harmoniebaby Member


  • Don't judge me... CAPN Crunch Sprinkled Doughnut Crunch
  • Exactly! Logging everything, even "fails", helps you to understand exactly what your progress is and exactly how much cheating you can get away with.
  • Sometimes I switch my settings to maintain, just so I can see what I could eat to stay where I am. I won't eat that everyday, just every now and then. And even if you go over your weight loss allowance, without exercise, you can still lose weight, as long as you aren't eating what you used to eat before you started…
  • You can still lose weight if you eat your maintenance allowance of calories on some days, it just won't be as fast. Also, just exercise to offset it. And you can exercise and eat until you hit your weight loss allowance, and you will still lose. So if your daily allowance is 1200, and you eat 1400, just exercise off the…
  • That is a great idea! I also find that "eyeballing" what I eat, imagining what it would fill up in a measuring cup, helps me to learn how to estimate properly. You can take a guess, then cut all the corn off the cob and put into a measuring cup. Eventually ,you will get the eyeballing thing down.
    in Corn Comment by harmoniebaby August 2015