Hi, thank you! I started with vegan diet and lost a chunk, but I switched to keto and lost the majority of it that way. Plus I enjoyed it way more. Lol
Yes I definitely do Mary! And thank you both haha :smiley:
Thanks all! Sorry for some reason I don't get notifications for community boards? :s But thank you all.
I drank a whole bottle of wine a couple of days ago. I absolutely logged it. I felt ashamed while doing it, and even worse when it said I was -2500 for the day, but if you cheat on your diary, you're only harming yourself.
That was my first post! No one really replied though >_> Lol
Lol!! I think that one odd positioned hand isn't mine. It was a family picture so I have no idea! :smiley:
Thank you guys ! :)
Thank you, I'll try :blush:
Thank you guys so much :) I just do a Zumba class two times a week, a hip hop dance class two times a week, and the rest of the days (6 days a week) I will do free weights for an hour or so. It's nothing special, really. Sometimes I'll give myself an off day on Sunday, but it's hard for me to even do that because I start…
Thank you.. I was hoping it would be for at least one person!
Thank ya! ;) lol
Keep up your hard work girl.. It all pays off in the end, I promise!
It was nice. But I was gaining weight like crazy and borderline diabetic. Now, a few bars of 75% or more coco a day is perfect! But now if get my sugar cravings from natural sugars. :)
Haha, thank you all! Very flattering. :) hard work pays off!
I was super happy because I was eating chocolate every day!!! :D lol.
Thank you!!
I was around 188 in that picture I believe, now I'm hovering around 145. But I'm 5'6 so I'm only planning to lose at the most 10 more pounds. I still want muscle :) Girl if you keep that up there's you'll definitely see results!! Good luck! :)
Hey! I just did a simply calorie counting diet, restricted to starting out 1500 and slowly moved down to 1200. I started hip-hop dance classes and attended Zumba regularly. Now I'm just doing crazy weights in the gym, machines like leg press and chest press. You just gotta stick to it. :)
This one I was in the middle of my pregnancy and had gone from 138 lbs to 180lbs. This one is 3 weeks after my son was born. The highest I got before having my baby was 205 lbs. and directly after I had him and got home I was 188lbs. Oh, and I had gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Here is the most current picture of…
Thanks you guys. I have a hard time controlling carb cravings
I was going to say skin too. It's so much brighter and smoother. :)
Haha it didn't! Sorry it came out that way I wasn't trying to attack. But hearing snarky girls in the gym talking about others grinds my nerves, and the way your op was worded is how it sounded to me at first. But I see. Have a nice night
You sound like a very sad person if that truly is your view on this. You're generalizing a whole group of people, I've seen plenty of women who dress up for the gym and go into the ladies room just to lift. In fact there's a few regulars I see in there everyday. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, but any sort of judging…
I'm sure those chicks couldn't care less if you take them seriously. Who cares how someone looks at the gym? What matters is that they're there. Judgmental people such as yourself are the ones who keep people from gyms in the first place