CarlanaVanHouten Member


  • Right now I'm using my HRM to determine my calorie burn rather than the database, but I did just start today with it. When I record my activity, I adjust the calories burned to match the HRM. However, I will also try adjusting my activity level. My morning shift is mostly sedentary, but any extras I get usually have a bit…
  • I eat protein bars that have chocolate and that helps me. They are not too sweet, not bad on fat and sugar.
  • My activity level is set to sedentary because - with a few exceptions - my job just has me sitting a lot. I did just spend 97 minutes cleaning someone's house and my HRM said I burned 538 calories doing so. Also, when it comes to sex, there is little in the way of taking turns and usually I work with him. Too, what I…
  • Let me be clear. I came here for support. I did NOT come here to be harassed because you think calories are not burned in sex or house cleaning. There is nothing unreasonable about logging calorie burn for whatever you do. Will you next harass me for logging a walk? If so, harass someone else. I WILL NOT hear it. If you…
  • I DO have an HRM now and am using it. The calories burned that I logged were estimated from this website, so I will adjust after this shift, since it is all cleaning anyway. Some calories are burned during chores, though likely not as much as MFP says. Some of the foods logged had barcodes that I scanned, and the nutrition…
  • I'm not losing anything at all. The 8lbs loss it shows in my profile is because I got a new scale and it reads differently than the one I was using. My measurements have been weird, too. One week I had lost half an inch on my hips but gained an inch on my waist, and the next I had lost an inch on my waist but gained it…
  • I've been swimming still, but modified my strokes so that I am only using my legs. I just got an HRM last night, and used it in my swim this morning. It kind of works, and kind of doesn't, so it said I burned 438 calories this morning swimming, but I think it was a few more than that, since when I went to do the heart rate…
  • DrEnlag: I have a food scale and just got myself an HRM that I'm wearing right now. I do typically leave a little cushioning, not even accounting for calories gained in exercise, and my weight loss goals are set to 2lbs/week weight loss. Unfortunately, I've seen no progress. Thank you, though! I was getting really…
  • Ugh, I know the cravings feel.