

  • I'm in - 21 yrs old Starting weight: 128 Goal weight: 112 5'4" There are definitely a lot more girls in their twenties than I would've thought!! :smile: Jen
  • Day 1 again for me.... thinking I can handle having snack food in my room is a bad idea and screws me up every time! :grumble: I hope I nailed it into my head this time.
  • Onto Day 3 today... :happy:
  • Day 2 is done! Heading off to bed in a little bit :) Hope everyone had a great weekend! Jen
  • So I had to start over with yesterday as Day 1, but it went well! :happy: Day 2, here I come! Good luck with the last part of the weekend everyone!
  • Kels, I totally get where you're coming from... if I have any form of treat in my dorm room, I'm screwed and it'll probably be gone within the week. (one reason why I tell my mom not to send me stuff from home :tongue: ) If you've got somewhere else you can store it, do that, or even better, ask your roommate (if you have…
  • Hi there! I'm new and I hope it's ok to join so late in the game! Today is my Day 1 and I'm hoping to make it a success :)