Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Good job Andreasoulcastle, sound like you've got a good start going! It's always tough when a holiday or celebration comes up and it's centered around food. Congrats on staying the course !
  • MyDailyPursuit
    MyDailyPursuit Posts: 29 Member
    edited March 2017
    I am using ketostix right now and in the past. A medical practioner told me what others have said here, that the depth of color doesnt matter as it is more of a yes/no indicator and if very dark or very light could indicate your water intake is too little or too much. so as long as I get a definite pink, I am happy.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Good morning and Happy Monday everyone! I hope you are all set to have a fantastic week meeting your goals and staying on plan.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Weighed in again this morning after a few weeks of very crazy eating and drinking and escape vacationing with my son, who has become an amazing young man. Happy to say, the weight damage is far less than anticipated, and I'm still in the process of shedding water from carbage. Thank god for that. This month has taken a serious toll on me in every way, but at
    least I'm not too far behind weightwise....AND...I think I fully let go of a great deal of emotional angst. Have found new venues for dance nights, more opportunities to meet like minded deadheads..ready to expand my world again.
    Also ready to fully commit to keto..even getting back on track with activities in my new, really cute, retail-revenge-therapy threads!

    It's the first day of Spring, beautiful weather for a pond walk, maybe yoga later...
    Good to be back.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - I'm glad you're getting some healing in there... It's nice to hear. And a new plan! :) And we need to see some pics of these really cute retail-revenge-therapy threads! :)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Went a little over with carbs today...still very low, but also they were healthier carbs, so I'm not going to sweat it. Cals were good, so no worries.
    Had a semi-productive day, errands and household stuff done, which is progress for now.
    Going to bed early since i got called in for a few extra work hours tomorrow morning.
    The new job is going well, just need about 15-20 more hours per week.
    Nite, pals.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Next morning after above post: after 17 keto friendly carbs over my standard 20, tbe scale shows a penalty of 2 pounds. I know it's water weight, but I am always amazed at how drastically my body responds to carbs.
    Logging and daily weigh-ins are so informative even if sometimes exacerbating. Also, good or bad - they tend to motivate me...while trusting in the process and not logging or weighing leads to serious carb denial and added poundage.
    Hoping to go way low with carbs today, also feel like I'm getting back into tbe swing of things in general.
    New dance plans lined up for the weekend...a few more hours at my job. These things help. The trick for me now is that old "fake it til you make it" thing...with a pinch of revenge weight loss added in for good measure if i can swing it.
    I take my motivation where i find it. Anything goes in the losing game. Lol.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Seems like one day I'm on the keto for weight loss, next day I'm doing maintenance. It's not what I feel is by choice, usually a flash decision due to a food desire, which makes me feel out of control...but the truth is I am kind of stablized weightwise for a quite a while now. About 15 pounds over what I've set as my final goal weight.
    I'm trying to view this realization as progress. One way or another, I have stopped the out of control total pounds regain which has always occurred by now in my past experience. Still down about 120. That IS good.
    For now, I am going to recognize that and feel good about it. Next goal will be to find a more sane way of maintaining the weight I choose.
    And of course, I just can't wait to be rid of the final 15 - for once and for all hopefully.
    Sounds like a Spring Project...
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Do you go low on carbs AND Cals?

    I am so confused. I kept my carb intake at 20 NC for 2 weeks, then on the 3rd week which was last week, I went up to 25 NC....I weighed myself and gained 2 pounds. I am still getting over my TOM so not sure if this can contribute. But overall I feel that I have been making good food choices! So frustrated
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Do you go low on carbs AND Cals?

    I am so confused. I kept my carb intake at 20 NC for 2 weeks, then on the 3rd week which was last week, I went up to 25 NC....I weighed myself and gained 2 pounds. I am still getting over my TOM so not sure if this can contribute. But overall I feel that I have been making good food choices! So frustrated

    Some form of caloric deficit will be required to "lose". Keto helps under performing metabolisms to work better and allows for burning of fat stores. IF there is too much fat on your plate, your body won't need to use what's on your body. Now the physiology of a lady is vastly more complicated then use grunts so I have heard of a "hormonal leveling" time where ladies don't lose much scale weight until hormone levels stabilize and reach somewhat normal levels. Keep going, 3 weeks is just the beginning. Remember it's a marathon not a sprint.
  • anbastin
    anbastin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am brand new to Keto and used the ruled me website and my ratio seems odd. I'm 29 4'10 female and 108 lbs with about 23% body fat. I am looking to lose fat but keep muscle definition. I have an office job but workout 3-5 days a week. Attached was the calculator results ans the numbers seem off as my protein is higher than fat. Any help on what im not understanding?! tn740qggyhor.png
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member

    When you consider 1g of fat is worth twice as many calories as 1g of protein then that makes sense. That being said, I do believe that the protein recommendation is a bit high. At 108lbs (49kg), your protein goal should be roughly 50-75g max.
  • anbastin
    anbastin Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks @XavierNusum
    This is a new way to think about dieting for me as in the past i focused solely on calories. I was surprised it recommended 956 calories a day as I know most won't recommend under 1200 but when you are 4'10 and trying to be i defecit it's challenging with an office job.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Rather than focus on weight loss, I would focus on recomposition. And rather than using a deficit, set your calories at maintenance for your goal weight, that way you won't have a hard transition when you arrive at goal. The more active you are, the higher your protein needs, and your body fat percentage, as long as you aren't tapping into essential fat stores, will provide any additional fat your body needs.
  • fairytink2u
    fairytink2u Posts: 16 Member
    I keep hoverting around the 25 pound lost mark and can't seem to get myself over to 30:/ trying to be patient
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning! I am frustrated with lack of weight loss success. I have slowed down to less than a lb per week. I am wondering if certain foods are better than others for losing? Certainly CICO doesn't mean anything. Even though I weigh everything and exercise daily I should be losing 2 lbs a week not happening. I've heard people say to increase calories instead but very scary especially when it is so easy to gain weight for me.
  • KetoGuy1029
    KetoGuy1029 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2017
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning! I am frustrated with lack of weight loss success. I have slowed down to less than a lb per week. I am wondering if certain foods are better than others for losing? Certainly CICO doesn't mean anything. Even though I weigh everything and exercise daily I should be losing 2 lbs a week not happening. I've heard people say to increase calories instead but very scary especially when it is so easy to gain weight for me.

    Calories in calories out

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Well. Still struggling along. Doing okay keto foodwise, but relying a little too much on alcohol (for it's emotion numbing effect) for any weightloss to occur. Just hovering around in a 3 pound weight loop that is still 15 pounds or so over my desired weight. Could be worse.
    Went out dancing last night in a new place, met new people, and I am trying to pull myself back together in various ways that I let go of to deal with a break up.
    On a positive note, although I'm limping along at best, at least I haven't totally imploded. That is progress for me, and I feel like when I'm over all the angst and processing, I will be able to get back on the keto horse. It feels like home base to me after doing it for so long.
    So this message is...hold my place for me, I'll be back.
  • VanCityFit
    VanCityFit Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a long time keto-er, however my husband suddenly passed away in August which caught me off guard and added a lot of stress to my life. I have gained a substantial amount of weight since then, about 30lbs and decided to get my rear in gear.

    I started back on Keto yesterday in addition to doing the 30 day shred and weights at least twice per week. I owe this to myself and my son, we need to live life to it's fullest potential during our short journey here on earth!

    I am currently 5'2 and 188lbs, please feel free to add me if you like.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    VanCityFit wrote: »
    I'm a long time keto-er, however my husband suddenly passed away in August which caught me off guard and added a lot of stress to my life. I have gained a substantial amount of weight since then, about 30lbs and decided to get my rear in gear.

    I started back on Keto yesterday in addition to doing the 30 day shred and weights at least twice per week. I owe this to myself and my son, we need to live life to it's fullest potential during our short journey here on earth!

    I am currently 5'2 and 188lbs, please feel free to add me if you like.

    My prayers to you and your family, I'm sorry for your loss!
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Well. Still struggling along. Doing okay keto foodwise, but relying a little too much on alcohol (for it's emotion numbing effect) for any weightloss to occur. Just hovering around in a 3 pound weight loop that is still 15 pounds or so over my desired weight. Could be worse.
    Went out dancing last night in a new place, met new people, and I am trying to pull myself back together in various ways that I let go of to deal with a break up.
    On a positive note, although I'm limping along at best, at least I haven't totally imploded. That is progress for me, and I feel like when I'm over all the angst and processing, I will be able to get back on the keto horse. It feels like home base to me after doing it for so long.
    So this message is...hold my place for me, I'll be back.

    keto or not, get that alcohol for numbing effect under control. i'm sure you realize that, just speaking from experience ;)
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning! I am frustrated with lack of weight loss success. I have slowed down to less than a lb per week. I am wondering if certain foods are better than others for losing? Certainly CICO doesn't mean anything. Even though I weigh everything and exercise daily I should be losing 2 lbs a week not happening. I've heard people say to increase calories instead but very scary especially when it is so easy to gain weight for me.


    Everyone is different, but most likely your body is just playing catch up, be patient and keep on Keto - ing !
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    VanCityFit wrote: »
    I'm a long time keto-er, however my husband suddenly passed away in August which caught me off guard and added a lot of stress to my life. I have gained a substantial amount of weight since then, about 30lbs and decided to get my rear in gear.

    I started back on Keto yesterday in addition to doing the 30 day shred and weights at least twice per week. I owe this to myself and my son, we need to live life to it's fullest potential during our short journey here on earth!

    I am currently 5'2 and 188lbs, please feel free to add me if you like.
    . So glad you found us! My prayers go out to you and your son !

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Sending healing thoughts all the way around!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning! I am frustrated with lack of weight loss success. I have slowed down to less than a lb per week. I am wondering if certain foods are better than others for losing? Certainly CICO doesn't mean anything. Even though I weigh everything and exercise daily I should be losing 2 lbs a week not happening. I've heard people say to increase calories instead but very scary especially when it is so easy to gain weight for me.

    A pound a week is great success. Be patient, listen to your body. You're doing great!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    VanCityFit wrote: »
    I'm a long time keto-er, however my husband suddenly passed away in August which caught me off guard and added a lot of stress to my life. I have gained a substantial amount of weight since then, about 30lbs and decided to get my rear in gear.

    I started back on Keto yesterday in addition to doing the 30 day shred and weights at least twice per week. I owe this to myself and my son, we need to live life to it's fullest potential during our short journey here on earth!

    I am currently 5'2 and 188lbs, please feel free to add me if you like.
    . So glad you found us! My prayers go out to you and your son !

    My condolences to you. I admire your attitude.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Just read an article that reminded me how sometimes talking about goals makes your brain relax and not do them. I have noticed this to be true in the past.
    Since I've been venting and trying/failing alot this past 6 weeks....nada in the progress department.
    So, no more talking about goals for me at this time....but for those who know me, you can probably guess what I'll be doing; however, for now...the cat is still in the bag... if you catch my drift.
    Just saying. Without saying.
    I might be able to talk about non-goal but related issues since I like checking in. We'll have to see how that goes.
    I wonder if it is okay to ask for luck or good vibes or if that is also self-sabatagery. Not sure...so, if you feel like it, just do it secretly. Thanks, pals.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - that's super interesting. I have a tendency that if I set hard goals, I sabotage myself into missing them completely. If I acknowledge success, it's almost guaranteed that I'll dive off my chosen path. I know there's a fear of success in there... But that's really interesting... Let me know if you find a link to that article. I think ti could be really interesting.

    Naw, asking for generic good vibes is something we all deserve. :) (HUGS)
  • SisalKeenly
    SisalKeenly Posts: 10 Member
    I could stand a little keto venting right about now. I was doing well with it, but I am one of those lucky people who get keto rash. Luckily I only get it under my arms, but it's still not fun. Anyway I took a short break from strict keto, probably was mostly in the 25-30 grams of carbs per day range as opposed to the 15-20 I had been doing before. My rash disappeared almost overnight, and the weight loss stopped. Lowered my carbs about a week ago and have lost another four (!) pounds in that time. Aaaand the rash is back and worse than before. It's frustrating that in order to lose weight I have to go so low carb I give myself a rash.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Today is presenting itself as challenging in a not good way on three fronts: work, work, and social.

    My plan is to get through the first two and go to bed at 6:30pm to avoid the leftover hurt from the third. Also hopefully... avoiding a potential food break out type of situation.
    Probably not the best strategy, but looking doable for this particular moment in time.

    Then, I've decided to break a bit from socializing for a couple weeks and dive into a very purge focused spring cleaning. Hopefully also get back on my moderate daily activity plan. Kind of like hitting a reset button and starting over. I think I'm at least ready to try that.
    Still not feeling right about myself, but a little better.