The smoke finally cleared out of the skies so I went hiking for an hour and a half yesterday. Being stuck inside has made me antsy, yikes. It felt great to finally be free outside. Looking forward to doing more this weekend :) I'm excited for next Wednesday. I get a paycheck and then I can do the membership fee for the…
@Mytydyam - I am glad you are working hard! It's definitely tough to pick up new habits. I wish you the best of luck :) @shibumicd - That is funny and awesome! It's great that working the body in different ways can help us both gain a love of ourselves. Thank you for the kind words! I wish you the best of luck in goals :)…
Who are you: Call me D :) Age: 26! Female or male? I am a boy :) RP? I play a bunch of Pathfinder! LARP? I ran a boffer club when I was in college. Not larping, but close. What are your weightloss goals?! I want to get in shape and gain muscle! How many pounds have you lost? Not sure yet....Amazon keeps delaying my order…
I've been playing video games since I was three years old - started on the first NES, but SNES quickly became my favorite for little kid me. Yoshi's Island is still one of my favorite games, and I played it for hours. Although I played Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros first, Yoshi's Island was probably the game that really…
I got Dragon Age: O and Dragon Age: II really cheap on Humble Bundle recently, so I've been on a Dragon Age binge! I played through O and II, and now I'm playing Dragon Age: Inquisition :)
I'm a trans man trying to build muscle and lose body fat. (I'm listed as biologically female here, since it matters for calorie and nutrition least until I am at a farther point in my transition.) Nice to meet you all :D feel free to friend me!
Thank you for the kind words :) I'm already feeling better just buying men's clothes and I'm just getting started!