xLola Member


  • I have been looking at getting the charge hr and with all the positive posts I'm excited to get it
    in Which FitBit? Comment by xLola July 2015
  • Hi Erica, by the sounds of it you have the right mind set. I'm sure you will reach your goal. This is my second attempt to reach my goals. I was doing really well until 2 years of hell kicked in. (2 deaths of close relatives, my dad had a stroke, the government building I worked in announced closure and the icing is I…
  • I just wanted to say congrats!!!! You should be super proud of yourself and hardwork. I'm just starting my journey all over again after a knee injury. One day at a time :smile:
  • Wtg! I started my journey 2 years ago but dislocated my knee cap. Recovering after that and gaining 50 lbs. I'm back on the right path as of Monday. Excited to see what I can accomplish.