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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was a very busy and productive day. Went to Church and then spent the rest of the day at work right through my last shift. There was a lot of stuff to do between preparing and serving meals. I helped pack, clean and move a lot of stuff. There was also a lot of laughs during the dinner service after all the residents were mainly fed. There was some complaints about how over done the pizza was. Well to bad it's been a busy day and they cooked faster than expected. Then the lady that works with me on the weekend evening shift was just standing around doing nothing. Her job is to serve desert and drinks and do the dishes and cleaning. Once I realized what was going on I went to help my friend with the dishes since the other lady wasn't doing it. I was pushing the dishes through the washer as quick as it would let me. I was steaming and definitely did not hold my tounge. I know she heard me as everyone else did. But she continued to do nothing. Next thing I know she snuck up on me and asked why I was doing her dishes in a not so nice tone. All I could think as I walked away was you've got to be effing kidding me. I am proud of myself for just walking away and not saying anything.

    This morning got an email reminding me of my up coming exam for my food handlers certificate. Surprise! I write it on Wednesday not Thursday. Well that woke me up so I studied until I had to get ready to run some errands with my Son. Couldn't get it all done as he was missing some papers for identification. But he did have an interview with a local restaurant and gets shown the ropes on Wednesday to make pizza. I joked about him having to toss the dough in the air. He said if he had to do that it would end up on his face LoL. After he headed home I went to my friends and visited as well as made 2 trips home with stuff from work the boss didn't want to take food wise and she didn't want. Also brought a load home last night after work. Tomorrow will be another long and busy day.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I spent most of the day inside here at home. We got a small amount of snow last night. So everything is wet an sloppy outside.

    I made some chicken noodle soup for Mary. I saved just enough for our dinner. She really likes my chicken noodle soup.

    I hope you did well on your test.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was a crazy busy day. It was also TOPS and Weigh-in day. Gained 5.5 lbs. Ooops. Trying to find my new routine. Got Son's health card and blood work done. Went to his bank appointment. Couldn't get that done so that is now scheduled for Friday. After Son got home he called me in one of his episodes. I completely get why he was mad. Did get him calmed down but then it happened again shortly after he got off the phone and my sister got home. Cops were called and he chose to go to the hospital. While he was there I was at a meeting and waiting for an update. He was released around 11pm and stayed with us for the night.

    Today was my exam for my food handlers certificate. Just waiting to find out if I passed. Also did laundry, and 3 loads of dishes. Also did some random movement to help encourage me to start moving more. Also took some me time to read as I have been tired all day with only 4.5 hrs of sleep last night.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's been raining on and off all day. Slept in until 11 am. Needed the extra sleep after only getting 4.5 hrs Tuesday night. Also did some marching and calf raises today. Felt good to be active. Dishes are almost caught up and got some laundry done. Hubby wanted to play cards so I gave in and played even though I would have preferred to get more house work done.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been cold with flurries on and off but nothing sticking and not enough to make money off of anyways. It has been a very productive day. Did laundry, dishes and some Christmas deco removal. Also did push-ups, marching, calf raises, core and lower body workout and got some walking in running errands.

    Tomorrow is another busy day as it's my Son's weekend here. We have a party at my friend's to celebrate us all out of a job. I am taking taco dip upon request. It's also the first anniversary of Mom's death.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    What a week! I took Mary to the doctor on Wednesday, and he admitted her back in the hospital. She was vomiting again. We went to see her today. She's still having problems. She'll be in the hospital at least until Monday, maybe longer.

    Yesterday. I didn't get much accomplished, becausei was so tired. Wednesday, first I had TOPS (I gained 2 pounds) , then I took Mary to doctor because of the vomiting. I didn't get home until 5PM.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Continued prayers for Mary. You'll lose the weight in no time.

    Yesterday was a busy day. Exercised in the morning. Went with my Son, Sister and Brother-in-law to visit Mom's resting place. Found out my Sister had a flat tire as we were about to leave. As I was already in the car not sure how bad it was. But they were arguing about it and decided to drive to the nearest gas station to pump it up instead of putting the spare on as my Sister wanted. It was starting to upset my Son. Told them to knock it off and gave my Brother-in-law strict instructions that his job was to keep an eye on the tire and let my Sister concentrate on driving. Then we went to the party where I had a blast for the most part. Found out that my friend was called back to work by the new company on Wednesday and starts this week. Everyone else knew but me. That hurt but I will not say anything to her about it. I am glad she got the call.

    Today went a little different than planned. Went to Church no snow. Went to coffee hour after Church and there was snow on the ground. Had been snowing all day. Shoveled and salted our property and my clients. After that it was rest for me. Back at my scheduled exercise tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Still no word about my certificate.

    I get my friend feeling awkward about telling me. I know that it wasn't her doing. She was actually looking forward to the time off. I am happy they called her back and know she will make the right decision for her and I will support whatever she decides.

    Today has been cloudy. Slept in and then got up and worked out, did some dishes, did laundry, and played cards with Hubby. Still need to get some studying done for my schooling. Tomorrow is weigh and TOPS. I get to play roll of Leader this week as the Leader will not be there.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Our granddaughter was here today for a little while. We had a good visit.

    I talked to Mary after our granddaughter left. She was feeling better today. She wants to go home and I understand that. But I told her that they don't want her to go home, then go back to the hospital in a few days. She agreed.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am glad you had a great visit with your granddaughter, and that Mary is feeling better. Definitely better that she stays until they can be sure she is well enough to not have to go back.

    Today was a beautiful sunny day. More like the first day of spring. Tomorrow the snow storm is coming. I am so lucky to be able to make some cash off the snow. Went to TOPS this morning and found out I gained 4 more lbs. I don't feel like I weigh that much. But something needs to change in my head. Maybe it's time to be hard on myself. I need to get the evening eating under control. For that I am going to try chewing gum. Today turned out to be the harder day to fill in as the leader at TOPS. We had some temper flair and a member walk out. So the rest of the meeting was spent dealing with all that. Filled for Employment Insurance but not sure I qualify. We will see. Also called Hubbies worker to update her on my employment status. Tomorrow is a brand new day with an evening Church service.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I hope things get resolved with your TOPS chapter. I sure don't like it when things like that happen. I hope you can get the weight going down rather than up.

    We went down to see Mary today. She's discouraged that she's not well enough to go home. She's bored also. I reminded her that she needed to stay longer so that she doesn't have to go back in a few days.

    Tomorrow, I have TOPS.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    TOPS this morning. We did our usual walking. We had a no gain meeting. I lost 1.6 pounds.

    I talked to Mary this afternoon. She is scheduled for surgery on Monday.

    I've been home all day since I got home from TOPS.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Congrats on your loss this week! Does Mary have books or anything to help her pass the time? I continually have her in my prayers.

    It's been snowing all day and will continue until sometime tomorrow I think. We've already had at least 7 cm. Making lots of money this month from my side gig. Completed all planned exercise, shoveled snow for 2 properties and played crib and skipbo with Hubby. Definitely feeling my muscles today. Should sleep well tonight. Didn't end up going to Church this evening do to all the snow and figured they may have cancelled it.

    This is a picture of the crew and me from work.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day. Light flurries on and off all day. Not accumulated to much of anything. Had some me time reading this morning then got up and did all my planned exercise. Also shoveled the rest of the clients parking lot and ours, did laundry and dishes. After lunch Hubby and I played skipbo as my muscles were letting me know how they feel about all the exercise. Maybe tomorrow we can play Wii sports and be active in the afternoon. Tomorrow I also have to go shopping for one of my cousin's first birthday party. That will be a nice trip with fun Saturday.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Not much going on here today. We planned to go to our son's home tomorrow, but not sure now. It's supposed to be snowing all across Montana tomorrow. But it's slightly above freezing across the state. The roads could be fine, but get nasty real quick. So we'll see what we do. Robert has a Dr appointment tomorrow morning in Missoula, and we were planning to leave from there.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    It's snowing again! Most of the day was sunny and it was a nice change. All my exercise done. Didn't let my muscles control my plan. Tomorrow will be a bit more relaxed. Also ran some errands to get my walk in no excuse that way, some dishes and laundry are done. Finally started working on my program for TOPS on Tuesday. That will probably get more attention on Sunday during football. Played a few games of skipbo with Hubby. Can't wait to go to bed tonight.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Today did not go as planned! First Robert had a doctor appointment this morning. We got everything ready last night so we could go to our son's home after the appointment and lunch. That was the plan.

    On the way to the doctor appointment, it as right around freezing and snowing. The roads were slushy and terrible! We went to the doctor appointment. It was a dermatologist. Robert has a sore on his nose that his primary doctor wanted looked at. It's definitely precancerous. So he prescribed a chemotherapy cream to put on it, then see him again in 3 months.

    Then we went to see Mary. They still are running tests. There may or may not be surgery on Monday. Afterwards, we went to lunch. Over lunch, we decided that it might be a bad idea to go to our son's home. The roads might be or, but the also might be some freezing rain. So we came home and unloaded our car. We plan to try again in 2 weeks.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Today has been a quiet day at home. I shoveled our steps and walk out to the street. It's supposed to get below 0 degrees F. tonight. I'm so ready for Spring!

    I talked to Mary this afternoon. Not much new there.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    It was -5 degrees F. this morning when we git up. We went to church. Then out to lunch. We've spent the rest of the day at home. As cold as it is, home is a good place to be.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea sorry you didn't get to go to your Son's. But definitely better to be safe than sorry. I am sure you'll get there when you're meant to.

    Had a great time at the birthday party yesterday. But did way over eat. No exercise yesterday as there just didn't seem to be enough time.

    Today was snowy, rainy and cold. Went to Church, then came home and did a few chores, worked on my TOPS program for Tuesday, baked some cookies, and played Skipbo with Hubby.

    Hoping to be back on track tomorrow.