KGS01 Member


  • I don't have a specific cheat day. I can eat junk whenever I want but I keep it within my calorie goal for the day, I still loose weight. There are still some very calorie dense foods that I have to avoid but that can't be helped. The longer you're on a diet the more self control you will have. I don't count calories for…
  • I personally don't bother or believe in macros for weight loss. Keeping rough tabs on protein does make sense but not based on a % of macros. Forgive me if any one else disagrees with me, I've lost over 50kg my own way. The most important thing in weight loss is calories in & out. So you need to look at how much calories…
  • I used to have the same temptation, sometimes I still do but the problem with daily weighing is that you can get fluctuating results and that can't be good for your motivation. In the past I tried daily and I'd find it'd go up & down but overall week by week it was coming down. Also you don't loose much daily anyways, so…