I need to lose 50 pounds!!

Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support
I've lost 80 pounds gained 30 pounds back! Need to lose 50 pounds now and I can't seem to get motivated! I have everything I need to lose it and the support but still I'm stuck and its consuming my life. Any suggestions and or tips? Your stories of success? Anything please!


  • Athena_fit
    Athena_fit Posts: 55 Member
    How did you loose the weight in the first place ?
  • Sarahnissen4
    Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
    Good old fashion eating healthy and exercise. This time I don't have the same motivation. I don't have as much time as I once did to focus on losing weight. This time around it's completely different. I'm having to start all over with a plan and motivation
  • Athena_fit
    Athena_fit Posts: 55 Member
    I have almost 50 pounds to loose too (47 to be exact). I'm sure we could help each other!

    My biggest problem is that I have a buzy job and a very sedentary life style! I am a true foodie, but i'm so passionate about nutrition, I don't find it that hard to control my food intake.

    I needed a plan to so I started working out once a week, calculate my calorie intake + walking a lot more. I eat almost no processed food at all and feed up on veggies...add me if you want and inbox me! We could exchange ideas and do this!
  • Sarahnissen4
    Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes please! I have a crazy schedule as well and 4 kids so it's sometimes hard to focus on me and my needs all the time. I love love food! And over eating
  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    For busy schedules, I love the app Sworkit. It has short awesome workouts. You've done this before, so you know what you need to do.
  • Sarahnissen4
    Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll have to check that app out thanks!!
  • amandamo1989
    amandamo1989 Posts: 7 Member
    Looking to loose about 30-40 myself! Need some motivation!!
  • Gretawitte22
    Gretawitte22 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Sarah..do you have a workout buddy? I myself need to loose weight as well. I'm not thinking it as a diet. I'm thinking it as a fitness routine. To be healthy and fit. I workout 6 days a week and track everything I eat. I allow myself one cheat day a week. Usually on Sundays. I'm here for ya. We all need as much motivation and help as we can get. Greta
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    Why exaclty do you need to lose 50 lbs? The doctor said so? You want to be thinner? You want to be healthier? If you can identify that you can identify a motivation point.
  • Sarahnissen4
    Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
    No workout buddy and I need to lose weight for every reason possible. I am trying to train my brain to look at it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. Need to learn to love working out not dreading it.
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    reassess ur situation on why did u gain 30lb after losing it..it might help u to get back up knowing where u can improve :)

    maybe u are being too strict before?
    did u eliminate/restrict any food group/ additive sugar before?
    Did u enjoy food you like in moderation or cutting it out entirely?
    Did u view food as 'healthy' and 'unhealthy', as 'bad food' and 'good food' a.k.a your way of viewing food?

    in term of exercise, it might help in doing activity that u really like and having fun while doing it.Ur kind of fun. It will last longer that way because u are having fun.

  • lcnoel13
    lcnoel13 Posts: 11 Member
    Motivation is a huge factor! I have found motivation here on mfp.

    I'm looking to lose 50+ and I have yo-yoed a good bit! So far I'm down 16lbs. I have set up a reward system for myself for every 5lbs lost. I've also enjoyed finding and trying healthy recipes, even discovered a few new foods (I'm such a picky eater!!) I would love to share ideas and offer support!
  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    I have lost 100 lbs over the last couple years and as hard as it has been slow and steady has proven to be the way to go. I tried every fad diet from low carb to juicing. When I watch what I eat, schedule in some cheat meals and work out as often as possible I continue to loose and keep it off.
    My favorite saying is "You can not out run the fork" I used to think I could eat what I wanted and just work out to fix it. WRONG.
  • Sarahnissen4
    Sarahnissen4 Posts: 6 Member
    Zira91- you are so right! Why did I gain the 30 pounds!? I need to figured things out for sure before I'm able to move forward so I'm not in the same situation again. lcnoel13- a reward plan might just work for me! dbkyser- congrats on your 100 pounds lost! That is so amazing!! And your right you cannot out run the fork, I love that saying!! Thank you all so much! This is exactly what I needed! Your kind words, facts and encoragement means a lot and has helped a lot!
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    For weight loss alone, you don't even need to work out. Working out is a nice bonus to burn off a couple hundred extra calories per day, but you should be mostly focused on staying below your calorie goal every day. Many people are too busy to work out, but nobody is too busy to eat less.
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    When I started using MFP about 7 weeks ago I had a plan to lose 50 pounds, a new Fitbit and a new determination to make it happen (again). I found the MFP community and added several friends, started drinking 64 oz of water a day and worked out 4 days a week. I think the support of others going through the same thing as me has been a game changer but I really believe the water and the meal prep twice a week of all my breakfasts and lunches plus 2 snacks also put me on the road toward accomplishing my goal. I have lost 22 pounds in 7 weeks and am feeling great! I have a long way to go to get to 50 pounds and I have learned that it's hard, but not impossible. We can do this! Feel free to friend me.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    If you lose 50 pounds you might blow away!