Sarahnissen4 Member


  • Zira91- you are so right! Why did I gain the 30 pounds!? I need to figured things out for sure before I'm able to move forward so I'm not in the same situation again. lcnoel13- a reward plan might just work for me! dbkyser- congrats on your 100 pounds lost! That is so amazing!! And your right you cannot out run the fork, I…
  • No workout buddy and I need to lose weight for every reason possible. I am trying to train my brain to look at it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. Need to learn to love working out not dreading it.
  • I'll have to check that app out thanks!!
  • Yes please! I have a crazy schedule as well and 4 kids so it's sometimes hard to focus on me and my needs all the time. I love love food! And over eating
  • Good old fashion eating healthy and exercise. This time I don't have the same motivation. I don't have as much time as I once did to focus on losing weight. This time around it's completely different. I'm having to start all over with a plan and motivation