pwrfl1 Member


  • The app Happy Scale does very similar....for those of you that are less computer savvy
  • . So glad you found us! My prayers go out to you and your son !
  • Everyone is different, but most likely your body is just playing catch up, be patient and keep on Keto - ing !
  • MCT oil taken before workouts might help as well. Many people say they feel the ketone energy it provides. I personally haven't felt a difference.
  • I can't say I'm quite as a bad as you are describing, but I do know when I have low electrolytes I don't function as clearly. My energy responds way better to salt water, keto lemon aid, and pickle juice way better than caffeine in my coffee.
    in Brain Fog Comment by pwrfl1 March 2017
  • Good job Andreasoulcastle, sound like you've got a good start going! It's always tough when a holiday or celebration comes up and it's centered around food. Congrats on staying the course !
  • So a few days ago I found a great deal on country style ribs. I ended up cooking them in the oven and they were absolutely delish. But I'm more excited with what I made with the drippings- I had a few cups of fat, onion and water left over from the ribs. I added the bones from the ribs and covered with water. I cooked…
  • neillian. Both Ketogenic and LCHF work hand in hand with IF- Welcome to the group!
  • Thanks for sharing @KnitOrMiss !
  • HappyBride - Congratulations on your pending wedding! I found the first 6 months going keto very rewarding. Not only did I lose several pounds, I also dropped several inches and It improved many health markers along the way . I try not to eat higher carbs, but if I do and it's bc of higher veggies or berries , I don't…
  • Dflat0821. Those GS Cookies are certainly a slippery slope for me! I haven't purchase any in a few years thanks to keto. Not sure if I could stay away if a child brought them home !! Good luck with your continued success and Welcome to the Keto Forum !
  • Welcome answer your question... Yes! I use avocado, coconut oil, butter, olive oil to increase fats. I also use sour cream, real mayo and blue cheese dressing a lot. Protein is an easy fix bc it's your meats, eggs and cheese.....
  • Great list @KnitOrMiss !!!
  • You've just stumbled across the age old question of net vs total when counting carbs. And you will find just as many varying opinions. The Atkins products use some sort of sugar alcohol to sweeten it. Many believe they do not have to count the sugar alcohols bc the sweetener is not supposed to raise your blood sugar or…
  • Thank you UAC Community. I'm down 6.5 inches somewhere between my neck and calves and 3 pounds. I'm within 3 pounds of my initial goal, but thinking I'll go another 5..... Happy to be seeing the changes on my body and health !!
  • E- yes, DVD and walk C- yes T- yes
  • . My rings are doing the same !!! Started using the smallest hooks on my sports bra. Weird where the fat loss shows up at times !!!
  • CurvyMeli. IMO, the longer you are keto, the better you get at recognizing hunger signals. One of the best advice I got when I was first starting out was to not worry about the calories those first few weeks, instead eat to satiety...keeping your carbs low of course. Then from this level you can start to tweak your macros…
  • Me Too!
  • E- yes walk C- yes T-yes
  • Kilika. I totally agree with what Mary said- Fantastic job, and good luck to you on your journey. You will find great success with what you have planned!!
  • E-yes DVD and walk T- yes C- yes
  • Mary, another clue to Fat Adaptation is when you're not hungry for hours after a workout. I also will go through periods where I seem to loose inches at a rapid rate but not show any losses on the scale.
  • E-yes T-yes C-yes
  • Mary, it's fairly typical you felt your strength go down....and it will probably be lower for a few more weeks. The good thing is, if you continue on the keto path, you will start to feel that strength burst through and gain some big energy. That is your clue that you have crossed over into fat adapted world!!! From there…
  • Thanks BeLLe for the compliments, yes 90 is quite an achievement, and I need to recognize and celebrate that fact more! And I agree, it IS LIFE CHANGING !
  • . Aweee, I'm blushing !!
  • For those of you that will be continuing Keto or some version of Low Carb, I strongly suggest you join the Low Carb Daily Forum Group. There is multitudes of wise, knowledgeable people that are walking the walk over there. They also have a very extensive Launch Pad with tons of links to resources, past threads etc to help…
  • Welcome to the group! Feel free to friend me and hit me up with any questions. I've been Keto for over a year now and have lost over 90 pounds. This challenge ends this weekend, so I'm not sure how many people will remain Keto and continue to post here.
  • BeLLe. Sorry to hear this didn't work out for you, sometimes the drastic cut in carbs wreaks havoc on ones system and its hard to feel balanced. I suspect all of us go through that unbalanced feeling to some degree no matter what diet we are trying. Thank you for bringing your positiveness and up beat personality to the…