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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Mary is now home, as of 3:30 this afternoon. She had to stop at Walmart for some stool softener. She said she wanted som bananas and crackers but she didn't feel like walking across the huge store. I asked if she could manage to get to the checkouts. She said yes, and I took off with a very fast walk got what she needed and raced back. I got back before it was her turn to check out. She's weak and unsteady on her feet. And sore. All that is expected.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea doing the speed walk at Walmart can definitely be good exercise but also dangerous LoL. I have had many close calls. Mary is so lucky to have you to help her.

    Today has been rainy. My walk was short but longer than if I caught the bus at the stop near my house. As I was walking to the bus stop I seen it go right by. So I walked until I seen the bus coming about 16 minutes. When I left the grocery store and was walking across the parking lot I could see the bus coming down the street. Such good timing. Got home and made the base to my taco dip. I am starting to get a routine that seems to be working for the time being. At work the resident that acted out yesterday apologized to me and explained that he was having a bad day. I explained that it was hurtful to me when he never complains about my cooking. While I served him we discussed how important it was to not take their bad day out on
    everyone else.

    Tomorrow is my appointment to get my cavity fixed. Hope it solves all the pain.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    Today is mostly resting. I did laundry this morning. At least that easy with the modern washer and dryer. I then went to the pharmacy to pick up drugs for Mary and took them out to her. She in a lot of pain, but that's expected.

    I am boiling up a chicken for chicken soup for her. That's dinner for us too. The rest will go for her. Other people at church will provide meals for a week. It's already covered up through Sunday. We'll see how she is then. I'm glad I don't have to do it every day!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    I was wondering if you read what I said about Jane, who was on the last hike. Sometimes with page breaks, a message can get lost. So it's the last message on the page before this page.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Some how I think I did miss the post about Jane. But I did go back and read it. I have no clue how she got that many steps. But you're right she is strong.

    Today has been a long day. Got my cavity fixed around 11:30 am and was still frozen when I went to work. Now I feel like the left side of my face has been punched. I have never been in so much pain after a filling. I am just hoping that I can sleep tonight and the pain is gone by work time tomorrow.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Man am I tired!

    I posted on the trail on Fitbit about my day. I spent most of the day in ER with Mary. They are keeping her for a couple days. It's. A common complication from her surgery on Wednesday. But there is nothing fast in ER. I had another late lunch at 2:30.

    If all heals up naturally. It'll be good. If not, she'll have yet another surgery.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I did see the notification on my phone about you being at the ER with a friend and figured it might be Mary. I am glad that she is getting cared for. It's probably better that she be in the hospital than at home so she can rest better. Prayers that all works out for her.

    Today has been a rough day. Slept most of the morning so I wouldn't feel the discomfort in my mouth. Then got up and did what needed to be done. Had lunch and got ready for work. I have pinpointed the pain to be my jaw for sure. Unfortunately the pain has increasingly gotten worse all day. The good part of the day is that work went well today. Praying for more relief tomorrow from pain. No sleeping in tomorrow as I need to go to church. It's the first service since before Christmas.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today felt like a very long day. Got up and took my antibiotic then got ready and went to Church. Discovered they had service last week. Oh well. Had a great visit with them before and after Church. Came he and did some dishes. Then went back to bed and slept till noon. Got up had lunch and got ready for work. My Son came while I was at work. Tomorrow morning he goes to get his wisdom teeth out. My pain is now only discomfort and definitely connected to my jaw. Have not had to take Tylenol all day but will take some tonight to be on the safe side.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Mary is still in the hospital. I've talked to her a couple times. In order for her to hear, I have to yell. I also have to let the phone ring a really long time! Nurses in every hospital I've been in have a talent for placing the phone in an out of reach spot.

    She is still on a no food diet. I'm not sure when she'll be able to go home.

    I mostly relaxed here at home today. I did get in more steps that I usually do.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am continuing to pray for Mary. Glad you were able to have a relaxing day.

    Today has been cold but mostly sunny with a few flakes this morning. By the time I got to bed last night it was past midnight so only got 5.5 hrs of sleep. Son had to be at the oral surgeon by 8:20 for his wisdom teeth removal. He was quite funny. But wouldn't stop talking. Had troubles getting the cotton in when changed it and bleeding was a little out of control by the time I got back from getting his pain med prescriptions. Called the office and they told me what to do and thank God it worked. During the complication I decided that I didn't feel comfortable going to work even though it's close by. Expecially when Hubby and Son didn't call me when the bleeding seemed worse. So instead I got some dishes and studying done. It was nice to be able to cook dinner at home even if it wasn't the healthiest. Had to be soft food that Son could eat.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was cold but partly sunny. Gained 2 lbs on the scale at TOPS. Ooops. Oh well I know what I need to do to fix it. Son is doing great. Went to bed with no pain meds and he is ready to go home tomorrow after his program that he is going to. He still has many days of healing but it's time for him to start getting back to normal.

    I don't know what is up Hubby's behind but he has been a grouch when I have been home. Hopefully he snaps out of it.

    Work went great tonight but it's definitely starting to sink in that I am done on Sunday.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a day of sleep and work. I hate sleeping till noon. Nothing gets done but needed the sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be more active as I can go to bed earlier than the last couple of nights. Work went well for the most part. By the time I got home Hubby was in a normal mood. Talk about a 180.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I lost .2 pounds at TOPS yesterday, twice as much as last week. I was also the Loser of the Week again with my Itty bitty loss.

    We went to see Mary today. She's doing much better today. I told her son that this is the biggest improvement that I've seen or heard since she's been in the hospital. She asked what day it was and how long has she been in the hospital. I told her it's been since Saturday. She thought it was more like 2 weeks. It does seam like it!

    She did start eat solid food today.

    We've been in Missoula most of today. So it's been a long day. We're going to eat at our local restaurant when we get home..
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Sometimes sleep (rest) is what the body needs more than anything else. I know it feels like you're wasting time, but you're not really.

    I hope things go well with finding more work.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Great job Bea! I am glad Mary is doing better. Not surprised she felt it's been longer than it has. I remember feeling and thinking the same thing.

    Today was another off day. The weather just is not encouraging me to get up and move before it's time to go to work. 3 more shifts. There was a lot of tension in the dining room tonight between residents. I don't know what's going on with them tonight. My friend showed up around 5:30 and helped us so we were out by 6pm. Hung at her house for a bit. She was kind enough to do some laundry for me as I was running out of uniforms and haven't gotten them done. There was no leftovers from work for dinner as we had a full house. So we ordered Wendy's on Hubbies request.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    What a day today has been! I went to Missoula and brought Mary home. She's still weak but getting stronger. When I walked into her hospital room, I said, "I hear they are kicking you out of here." Mary looked at me with the biggest smile.

    That's about all I accomplished today. Except I did a little laundry this morning. It was in the dryer when I found out that Mary was being released.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am glad Mary is home. I hope she continues to improve.

    Flurries on and off. Today was another sleep most of the morning kind of day. Probably because I chose to read in bed instead of getting up and doing something. Did get a few dishes washed and some laundry done before I had to get ready for work. Work went well. Residents were all well behaved. Glad I am able to wing things and be flexible. Planned dinner for the residents was a little short in the protein department. Ended up having to have 3 different things: veal, hamburger patties and fish burgers. They also had pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, beef gravy, cream of mushroom soup, scalloped potatoes, green beans, fruit cocktail and pineapple upside down cake. They ate well tonight.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I hope it all goes well for you.

    It's been cold and yucky here today. It had rained some last night then froze to the streets and sideways. I walked to the store to pick up milk and a few other things. It was hard to stay upright. I'm sure tired of all this. I'm really ready for Spring.

    Other than that, I stayed home and got caught up on things.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I am glad you made it safely to and from the store. I am surprised you would even attempt it.

    Today was sunny but cold. Did some reading this morning then took a nap. Then did some chores around the house before lunch and work. The residents had Chinese night. Again they ate very well. They even got 2 deserts. Tomorrow will be a long day. First is Church then going in to work. Will help the boss load if needed or help my friend with whatever she needs me to do. I also have to work my regular shift as it's the final one and we need to do a final clean and have a pizza party with the residents.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I did realize it was as slick as it was the other day until I was out in the street. It seems like every morning is like that. Afternoons all the ice is melted.

    Today is Martin Luther King Day, so banks and post office are closed. So I stayed home all day.

    I heard on the radio this morning that today is called Blue Monday. It's called that because the let down of Christmas, getting the bills, and seasonal depression caused by less sun peaks on this day.