

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Woohooo!!!!! Survived day 1-round 3. I want to do the 10 mini challenge but I am mainly shooting for beating my record of 4 days :laugh: :laugh: So far there are no special weekend plans so I might make it this time. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tjcarle200
    Does any one else plan binges. I know if there is a party or wedding, I make sure that I eat right for at least two weeks in advance, with no cheating, that way I can binge every once and a while : )
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Does any one else plan binges. I know if there is a party or wedding, I make sure that I eat right for at least two weeks in advance, with no cheating, that way I can binge every once and a while : )

    I don't know...my goal is to live a life where I really manage to have everything in moderation, understanding that I can be satisfied with just a few bites of cake instead of binge eating. It's been a real challenge for me. I have to say, I would prefer to have a life where I *don't* plan binges and where I just enjoy treats once in a while, or say, enjoy eating while in Italy, that type of thing. Not criticizing, I just don't like the way I feel when/ during/ after I binge.

    Today is Day 1 of round 2 of the 10 day challenge for me.
  • mamakitty
    I try to prepare for times when I know I will eat or drink more than normal, holidays, parties, etc. I will watch my calories before the event and workout more. But I try not to plan "binge" days, because then I deprive myself before and go way over on the binging when the time comes. I am learning that allowing my self little treats at a time works much better. And I do not get the guilt usually associated with a binge. But everyone has to find what works for them. Just be healthy.

    Day 2 done and a success!

    Stay strong all and think of skinny jeans and feeling great!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I have to agree also... I think that learning the art of moderation and control is my ultimate. Sometimes I allow myself to go a tiny bit over on cals for something but I don't want to live a life where going overboard is included. Everyone decides what feels right though!! :flowerforyou:
  • food_junkie
    Day 2 of 10 was a success :happy: ..the fair starts on thursday..I think I'll past cause I always end up using some excuse like "well it comes once a year" or something like that to binge..so yeah I'm just going to save my money and gut this year..too many freaks out anyway :laugh: j/k!

    Have a great day tomorrow everyone..the weeks almost over!
  • sarakenna1
    Day 1, round 2 complete! No bindging! Nonetheless, my food intake was not stellar today. Work was crazy with back to back meetings, so I had to skip my snack between lunch and dinner (and my lunch was pretty skimpy). I went to the gym after work super hungry, but did my cardio kickboxing class anyway. This is the kind of day that sets me up to binge at dinner. However, today I made two small soft tacos for dinner and ended with that. I've got about 400 calories to spare, so I think I'll just have some pudding for dessert and call it a day with a deficit. (Which is something I hardly ever do!) My goal is to be more consistent with my calorie intake at each meal, but I'll call this one a win because I didn't pig out at dinner.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Day 1, round 2 complete! No bindging! Nonetheless, my food intake was not stellar today. Work was crazy with back to back meetings, so I had to skip my snack between lunch and dinner (and my lunch was pretty skimpy). I went to the gym after work super hungry, but did my cardio kickboxing class anyway. This is the kind of day that sets me up to binge at dinner. However, today I made two small soft tacos for dinner and ended with that. I've got about 400 calories to spare, so I think I'll just have some pudding for dessert and call it a day with a deficit. (Which is something I hardly ever do!) My goal is to be more consistent with my calorie intake at each meal, but I'll call this one a win because I didn't pig out at dinner.

    Good for you! I did about the same thing last night, and, like you, I usually know that I'm setting myself up for a binge. Instead, I worked out, went to yoga, ate my healthy dinner and went to bed and now I feel great!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Had a rough day at work last night- helping a family let their little girl pass away. That can be a set up for emotional eating for me today- lack of sleep and emotional stuff can equal a binge for me. I am off to the hospital to meet with them and am going to bulk up on veggies today if excesive hunger starts up.

    Still, I made it to the gym this morning which is amazing considering how tired I am.

    Have a great day you guys!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Had a rough day at work last night- helping a family let their little girl pass away. That can be a set up for emotional eating for me today- lack of sleep and emotional stuff can equal a binge for me. I am off to the hospital to meet with them and am going to bulk up on veggies today if excesive hunger starts up.

    Still, I made it to the gym this morning which is amazing considering how tired I am.

    Have a great day you guys!

    Oh Mlillie, I'm so sorry -- that must be so hard for you. Good job with taking care of yourself.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Day 2 complete, but it seems i always have a melt down on day 3-4 so i am going to focus extra hard the next couple of days!!!! I know if i can get over that i will be set!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Day 2 complete, but it seems i always have a melt down on day 3-4 so i am going to focus extra hard the next couple of days!!!! I know if i can get over that i will be set!

    Good for you for identifying your weak areas!! That's a HUGE part of winning the battle!

    Day 3 of 3, mini 10 day challenge #2! I was very proud of myself last night. I ended up having some organic chocolate almonds in the afternoon so I had a lighter supper and it was relatively early too. My husband and I stayed up and watched a movie and I didn't put one single morsel of food into my body after my supper until bed. That's a HUGE deal for me!!

    Have a great one folks!! Millie, take care of yourself and thank you for the work you do. That must be so hard but saves the emotional health of the families you work with. Wow. :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey guys! It's been busy the last few days so I haven't gotten to update recently! I finished day 3 yesterday and goin' on day 4 today! Weighed in on monday and lost TWO pounds! yayyyyyy :) I was very excited! I also got pretty tempted last night to binge, but I was able to stop myself..which is an even bigger success for than a two pound weight loss:smile: Everyone keep up the great work and look at the big picture....we all know what we're trying to accomplish so let's not let our temptations get the best of us! good luck!
  • arjames82
    This a certainly a challenge that I need to be involved in. My binge item...anything from a fast food restaurant. As of last week, I had gained 5 lbs, so I know my binging has to STOP! I started on Monday, and as of today, I have not eaten any fast food. I weigh-in on Saturdays, so we'll see how it goes!
  • mamakitty
    I am working on day 3 and I feel really good. I am still struggling with not eating too much peanut butter. I finished a jar (the jar was almost gone, I didn't actually eat a whole jar). So I think I will not buy more for a while.

    Good luck.

  • getsexymarylou
    getsexymarylou Posts: 39 Member
    Wow! Im definitely in!! I had too much for breakfast already:cry: Errrrrr!! This is a good plan/idea!! I wanna be in too! Tomorrow will have to be my DAY 1!!

    Thanks. :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bumpin this to catch up later after the gym:happy:
  • gaby7682
    gaby7682 Posts: 5 Member
    Ahhh...Binging, my biggest problem. I'm with you, today will be my first day of not binging and I'm hoping it last. :happy:
  • pros696
    Still haven't since this thread was created
    STACYESPARZA Posts: 308 Member
    IM IN.....