Back Again!

Hello! My name is Maryann. I have done myfitnesspal on and off again. I am praying that I can stick with it this time. I have problems with writing down EVERY SINGLE THING I eat. I never have had time to keep up with it. Or at least that is what I told myself. But, it's time to get a new mindset! It's time to have a life change! It's time for a change!!


  • mrsspoiled5
    mrsspoiled5 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi i am amanda i just started. And i am on the same boat. I have five kids 7 and under so i fiqure if i can just start with small goals like writing down when i exercise i can get more and more excited and more detailed as i see the scale go down. Good luck
  • jotti101
    jotti101 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, I am Sharon and I have done the same thing, on and off but for some reason this time I am more determined to loose more than I have lost in the past. I have always just got to a certain point then fallen off thinking that its enough. I find the scanner on the app very helpful and it makes me log everything I eat in my diary. You can add me and we can do it together if you like just for motivation.
    Good luck.
  • maryannsaunderspreston
    Thank you...good luck to you as well!
  • MalachyT
    MalachyT Posts: 9 Member
    I am trying mfp for the second time and enjoying the scanner and huge database now. It's so much quicker than before. I am half way to my goal already!
  • maryannsaunderspreston
    The is Fantastic!!! Way to go!

  • Blueswirly
    Blueswirly Posts: 59 Member
    I've also used MFP more than once but find the community here helping me with motivation and am becoming more successful this time around.