mdbourns Member


  • Agree with the group. One day at a time. Clean slate in the morning. When I get to craving sweets , I grab gum. I chew all kinds of flavors . It keeps your mind off of sweets for a bit and hopefully you will get distracted. Good luck tom.
  • Hey debbie,. Welcome back. I'm just getting started over here. I would love to help . I need to lose 30 lbs or close to it. Did you get your boot off ?? Take it easy at first , I know you are anxious to get started but you don't want to end up in the boot again. Have a great day
  • Hey April! I am new here too. I agree , nice to have the age thing in common. Good job on the running. That's not easy to get motivated so early. Where are you from with the weather being so nice? I am in Texas and its miserably hot!! I have about 30lbs to lose . I will be doing my run/walk tonight when it cools down. Nice…
  • Hi everyone! New to this app but not new to the diet scene. I am hoping with some new friends I can stay motivated. I am in the Dallas area. My goal is to lose 30lbs. Good luck everyone ! :)