First, thank you for your replies! I most assuredly appreciate them! Second, I am so new to this journey and I'm trying to find my way to health and fitness on my own. Okay with that being said... I'm a mom of 7, yes SEVEN, and I want this fat off of me!!! *No food scale but I will pick one up in the morning. *I don't see…
How do I change the setting to auto please? Thanks
I'm a year later on seeing these. Lol sorry I don't do social media at all so I don't know how to navigate that part of the app. You know like I can't figure out how to add people at all. Still trying though.
Add me! I'm about this business! I'm a mother of 7 and I am so determined and I'm completely focused. AND I WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE
Im fat too! Mom of 7! Just stay focused! Try this, eat super healthy for ONE day, do a workout, whatever you can do, log everything you do in this app for that day and click the complete diary at the bottom of your diary page and it will tell you what you will weigh in 5 weeks IF you continue. Most encouraging! It's why…
Keep ur head up boo! Your story was created to strengthen you and help somebody else that isn't as strong as you are! Don't count yourself out! If u were weak u wouldn't have made it this far! You know it took some fighting! And you're still here! So knuckle up girlfriends and lets do this thing!