New Year

    We spent a quiet night at home yesterday, including evening. Other than church this morning. Today has also been a quiet day at home.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    Happy New Year!

    For me the pay would not change unless it goes up as I am already at minimum wage.

    Yesterday was a very long day. Prepared my taco dip for my friends New Year's. Had to work in the afternoon and then partied till Midnight with friends, Hubby and Son. Hehe he got to see his Mom actually have fun and party. The looks he gave me were definitely the best. It was great seeing him actually socializing with people he didn't know. I hope I can give him more opportunities like that maybe he'll make some friends he can hang out with eventually. Granted he was the youngest one there. Most are older than me.

    Anyways today I obviously slept in. Sent my Son home so he could get ready for a gathering he was going to with other family members. Then got ready for work. I am not used to a coworker who doesn't do their job. As my weekday coworker has definitely been stepping up. The weekend one moves slow, she doesn't get half of what the weekday one does. My friend/manager got a text from me about what she will find when she gets to work in the morning. Dishes that should have been done before we left. I would have done them but I was doing other cleaning and don't quite feel comfortable getting my wrist that wet yet. Today is the first day I showered with out it covered and definitely wasn't the best feeling. The skin is still very new and very pink. I even keep it wrapped most of the time so I don't damage it.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Sounds like your New Year's Eve party provided a good time for you and your family. We stayed home and went to bed.

    I was in one of those grumpy tearful mood this morning. I went to see an elderly woman in our church. For her age she has a lot of spanking. We talked about what was bothering me plus everything. It got me out of my frumpy mood. We also came up with a solution. So it was a productive talk.

    I called Mary this afternoon. She has to get a covid test tomorrow in preparation for her surgery on Wednesday. I told her about the conversation I had this morning. Mary knows all about the situation and it frustrates her also.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am glad that you had a great productive talk. Those are always the best. Also glad that it got you out of your funk. I do hope all works out.

    Today was sunny when I woke up after sleeping in so I went for my first walk of the year. It felt great. Worked again this afternoon. Tomorrow is TOPS. Not sure what the scale will do. But I am fine no matter what happens as long as I don't gain everything I lost last week. I know everything is slowly getting under control.020vfbjul4u7.jpg
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I like your picture! I hope your TOPS meeting went well. I have TOPS tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is going to be really busy. First. I have TOPS. Then I take Mary to Missoula for her surgery. I'm not sure if I'll have time to stop at home between the 2.

    I'm going to call Mary's son in a little while. Mary's granddaughter is living with Mary, or maybe I should say using Mary.. She scheduled a doctor appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I can guarantee that Mary will not be home before the school bus brings her 2 boys home. I sent a text to the granddaughter reminding her that Mary is having surgery. It's time for that girl to grow up. Sometimes I think her 10 year old son is more mature than she is.

    I'm not sure I'll have time to pop in tomorrow. Mary may or may not be home tomorrow after surgery. They might keep her overnight. I hope they do.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I hope everything works out tomorrow.

    Today has been a rainy, foggy, dark day. It was also TOPS and weigh day. Down 1.25 lbs. That makes 9 lbs in 2 weeks!

    I also called the organization that is taking over the kitchen where I work. Hate when the letter didn't give an extension. Will call back tomorrow when I have more time to figure it out. Work went well.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a busy, foggy, rainy day with a hint of sun in the late afternoon. Got up at 6 am to take the garbage out for pickup for my client and ourselves. Also did a few things online then went back to bed till 9 am. Went to the clinic and got antibiotics for my tooth and also had the doctor check my wrist. My wrist is healing really well but have to keep it wrapped at work until my last day. Yes it is my last day on the 15th. Found out from the girl I work with during the week that part of the deal for the organization to get the contract was that they couldn't hire the original staff to work there. Whatever....I can still apply with the organization to work in another one of their kitchens if I choose. So I have decided that I will continue to pray and look into all my other options of opportunities. During work we had an incident with a resident. He seemed fine when I served him but based on what he said my pulled pork was nasty and caused him to slam his dishes and break 2 plastic glasses. Later on he tried to come back in and apologize I cut him short and told him I didn't want to hear it tonight and would be better off trying tomorrow. This is not the first time he disrespected me or our dishes. He was told last time that if he ever did it again he would not be let off the hook so easily and wouldn't be welcome in the dinning room. Unfortunately I am a kind heart and by tomorrow I will accept his apology and I will let him in the dinning room. Afterall it's their home and they may be stressed knowing that things are going to be changing soon.

    Here's me on my walk today. I talked myself into going and enjoyed every minute of it. 30k0wkwl8acn.jpg
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good morning,

    While I'm thinking of it, I'll tell you about Jane, who was on the FitBit trail. When I first got acquainted with her, she had battled cancer twice and won. She had also lost over 100 pounds with SparkPeople. She knew if she gave up everything she would never had lost the weight. So she saved enough calories to have a dish of ice cream every evening. She was also walking 50,000 steps or more daily. I don't know how she did it.

    Then cancer hit again. She had her esophagus removed and her stomach stretched to replace the esophagus. Today she has good days and bad. She's a "fighter".

    Yesterday day was really long! First TOPS, I was the Loser of the Week with ONLY. 1 pound loss! lol

    Mary's surgery went well but it was delayed by 2.5 hours! So counting the pre-op time, we were waiting for surgery for 4 hours! Then her surgery was 2.5 hours. I did a little shopping, then went back to the hospital. I didn't get home until 8 PM.
    Mary spent last night in the hospital. I'll pick her up this afternoon I still feel washed out today.

    Tomorrow, I'll rest!