I took weight loss pills from doctor they were called redutcil they now been taken off in UK and I think USA as they gave people heart problems stokes high blood pressure , yes in 6 weeks I lost a stone but also ended up with high blood pressure because of those tablets , so I’d say don’t take any nothing is a quick fix
Thanks for quick replies so days I don’t need anything else than my 1500 but today I’m hungry and thought I’d ask then I won’t go over if I give myself that little extra
Well done you my weight loss is slow but better than aging
Thank you
Hi started 3 weeks ago doing both , using fittness oak to do cals , I know I’ve lost fat and turn it to muscle using machine at the gym would just like the lbs to come off as doctor wants me to get my bum down
I would if I knew how
Add me please
Hi how do you add friends ??
Haven’t a clue how to add
I'm being sent to a dietician just waiting on appointment to come through , it's on the mean time I'll look on that site for info thank you
Just bee n told I'm celiac not got a clue what to eat now , think I'm eating to much fruit and veg any help would be good
I'm off shopping tomorrow for gluten free , see what's about ,
I will do but not got a clue what now to leave out of my diet to help , time to do some homework
J i love it and need something sweet most nights after dinner to keep me on track
Ok I'll cut that out how about sugar free jelly
I've open I've opened my food dairy now only started using it yesterday
I seem to lose weight if I go low carb but as soon as I eat it I stay sane and bloat I'm at docs later so going to ask him to
Thanks I've not long came off Cambridge as missed carbs as in fruit veg I'll cut back a little see what happens just I seem to be at a stand still now I'm eating them
Ok I'll look at that , just didn't know how to get rid of the amount of fruit veg I'm eating bigger protein less veg
I have it to keep strong we can do this