annadaira Member


  • I do it all on my own also. Don't give up!!! Most of the time i spend 1 day a week (one of my days off) shopping and preparing foods tht are healthy,so it's not so hard to make the right choices or make dinner when I get home from work. I work 10 hr days and have an hr commute home. Because I already have all the veggies…
  • Nice work!!! What a fantastic post! You have articulated every point tht needs to be remembered or at least re-read when you feel yourself faultering. Your words really hit home. Congrats, keep it up! You look aaaahhhhmmaazing!!!!
  • Awesome! Keep up the good work! What a difference. Be proud of yourself!!!! <3
  • I was having the same issues. Calories going in were lower than those going out. But i still wasn't losing weight. How is that possible?? Then I went to see what I call my "fat doctor". Turns out the types of things I was eating at the start of my day were setting me up for disaster and spiking my insulin levels first…