

  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Yep- I ended up overeating emotionally and the same this morning. I brought in some biscotti for a co worker to get it out of my house and ate them both before giving it to her. Thank goodness I didnt tell her about them!

    Trying to drink tea, etc. But I just feel like I have a hole in my stomach that wants to be filled. I have already filled it with 540 cal though.......
  • sarakenna1
    Wow, I missed one day and all of this stuff happened! Many of us are dealing with overwhelming stressors, its no wonder we bindge.... lillie, I'm so sorry about the sorrow you had to go through this week... and WL, holy cow... a hacker? Really? All this make my a-hole boss easy to deal with... Ha.

    Yesturday wasn't so good for me. I didn't bindge, but I didn't make good eating choices either. I had a super long, stressfull meeting in the morning and had to go to a lunch meeting right afterward. I ordered a rum and diet at lunch (ha) and a chicken/green bean stir fry that came with white rice. I tried not to eat the rice, but I'm sure the stir fry wasn't very healthy. I could taste the butter in it. (mmmm, it was good). I guessed that the meal was around 700 cals, but who knows?

    Tonight my husband wants to take me out to dinner at this nice Italian place. I'm worried about the options they will have there... I'll report back after dinner!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    If we were all okay with this issue we wouldn't be participating in this thread :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Day 4 of 4, 10 day mini challenge for me...

    Happy Thursday everyone! Every new moment is a new opportunity to make a choice you'll be happy about :happy:
  • sarakenna1
    Things are not going well for me. I do have to give myself credit for making it through yesterday (another day 1), but today is getting to be ridiculous. I keep eating because I can't seem to prioritize what I need to be doing today, or it's unpleasant and I don't want to do it (difficult homework:frown: ). This is my 5th day of bingeing in the last week. I have a history of bulimia and I'm really trying not to go there again. Is anyone else fighting an eating disorder relapse?

    On and off through high school and undergrad I dealt with bulimia. I don't know why I did it... It was such an out of control behavior that was soooo outside my norm. My family and friends would be shocked if they ever knew... (Its not like it worked for me either, I was still fat). I would eat a big meal, not a whole bag of chips or cookies, just a big meal, and then feel really horribly guilty about it and force myself to throw it up. It was crazy. Just as I don't know why I did it, I also don't know how I was able to stop. Its been about 6 years for me, and no relapse. I still get the urge once in a while, particularly when I eat fast food after a long night of drinking, and its a very overwhelming feeling, but I just tell myself that throwing up isn't an option. The longer you go without doing it, the easier it gets.
  • mamakitty
    DAY 4

    Yesterday no binging but not the most healthy choices. I am feeling great today. I am going to make better choices today. I have been trying to be more acurrate about my calories. I have been looking up nutritional info, weighing food, and wearing my heart rate monitor. I hope this will make a big difference.
    Have a great day!

    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    Today is day 2...so far so good......
    I also have a bad habit of weighing myself daily and it just frustrates the heck out of me....
    today is also day 2 of not weighing myself
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    My biggest problem is eating late at night. I was doing really well until the last couple days, It seems like i self sabotage my weight loss everytime. I am getting really upset with myself. i am thinking i need to get on a better sleep schedule and it might help. i find myself up late mostly on this darn computer surfing sites that really don't offer alot of help. i am up early today telling myself today is the day i kick butt again. i am praying to make it thru without binging tonight,I know i cannot keep thinking don't binge or i will obssess on it and i will do something to mess me up. pray for me guys i need it today :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Are you sure you talk about you there and not me? :embarassed: I am absolutely sure that in the evenings when I keep looking for surprises in the fridge are those when I stay up too late.

    So, I also need to start fresh tomorrow. May I just hop on? :blushing:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hop on! I'm nearing the end of Day 1 of my next challenge and my plan is to work out tonight and burn hopefully 500+ calories. I'd also like to get in a yoga class if I can.

    Things are starting to get even more hectic here...really need to keep everything in check.

    Good luck, everyone! I'm proud of you all.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Day 3 round 3 yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there!!!! We can do this!!! The longest I've gone it has been 4 days but I have high hopes that I will make it this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    aww crap.

    I don't know what happened!! Today was going very well, although I spent the day generally feeling hungrier. My body has had a very very challenging week and I was too far under cals yesterday so I decided today I would just listen very carefully to my body and eat when hungry, stop when satisfied, and still keep track knowing I'd probably go over by a couple hundred. All very healthy-feeling and very controlled. Then a while after supper I was going to have a couple of kashi crackers with hummus but my best friend and I were talking and I totally stopped paying attention and ended up having WAY more crackers than I'd planned. It was just totally brainless. I am happy that it wasn't an emotional over-compensation or anything like that, and it wasn't a whole bag of cookies or something awful... but I vowed to be strict and honest with myself and this was over my limits. So, sadly back to day 1 tomorrow but not feeling to down on myself. Just absent-minded. :grumble:
  • sarakenna1
    Back to day 1. I went out to dinner last night at this really fancy Italian restaurant with my husband. I'm leaving for a week this morning, so we wanted to have a romantic date night before my trip. It was so wonderful, but I definately blew my calorie intake for the day out of the water. There's no way for me to calculate my calories for the day, so I'll just call it a loss. I will be uprooted for the next week, and its always so hard to keep my food intake in check when in a foreign place... I'm hoping this thread will keep me on track.
  • erussell
    I would like to jump in on this challenge even though joining late :smile: For me, a binge is when I eat without being hungry, mostly in the evening. I will eat anything that I can get into my mouth, while I am fixing dinner. By the time dinner is ready, I am full but too ashamed/embarrassed to not eat with my family so I end up eating a dinner then end up stuffed and feeling awful. I also eat treats in secret sometimes, esp. while driving alone.
    Today is my day one!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Also back to day one- eating was out of control yesterday-
    a cup of almonds
    2 biscotti
    choc chips
    a bag of cinnamon chips
    2 bowls of oats and almond milk
    all this after my bf,lunch and dinner and snacks....
    2200 total
    my stomach was bloated out and I felt so depressed about all of it.

    I went home and decided to really download my old yoga class from LA and I did and then I did the class and it helped me out sooooo much. It was much harder than I remembered and I started beating myself up about being out of shape and then just kept telling myself how proud I was that I was doing it. When I lived in LA these classes were just a part of my life and I went to the studio every day without fail. I really miss it and really miss that community so much.
    I began to cry- to cry for the little girl I watched die and told her mom it was ok to say stop on the chest compressions. I cried for missing my best friend and I cried for missing my yoga friends and the class. And I cried about how lonely and new everything is here that I moved and how I dont know if I should be with my boyfriend.

    And then I felt better and today is a new day and I realize I need the yoga in my life and I have to make time for it. No binging so far today and I feel a lot more positive about things. Positive that i have the strength to deal with anything I need to deal with.

    We all have it.

    Whew- sorry about the long post but I hope it is helpful to someone.

    hang in there - this is all a journey
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Mlillie you are so right, it's all just a journey. Thanks for the perspective.

    Today is DAY 2 for me.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Also back to day one- eating was out of control yesterday-
    a cup of almonds
    2 biscotti
    choc chips
    a bag of cinnamon chips
    2 bowls of oats and almond milk
    all this after my bf,lunch and dinner and snacks....
    2200 total
    my stomach was bloated out and I felt so depressed about all of it.

    I went home and decided to really download my old yoga class from LA and I did and then I did the class and it helped me out sooooo much. It was much harder than I remembered and I started beating myself up about being out of shape and then just kept telling myself how proud I was that I was doing it. When I lived in LA these classes were just a part of my life and I went to the studio every day without fail. I really miss it and really miss that community so much.
    I began to cry- to cry for the little girl I watched die and told her mom it was ok to say stop on the chest compressions. I cried for missing my best friend and I cried for missing my yoga friends and the class. And I cried about how lonely and new everything is here that I moved and how I dont know if I should be with my boyfriend.

    And then I felt better and today is a new day and I realize I need the yoga in my life and I have to make time for it. No binging so far today and I feel a lot more positive about things. Positive that i have the strength to deal with anything I need to deal with.

    We all have it.

    Whew- sorry about the long post but I hope it is helpful to someone.

    hang in there - this is all a journey

    Thanks for sharing your feelings with us! :flowerforyou: Being away from everything that is important to you, losing a cleansing and revitalizing physical activity and dealing with death in the scale that you just did is a LOT. I'm back to day 1 today too. Let's do this together :flowerforyou:
  • punka274
    Im still going....today is day# 14:noway: I guess I really DID make up my mind 14days ago.

    Congrats to everybody still going....hugs to those having problems,remember...tommorrow is another day!:flowerforyou:
  • arjames82
    Oh boy...I got bored and binged for two days straight:sad: No matter, I will be at my Weight Watchers meeting at 6:00 a.m. to face that scale, even though that's the last thing I want to do. Tomorrow is a brand new day...and it's going to be GREAT:bigsmile:
  • mamakitty
    Day 5

    My goal is to not go over my calories by more than 100. It is the weekend and I plan to have a few glasses of wine tonight and Saturday. I have worked really hard this week, so I would like to give myself a little reward.
    I hurt my back doing a 90 minute kickboxing video. So my exercise will be minimal this weekend. So staying in my calories without my exercise calories is really hard for me, especially on the weekends. But if I put my mind to it, I can do it.

    Have a great, binge-free weekend!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Day 4 yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No big plans for the weekend so I think it will be all good. I will stay home mostly because we will get a lot of rain from Ike!!! :flowerforyou:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    So this afternoon I was exhausted and bored and just felt like eating, so I made myself a toasted sandwich with a slice of turkey and cheese. It was a decent choice and satisfied my hunger but i was VERY close to running to a drive through or something just because it sounded good. Guess what I did instead? Put on my workout gear and headed to the gym to burn 400 calories:smile: Sometimes you just have to suck it up and go do what you have to do in order to stop a craving! Now I feel wonderful, and I'm back into the 120's:bigsmile: I decided to weigh myself on Fridays as well as Mondays just so I know how lenient (sp?) or strict I have to be over the weekend! It's worked very well the last couple weeks...maybe it could work for you!:flowerforyou: Have a great weekend everybody!