Nance_61 Member


  • Today I went to the gym after the long weekend up here in Canada - and I totally notice having had 3 days away. I work out 5 days per week so it's a great feeling to be back to the routine. Amazing how breaking that routine, even if only for a few days, affects me and not always in a good way!
  • Hi.. I had to request access as well :-(
  • Today I weighed in and was down another 1.5 lbs for a total of 12 ... yaaay me! 60 days of logging in straight and looking forward to adding my numbers to the table! Have a fantastic day, everyone!
  • Today I am quite tired from two poor nights' sleeps in a row, but I went to the gym anyway, and I will not let the afternoon slumps allow me to get off track. Being tired does not give me permission to "fuel the engine" in an unhealthy way!
  • ... weighed myself and am only down by .5 a pound. The old me would have figured that was permission to binge out and feel sorry for myself. Not now ... down, and not up, is always a good thing! Happy Hump Day all!
  • I really like the supportive atmosphere on here.. my first challenge and I'm up for it ! Thanks!
  • Hi.. please feel free to add me .. any Canadians on this journey too? We can totally do this!!
  • AANNNDDDD .. we're off! Done :-)
  • Today (and yesterday) have been extremely stressful at work and at home. I'm running on fumes from a poor night's sleep, however still went to the gym and am holding the line with my food. The "old me" might have bent under the pressure and gone straight for a poor food choice ... but I'm going to do my darndest not to let…
  • Sleep. As much as possible ... try to get enough sleep. When I'm tired ... I want to eat ... and not lettuce. Not always easy though so meal planning helps a ton. The other goofy thing that I do when I am reallllly feeling "skittish" and no other distractions are working to keep me away from mindless fridge surfing, I have…
  • Today I joined this group ... added 5 minutes on the treadmill this morning ... and found 0% yogurt on sale for $1.99 ... and this group is going to help me a lot!!! Thank you!
  • Hi.. I'm Nancy, from Ontario Canada. I'm 54 years old, and at my heaviest was 238 lbs about 4-5 years ago. I'm about 5'7" tall. I lost 34 pounds 3 years ago, but put 10 pounds on and then lost that and another 9 so was down to about 195 with MFP. Sadly, I went off MFP and it's been creeping back on ever since. Was back up…
  • I'm in ! I'm down 10 lbs and have 24 to go to reach my "first" goal ... sounds like a great group.
  • Bahahaha .. thanks!
  • I am trying to be more mindful in general - whether it's with respect to documenting what I eat, or NOT listening to the little voice that says ... oh just this once .. it won't hurt you ... come on.... (I pretend the voice is Alan Rickman - doesn't always help). I am prone to using food as a soother (gold medalist in…
  • Beeton, Ontario .. please feel free to add me
  • Hi.. im starting again after a year's absence Initially lost about 34 lbs, then another 10, then put 20 back on so... at almost 54 it's time. But I don't want to keep saying "again". Frankly getting tired of the roller coaster. I'm an emotional eater, and when i get over tired i figure eating will help me to keep going. My…
  • That's fantastic! Well done ... keep up the great work - very inspirational for one just starting back at it!
  • I've added you .. my first goal is 34 lbs and then probably another 16 .. we can do this!
  • Back at it again as well ... it really does work ... I don't get why I just don't stay with it. Sure, it would be great if I didn't have to but... I know myself and I don't have the greatest will power so I need this to keep me on track please add me for support if you wish!
  • Good luck! I hear where you're coming from. I've posted my first goal as 34 pounds but in reality I would like to lose closer to 50 - but I need to walk before I can run. You can do this!
  • Thank you all! Looking forward to Tuesday to see if this week's hard work pays off! Please add me as a friend if you wish... strength in numbers!