

  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Today was not good at all...but it started that TOM this afternoon so I am not too upset. However, I am back to day 1 tomorrow! I am going to try to get through until Halloween (at least without too many start overs) cause I am going home them and want to look and feel my best and i can't do that unless I get my binging under control!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    And Welcome new comers and good luck!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Journal
  • laine23
    laine23 Posts: 39
    I hadn't binge since the beginning of the challenge (so it's like more than a month) but today I did so bad I didn't even get out of my home just binged several time and watched tv I feel like such a looser.
    I'll go hit the gym tomorrow and work on my book and my thesis!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Day 1 a success! hope everyone had a great weekend
  • msblondy16
    End of day 8!! This is the longest I have made it woohoo!! Good luck to everyone! After the first week is over, I swear it is like thousands of times easier to not binge. I also cut out junk food last week so now I don't really crave it at all. I figure that if I want something I will have it but the week helped me detox :).

    Great to see new people! Hope everyone has a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Day 3 is done! woohoo- i have started eating a much larger breakfast and found that it really does help me not eat as much during the day. my only concern is that I don't have a snack or eat anything till lunch- so i go about 5 hours without any food because I am just not hungry. Is this okay? I like to eat every few hours, but after such a large breakfast, I don't need to. Any advice?
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Day 4 accomplished!! just one question...where is everyone!?!?!? i miss the support ...come back!! :wink:
  • msblondy16
    Hey Kels I'm still here haha! Great job on day 4!!!! I have finally made it to double digits - day 10 down. Good luck all!! :flowerforyou:
  • jmalone
    Hi there! I'm new and I hope it's ok to join so late in the game! Today is my Day 1 and I'm hoping to make it a success :)
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm on day two........it's been rough:sad:
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    I am so glad to see you all back!!! Thanks :) I had a HORRIBLE day! It started off really well...however i got a package from my mom with some treats in it. It is so hard for me to have food in my dorm room without wanting to eat it all!! It is so frustrating!!! Does anyone have any suggestions?? I know i feel better when i eat well but when i get in that "mood", i just want to eat and eat...anything! What do you think I should do besides this thread...??? thanks for the help!
  • jmalone
    Kels, I totally get where you're coming from... if I have any form of treat in my dorm room, I'm screwed and it'll probably be gone within the week. (one reason why I tell my mom not to send me stuff from home :tongue: ) If you've got somewhere else you can store it, do that, or even better, ask your roommate (if you have one) to take the treats and make sure you don't eat them. I do a lot better when all my treats are downstairs in the kitchen and I can't get to them as easily. Hope this helps!

    Day 2 for me! I'm hoping it'll go as well as Day 1 :smile:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    I know I am pretty late in this challenge but I am so glad i found it. This is definitely my biggest problem. I do great all day, I am a massage therapist so no eating at my "desk":laugh: but when I get home at night I find myself wandering into the kitchen and just taking bites of treats....they add up quickly. I wake up in the morning hating myself and not even wanting to log my foods!!

    I have been on this site long enough to know better but I get so hung up in this cycle of doing good then rewarding myself then feeling bad.....it stinks!! So I am going to start and probably will be hanging out here tonight so I can't get up and go to the kitchen....can't get up with a laptop in your lap:tongue:

    Good luck to everyone and thanks for the support.....Ang

    PS this is the first challenge I have joined!!!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Thanks jmalone for the response! i just try not to have much food in my room and definately nothing like sweet unless i have planned it into my day!

    Today went okay, had a little too much tonight, but it was all fruit, so i consider that a good day! Day 1 accomplished!

    hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • ladybug2
    OMG There are so many of US This will help I'm not alone--To start I'm going to plan all my meals and set them upfor the next day Good Luck to all I can feel good vibes already.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    I finished day 3 yesterday! Wish me luck though because I will be away this weekend and DEFINITELY concerned about my calorie intake! I've gotta stick with it!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Good job on day 3 dancer and good luck this weekend! you can do it!

    i am back to day one tomorrow- tonight was a disaster but i have high hopes and extra modivation for tomorrow!
    i have just been down in the dumps lately with so much stress from school and i haven't been home in 2 months. i am going home in 2 weeks to see my family and friends and i am so excited but i am still down for now...

    i hope everyone is having a great weekend- and welcome new comers!
  • jmalone
    So I had to start over with yesterday as Day 1, but it went well! :happy: Day 2, here I come! Good luck with the last part of the weekend everyone!
  • msblondy16
    So I made it 12 days....12 DAYS....and totally screwed up this weekend. First last night and then again tonight. What is wrong with me? I always start to eat when I feel really bad about my weight. I feel like I am a huge blimp and will never lose weight ever!! I workout every day religiously but the food is getting me. I just feel so FAT. :cry: boo.

    Day 1 begins once again tomorrow...I hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • msblondy16
    P.S. Has anyone out there ever dealt with a past eating disorder wanting to return?