SeanLives Member


  • @ms_smartypants yes I heard that creamy beans like refried beans, black beans, avocado or even hummus works as a good substitute for cheese. Thank you too @queenliz99 for the link. You are the best!
  • @amyrebeccah Thx for asking. No I'm not vegan. Honestly I'm trying to lower my calorie and fat intake by adjusting foods that I love (and are quick and easy to make). Any ideas? Thx.
  • You guys are awesome! I've never heard of Zoodles before! I have just been logging to MFP for 51 days and thought I had to give up pasta altogether. I put my marinara sauce in the back of the freezer and froze it solid. I don't have a spiralizer, do they sell Zoodles pre-made in stores? I can look online and get a…
  • Thank you @jgnatca for the tip. I will be sparking up the oatmeal tomorrow for the rest of the week. Plus, I love dark breads... I am eating a sprouted wheat bread these days. Best regards!!!
  • @BeckFair I sometimes have a similar bfast sandwich except I eat it on dry wheat toast and avocado instead of cheese. But you just reminded me how much I loved pesto. I'm going to look into healthy low fat alternatives to what I used to make with fatty nuts and cheese. Thanks!!!
  • @nixology Thx for the check in. Yeah I had cut out breakfast for years. It did nothing for me but help me slow my metabolism and pack on the pounds after lunch. I feel much more in a working rhythm with taking a break for "breakkie". I am totally going to try your "ban"cakes... They sound awesome. Cheers!
  • @FaithEstes I had to look at those pancakes twice! Couldn't believe that they were just eggs and bananas. Crazy! And it looks like you added blueberries, strawberries, honey or agave, and peanut butter right? Does the peanut butter take your breakfast up over the 400 calorie mark? I love peanut butter (again the…
  • @Caitwin Thanks for the tip on the oatmeal. I have a tin of steel cut oats I had forgotten all about in my cupboard! And egg cup muffins!?! I had know idea these even existed!!! Sunday mornings look out! Thx again.
  • Hey there. Seems like it is time to think outside of the box... Or tree stand. Haha. I've had rabbit ground into patties before. Not sure how they were made to stick together. I guess you can do anything with eggs and breading. Anyway, I know some butchers will make sausage out of your game meats if you don't mind someone…
  • The Michael Jackson "Beet It" Smoothie Raw peeled beet root and greens, blueberries, fresh peeled ginger tab, apple slices, a spoonful of peanut butter, and blended smooth with ice. You'll moonwalk for this smoothie criminal.
  • I know how you feel. I saw a lot of weight loss in 2008 and looked/felt wonderful. Slowly and not so surely I am now back to a heavier weight than I was when I started back then. I felt ashamed... I still do I suppose, but not as much as I did. I guess I just have gotten on with it... The main thing I'm doing is trying to…
  • @rebeccaEsmith Thx for the check in and the push to stay focused. Looking back on my post I may have given the impression that I'm skating through my workouts... I am activating muscle and putting in work in my cardio. It's more the mental side of things affecting me right now. I want results to happen more quickly. Any…
  • I've noticed that not eating is not the answer. It makes your body want to snap right back and cling to weight when you start eating again. Keep your head up and remember, the longest race is the one you are on for life... Not just the one in the pool. Feel better.
    in help Comment by SeanLives August 2015
  • I'm starting out too. Reach out if you want another Bud.