
  • This is great! After years of doctors dismissing my goiter I've finally found one who was willing to do something about it. I started on a med and am definitely noticing a difference in how I feel. I hope that translates into weight loss!
  • We are very close! H: 5"8 CW: 217 GW: 130 Age: 30
  • I wold love to have my hubby work out with me! I've been trying to years but with no luck. My new plan is similar to yours, I want to do a zombie run so I'm thinking if I start training with the goal being the race and then make it into some sort of vacation weekend he will want to participate after a while.
  • Lower back dimples. Didn't know I had them until bf pointed them out. I had always thought that only skinny people had the lower back dimples.