mrsspoiled5 Member


  • I stay at home mom of 5 kids. New to mfp i will see if i can friend u. I have a 7 year old a 6 years old a 5 year old a 3 year old and a 1 year old and i am 26 and looking for active mommie friends. Amanda
  • Hi i love this. Can i join. I love excrecising but i have to watch my heart rate. So i cannt run for very long like less than a minute but skippy sounds perfect. I can work my way up.
  • Hi i am amanda i just started. And i am on the same boat. I have five kids 7 and under so i fiqure if i can just start with small goals like writing down when i exercise i can get more and more excited and more detailed as i see the scale go down. Good luck