Thanks for all the suggestions. You make it sound easier than I thought - at least with feeding the adults. The selective eating for my kids IS medically driven. They're both autistic and some foods are painful for them to see/smell/feel (like casserole looks like vomit for instance) so its that too - which makes many of…
Thanks so much for all the replies! I appreciate people taking the time to share what you eat and how you work it out with your spouse/kids. It's frustrating, isn't it? We have 2 young kids too - who are both very picky/selective eaters one of which is a vegetarian (in a house of carnivores who would have expected…
Binge eater here. I cannot just open a box of crackers and eat one or two... it is like they (the crackers) call to me and suddenly there I am holding this empty box and my lips and fingers are stinging from the salt. Annndddd I want more. So I get a drink then go to the cupboard for phase 2. And so it goes. I hate it. I…
ple crackers... Sigh.
Yes - eating in front of the TV at night. Mindless eating. I'm going to try the sugar free pudding that sounds good. I've tried low carb/no wheat twice (and Dr. B diet) in the past and done well but fallen back into the "just a slice of toast... Then another... Or just a cou
Hi! I'm Nat. I'm a binge eater and I'm lazy. I tried low carb/low cal/low everything with the Dr B diet 2 years ago (husband did it and I followed along) and I lost 20 pounds in 3 months. But all we are was egg white and veg for breakfast and salad with chicken for lunch and dinner. It was easy because I like repetition…
I lived off frozen meals and take out for years. So easy to use. The sodium is the issue as another poster mentioned. There are some services that will pre-make fresh portioned dinners/lunches for you to freeze but they are costly. If I had the cash flow I would use them. :(