edwardkho Member


  • The gym place I'm in literally have no barbell or any power racks n like I said, I improvise. The rest of the equipments are pretty good enough so I could train few body parts. They got lots of dumbells though so I used dumbells for some of the compound lifts. Wait, I guess I'll retract my words about no barbell. We got…
  • @ndj1979 @joshyusernametaken ur solutions are both great although they also may have pro n con. When I started gym a few years back, I never even once try to take a look at how much of a nutrition I should have. I kept stuffing my face with unhealthy foods n I did gain weights. But after I hit about 52-53kg it, I stop…
  • I rarely do cardio n if I did it'll usually only last for 10mins. (Walking and jog a bit) In my consumption of foods, I actually try to eat healthy, meaning less oily foods. Am i doing it wrong? Am i supposed to just eat anything i could find including junk foods just so i could reach the surplus? I do struggle when it…