From the slim generation's website: How Exercise May Play a Role Obesity Genes: A team of experts coming from McMaster University, Canada, possess really found that those along with a genetic proneness for body weight complications could aid decrease this genetic outcome along with a literally energetic lifestyle. And:…
Gee, that's gotta hurt. Some things are just better left unsaid sometimes.
Now that I'm 50 it goes in this order: Boobs :( Upper back and arms Thighs Butt Belly doesn't change much :( Lower back pudge - permanent :( When I was in my 30's and early 40's: Belly and lower back :smiley: Upper back and arms Boobs Thighs Butt didn't change much :smiley: Body changes with age!!! :neutral:
If your peak flows are only 75% of normal I'd be off to the doctor to get an inhaler. It will make your exercise a whole lot easier and enjoyable when you can actually breathe properly. Fit or not fit, your lungs will still benefit if you have exercise induced asthma.
I avoid those same foods as you but I'm not a "picky" eater (if you meant picky by not liking certain foods). My choices are more about ethical reasons and for health. I eat a plant based diet with no meat, the occasional fish, next to no dairy and eggs rarely in baking. I cook and prepare pretty much everything from…
Weirdly enough, MFP delayed my posting DAYS late, and only added it now. Just wanna say that I have never seen the active classes that are being done as posted above. It's gotta be a question of supply and demand! But kudos to all the folks who are doing it and loving it. It's all about getting active and doing what you…
In my experience, most serious swimmer club folks say "free" and most "lesson based" and recreational folks say "front crawl". You could do the backstroke or whatever in place of FC for a freestyle event, but most people do FC just because it's *usually* faster, especially at the highest levels. Swim club folks just refer…
You are inspiring them!!
I tried a few Aqua fit classes several years ago at the Y, both shallow and deep. I had been doing my regular (intense) 4km (mixed set) swims in the lane beside the classes for months and thought I'd give it a try. Why not? The lifeguards were asking me too try it so that I could compare. So in I go. The age and fitness…
@foshgutsy - have you ever considered doing a really big swim? Like Lake Ontario or the English Channel? I think you have what it takes!
@emmab0902 - sorry to hear. I herniated a disc six years ago and was unable to stand or sit for months. I was off work for 6 months. It was truly the worst pain. I sincerely hope that it is not a herniated disc, and if it is, I hope it's a small one and you can recover quickly. Physio really made a difference for me. T3's…
@juliet3455 I feel for you - snow is not fun. Especially in May. We had a light snowfall in Sunday and I couldn't believe it!! @fishgutsy - I wish three in a circle swim was all I had to contend with. If you swam at my pool you'd think you were in the other pool you used to swim at while working in China. Absolute mayhem.…
Thanks for posting that link fishgutsy! I didn't know how!!
There is a VERY active and awesome swimmers group here with people posting daily for many years! It's called Swimmers!
Helping others with technique always makes you more aware of what you need to do for yourself. It makes you think about how to break it down and explain it. Then you can use the same reminders for yourself. Good on ya for assisting!
6x 100 IM on 2:30 is complete nastiness I would have died after that. Kudos to you speedster!
I can relate a bit OP- I'm also 50, dropped 20 pounds and nobody said a word to me. I'm a lot taller than you so perhaps it was somewhat less noticeable, but I felt like I was on top of the world- fitting my clothes better and feeling very fit. At first it kind of made me a little sad that even family and close friends…
Robertus, I've just put two and two together. Is your bad shoulder/elbow on the opposite side of your breathing side? If yes, then it could be the position of your arm/elbow hand as you pulling and turning to breathe. It's possible to put your arm into an impingement position for the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder.…
Glad I can help some people! The issue with swimming is that the repetetitive overhead movements can lead to problems. There isn't a lot of space under what is called the "coracoacromial arch" and this can lead to impingement of the rotator cuff tendons over time. If the swimmer does not have adequate scapular muscles to…
I can't keep track of anything past 600m. So I plan and write down every single workout and put it in a ziplock bag. Then I wet it and slap it to the lane sign. That way I'm only keeping track of small chunks of stuff. Like this - today's workout: 600 warm 400 kick IM order 10x100 hard free on 2min 4x100 breast alternate…
For me, learning new tricks to improve my technique takes a lot of repetition. Over the years I have asked many proficient swimmers and even lifeguards who have a competitive swimming background for tips. They are usually watching you and can point out specific problems with stroke. The most common thing I see in the pool…
Whip kick is the breast stroke kick. I am not very proficient at dolphin kick (butterfly kick). If I do dolphin kick I combine it with a breast stroke pull because it hurts my back to use a board.
Kick boards are okay for a killer "pure hard work" - and are useful for developing whip kick too. But when kicking freestyle - board kicking is different than actually freestyle kicking as you're not rotating your body and your chest is higher in the water. So it depends what you are trying to work on - technique or…
Really sorry to hear that nuffer. I'm glad you are going to go for some physiotherapy though. Perhaps with orthotics and the right stretching and strengthening etc you will be able to return to brisk walking. Running is very hard on the body. When you try the elliptical at the gym, watch that you pick one that doesn't put…
Good for you nuffer!! It's so humbling isn't it? But congrats on all the PB's! How were your calf muscles behaving after all that?
Had an annoying swim with two big guys who were continually trying to race me in an extremely busy pool. They'd wait till I got to the wall and then push off the moment I did. Ugh. I'd pass while deliberately slowing my stroke. Repeat x10. I'm trying to make sure I finish the pull through for freestyle as I increase my…
If you are a female with a broader pelvis relative to the the circumference of your thighs, your knees will touch because you don't have the flesh to separate your knees and they fall down at an angle from your hips. Many people use pillows to separate the knees because it's uncomfortable to have the bones touching, and…
Put a pillow between your knees when you are sleeping on your side.
400 warm 10x 75 PU/KI/SW by 25s FR 8x50 1-4 SW FR desc on 1min 400 KI IM order 5x200: Sets 1, 3, & 5: 100 SW IM & 100 SW BR - 30s rest Sets 2 & 4: 100 BA & 100 PU FR - 30s rest 50 cool Total 3000m - 65min
I bought a bag of this stuff about two months ago - the plain vanilla protein powder for $23. How bad can vanilla be? It tastes so vile to me. I've had three scoops. I tried it plain, with double the almond milk, tried it with frozen fruit and I just can't get it in. It gets thicker and more vile as it sits, and I don't…