angsfitness Member


  • I binge eat and tell myself I'll start eating right tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. I do well for a few days or a few weeks and then I get off track again. Wish I cld find a way to stop but its so hard. I try to eat better by buying pretzels instead of potato chips and animal crackers instead of cookies to satisfy my…
  • Hi Ginger, I've been in and out of my fitnesspal for a while but have only logged my food and never chatted with anyone. You shld be very proud of what you have accomplished. Losing over 100 pounds is awesome! I know how easily it can creep back on as I have lost and gained in years past. I'm sure you can get back on track…
  • I have been on and off of my fitnesspal for a while. I do OK for a few days or weeks and then fall right back in to old habits. I know how to eat right but just can't keep it up. It's just easier to eat fast food and junk food. Eating right requires planning and prep work. I have the time just not the inclination. Any…