Amen girlfriend!! I feel the exact same way if I don't get my run in, just off :/ It is my "me" time and it is an AMAZING hour even though some people might think it isn't much.
Yes! It is real!! Lol :D
Wow! Good for you!! What did you do in working out for that area? Anything special??
200 lbs that is awesome! Good for you!! :)
Thank you all. I have also set myself for 1,000 however I do know 1,200 is the default minimum. Just wasn't sure if I might had been the only one to go lower. I read an article about it not being healthier to go lower than 1,200 but I don't feel any less active at 1,000
Yes! I just posted this somewhere there a reason there's 2? Maybe one is old? Anyhoo, I have no friends!! On here...(not in real life) lol ;)
I have no friends!! On here...(not in real life) lol add away! ;)
Lol yup :D
Exactly... Good point!
Yes I have and like a post said if I don't like it maybe I shouldn't take it which is correct I just didn't know if it were just me or if the dosage was to high. It also is my fault for making my purchase off of hear say because today is the second day which required me to make 2 tablets so when I experienced the jitters…
Thank you!! ;)
Lmao!!!! :D
You are absolutely right... :)
YES! I have also felt nauseated...yuck! :s
It's quite alright...I guess that's what happens when you try to cheat lol :wink:
Thank you everyone for your advice...there was a couple good laughs in there
Thank you for all the has been a while for me.
Ouch! Yes get better and let me know what you get on your second opinion..
Thank you both!!