leaj1984 Member


  • please add me! i'm at 1290, but i eat less on certain days and more on others, depending on what's happening that week. i put specific goals for each day (today for ex: 1,000 cal; but Wed is going to be 1,430... Tues & Thurs at 1,100... Sunday is going to be at 1,700... and so on). I adjust according to events / social…
  • yogurt, protein powders, cereal bars... egg whites...
    in Protein Comment by leaj1984 April 2016
  • @kcongel90 you remind me of Alicia Vikander
  • do you eat enough fats and protein? there are just days when we are hungrier than others... if you are that hungry, just eat. but trying sticking to low-calorie snacks. don't let it turn into a binge. i think the problem is the binge-eating -- not the hunger. tackle the bingeing first, then be honest about how hungry you…
  • i swear by beautifuel: http://foodcoachnyc.com/beautifuel/ tastes good, too
  • Stressing just makes it worse. Forgive yourself: you are human. Move on and do better next time. Remember not to be too hard on yourself...
    in Yoyo Comment by leaj1984 April 2016
  • Deprivation will do that... Or low carb diets (for me, personally!) Can you eat in moderation? A little bit every day...
  • How about a poached egg with 1/4 avocado on a not-too-high calorie bread? Or yogurt with half a protein bar... Those are usually filling snacks. Nuts tend to fill me up quite a bit... Peanut butter and apple... Just some snack ideas for you :)
  • Eggs, avocado, smoked salmon... OR yogurt and berries... OR english muffin with peanut butter. When on the go, a protein bar at about 170-200 cal.
  • I am at 132 now and wanting to get down to 114-115. My normal, usual weight is typically around 126-128. I gained weight in the last year. Happy to be anyone's Fit / Healthy lifestyle Buddy during our journeys <3
  • i work out twice a week with a trainer for an hour. on top of that, i try and do a 30-40 min run once or twice a week. sometimes i'll do a spin class instead of running. i used to work out more than that, but it felt a little 'forced'. i am tired of forcing myself every time. i find this pace sustainable, whereas 4-6x a…
  • hi! if you enjoy your food in volumes, try snacking on better things... that way you take in less calories. but really the goal is to determine where the binge-eating is coming from. what's lacking, what are you truly feeling? are you simply tired? take a nap. are you bored? maybe you need a mental break. people have had…
  • thanks everyone! I used to see a nutritionist who convinced me the only way to lose weight was by eating a plant based diet with a little protein, no grains (not even quinoa), no oatmeal (I had to make chia puddings instead in the morning) with 2 cheat meals (not days!) a week for sanity. Snacks were to be made up of…
  • I agree in theory... I also know that exercise alone, when done vigorously enough (I'm playing devil's advocate here!), 10-12 hours a week, can bring in immense changes in the body. Imagine if we did what actors/actresses do... Work out with a trainer 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening (with increased intensity…
  • fruit also contains a lot of fiber... so it's not the same on our metabolism as having the equivalent in sugar from fake sweets.
    in Sugars Comment by leaj1984 April 2016
  • you could always lower the carbs a bit and increase the protein and fats. i also heard (from Layne Norton, PhD, google him, THE man) that Fiber should really *almost* be a Macro that we count the way we count our fats/carbs/protein because it is so important, esp. for people who are trying to lose weight.
  • a giant nutella crepe!!!!!!!!!
  • when at work, i sometimes go to a diner near my office. i get a baked potato (plain, no butter), 2 poached eggs and 1/4 avocado. it's super filling and very easy to count accurately and punch into MFP. when it's more of a festive outing, like friday/saturday dinner with friends, I tend to make that more of a "free meal"...…
  • Hi!! Pretty close! age: 31 current: 133 goal: 115 5'5 Can we motivate each other?
  • Congrats on getting married! You might be my twin! I am 31, current weight 133,5 pounds, usual weight anywhere between 125 and 130 pounds (that;s been my natural weight the last few years without dieting). goal: 115 pounds. I'm 5'5. Age: 31 can we motivate each other?? I tried adding you by sending you a msg, but MFP said…