softandcuddly Member


  • Hi - just found this group, sorry to chime in so late! :smile: As luck would have it, when I was suffering from the worst stage of hot flashes & night sweats, my cardiologist suggested I try a diet plan they were hawking through the office. Yes, the diet worked - but I was starving and miserable. *However*, my hot flashes…
  • I say that's fine. I eat an 800 or so calorie meal around 5pm, then a 300-400 calorie snack around 9. It works perfectly for me, I lose 2 lbs a week. (I used to throw in a 400 calorie lunch, but over a couple of weeks I was able to push it to 2pm, then 3pm, then eliminate it. I now lose more per week, of course.)…
  • This is a good article to read -