cowdrayslimmer Member


  • 60 and Back again for another try feeling motivated and using this community I hope will help me this time round. Busy job that means meal times can be erratic and doesn't help with dieting!
  • Hi I'm also gluten free and feeling desperate to get off extra weight too as hard as I try I keep putting weight on so having a buddy might help me. I have three grown up boys and still work full time in a fairly demanding job and mealtimes often get erratic which probably doesn't help and I love cooking and usually cook…
  • I use a good handful of chopped kale, two inch piece cucumber, good size stick of celery ( or two if small) frozen banana that is in chunks, about 250 mls hazelnut milk dash ginger & cinnamon and blend till smooth. I usually add a table spoon of udo oil too. This all gives loads of energy and has reduced my cholesterol too!