tracengel Member


  • I've been trying to do this for a year. And now I can. I am so much stronger than I used to be
  • Been a difficult year: long illness, less exercise during our winter, small weight gain due to that (but it's going again). Looking back at these pics though, I'm reminded of why I'm trying to get fit: it might not feel like things are changing, but they ARE. One day you look back and you're able to do things you just…
  • I've had an underactive thyroid for over 15 years, never really controlled properly. In the last 18 months or so, I saw a new doctor who increased my levothyroxine dosage quite dramatically - all other doctors had treated it very conservatively over the years. Over the next few months I dropped nearly 20kg - without…
  • After a planned surgery which I knew would put me out of action for 2 months, then an unplanned car accident which caused more drama including a pretty scary bout of PTSD, panic attacks and a recurrence of depression - I'm back. My body's better, my head's better and I'm back doing what I love. For a minute there I thought…
  • haha - reasonable and nothing crazy: 300cc in one size and 275 in the other - corresponds to grams. So 575g in total. I was lopsided. I don't know how other people do it with bigger ones. It feels weird still. My weight fluctuations have remained less than 1kg either way, mostly, so an extra 500g is something to be aware of
  • So it's been a week since the surgery and sure enough I've gained about 3kg, it's already started to come down again as inflammation decreases. To make you laugh at my idiocy: I forgot to account for the extra weight of the actual new boobage apparatus. Which means that my new normal is always going to be a little more…
  • I still can't run for longer than a minute at a time. I still can't do a sit up properly. But as of today, I can do this: (We won't talk about what it takes to get up there and especially down. There's a lot of thudding)
  • Hehe eggs make me sad because they taste horrendous and make me gag (the texture... man, I can't). I'm sure if I thought about it hard enough I'd feel sad for the poor non-existent potential chickens too, but that's not the issue. I just don't like them, even though they'd be convenient, cheap and have lots of good…
  • I work from home most days and it's worse than the office, I can sit 16 hours in my chair some days. A silly thing I do is "kitchen walking". When walking outside is too much effort, would take me away from my work for too long, it's too cold etc - i pace my kitchen. It's fairly long, so I just walk up and down while…
  • Thanks all! I'm feeling much better today, moving much easier, and sure enough, scale is back down again.
  • Haha it's really quite fine. I'm not even the slightest bit embarrassed that my terrible taste in coffee is being expose d to the world so enthusiastically :)
  • Eh - I don't mind. All data is good data I think. Now I've eliminated one source of confusion hopefully, let's see what else comes up. I'm sure there's more.
  • It's South African Ricoffy (Nestle) instant coffee. Barely even coffee, tbh. Coffee adjacent, maybe. Cheap and nasty, like me :) Sorry for the panic. If I recall the package said 1523kj per 100g. Converted to calories per gram. No more maths for me tonight.
  • I did this today. I was that kid who could never do handstands or anything similar. PE was torture to me. Anxiety and self consciousness stopped me from doing the things I wanted. Not anymore. Also thought I was going to be the only student in pole class to be politely discouraged from ever coming back for being terrible…
  • @TavistockToad I'm hungry *often* and eat as much as I can manage at one time, but that isn't really much just yet. Get full quickly. I probably eat every 3 to 4 hours, but am still getting used to eating what is a lot for me at any one sitting.
  • So in the months since I posted this question, things have become clearer. March - May was a health disaster - ovarian cysts, chronic constipation causing severe pain, UTI's that turned into several kidney infections one after the other. But - some things did get worked out regarding the weight loss. Once all those had…
  • Sounds like a holiday on the couch is in order :smile:
  • I do track calories, and have for ages. I know that when I was eating so poorly, there would be days on end that I wouldn't reach 1000 calories a day. I would expect weight loss then, but for years it didn't happen, until August when suddenly it started. Since feb, the deficit is a lot less than when I ate so poorly. I'd…
  • I'm really not interested in eating "clean" at all - and the way I was eating before was definitely not on purpose in order to control my weight or anything - purely laziness and lack of interest in food. I'm perfectly happy to eat cheesecake (if only i could fit it in! am so full all the time now) I also wish I understood…