Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I haven't used my ketostix in a long time.... I need to pull them out and use them as extra motivation! With the changing season, I am outside more and way more active. Food is staying on track for the most part... but oh those beverages on the deck... I need to find myself a better reward more in tune with my health goals lol.

    I've come to really enjoy 0 carb, 0 calorie carbonated water. Have you tried that?
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I love 0 Carb, no calorie, unflavored water. I have it piped right into my house. Tastes great! But then I don't have public water.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Carbonated water triggers a phlegm response in me. No idea why...
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    I most definitely have myself set up for some non-food rewards when larger goals are met. Thankfully I have always been huge consumer of water. My struggle is entirely mental because I also love craft beer and nothing is more rewarding on the deck mid-afternoon following a few hours of strenuous yard work (right after the large glass of water) :smile: It's an immediate reward that tastes delicious and refreshing, there is nothing that would actually "replace" it. Those low carb beers are just nasty. This where I need to work hard at changing my thinking now that it is nice out again!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    I love 0 Carb, no calorie, unflavored water. I have it piped right into my house. Tastes great! But then I don't have public water.

    I was referring to flavoured carbonated water ~ like Perrier. It's a nice treat when I've had enough just plain water.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I knew that. But I still like mine better. :-)
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    First post. Started keto 3 weeks ago when I started paternity leave. Feeling great, tho the lack of sleep does make me prone to snacking.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited May 2017
    First day back on plan with no appreciable loss. Possibly due to a day of lethargy yesterday.
    Im going to see how well I tolerate this and am armed with a possible booster retail reward if I notice bad thinking patterns coming forth.
    I guess this time around, the whoosh isn't going to be that great... so it's just me against the poundage. Still feeling determined.
    I took measurements yesterday for the first time in about a year. So 35 pounds of regain equals about 3 "" all around the bod...or three dress sizes. Still, since i had lost too much weight initially, I'm thinking Id like to lose about 2 of those inches all around. So, 20 pounds it is. Final goal.
    I didn't do any yoga yesterday, or walk or anything. So today, I'll do it early just to make sure.
    Happy that I am feeling so resolved to getting this done, and am prepared to abort the day and go to bed by noon if I find I am wavering in determination. Work starts back up next week, thank god.

    I'm not sure why these pounds and inches are so important to me....I feel good and I look okay even with the extra weight as I'm tall and seem to be able to carry it; but, I feel compelled to make losing it a priority. I get that that is not healthy, but also that I don't seem to be able to stop obsessing about it whether I am morbidly obese, way too thin, or even just right. It really is a disordered thinking process and no matter where I am in tne spectrum, it's got me.

    I hear that yoga is something that helps with making internal connections as well as being good for the body. That's why I'm trying yoga again. I found a yoga center that specializes in working with people who have these kinds of issues, but very limited spots available. Hope I qualify.

    Be back later, most likely. This is looking like a long week to get through. I really do better when I have my job to get me up and out of the house. Too much time to slack and ruminate is not always a good thing. Not that I always hate that.....but it does drag out time unbearably, at times.
    Have a few little fun projects lined up for today, so... let the games begin!

  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning all, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and it's kind of cold. Anyway, tried fried avocado last night, so weird, so good. Went back on my word about dropping natural peanut butter almost after mentioning it here but I grabbed hold of myself and measured it accurately and did not lick the spoon and it did satisfy my hunger...... got my steps in for the day yesterday and went to bed on time,The scale was good to me and went down slightly. Hey Elize7 , I do like Yoga, as a beginner I find the tone of the instructor makes all the difference for me, and yes it is difficult when your schedule is wide open.
    Anyone here follow Keto blogs for inspiration and ideas? I came across Keto Karma and really find her story inspiring, it really helped me get on track again and since her weight loss is over I could binge watch like it was Netflix
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - keep us up on the yoga place! That sounds awesome.

    @havisham - What type of stories are you wanting on Keto successes? Ketovangelist does interview series with people he's helping... healthypursuit.com helped heal her body hormonally using keto. Maria Emmerich of mariamindbodyhealth.com has some great stories and tips, etc. I can keep coming up with more, but those are some of my favorites.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Made it thru another day. Ketostix are purple. Yay. Feeling good, but still have a week and a half til I typically feel secure about cravings. Not much weightloss today, so I'm hoping tomorrow is better.
    Regardless, feeling good.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    @KnitOrMiss , thanks, I guess I like hearing success stories and finding out what worked and what didn't, everyone interprets Keto differently some more strict than others. I think it's a diet you can definitely evolve in.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Very slow going losses fot a first keto week, but the scale is moving in the right direction so I'm good with that.
    Still feeling highly motivated and have reduced outside temptations to a bare minimum socially for the first few weeks for several reasons.
    Seems I am triggered to emotionally eat when I'm in date-possible country. Sometimes before the event-nervous eating, sometimes post-event- let down eating.
    So for a couple weeks, except one weekly dance night...it's me and my TV.
    I got all my foods in the house, so no shoppng temptations..if I run out of cream, I'll just bring the cost of it in cash, so no spontaneous eating..
    Due to mutual friends of my ex, friendships feel awkward and so emotional eating is a risk.
    This is only temporary, til I feel keto rooted. And I find that this time at home is helping me reconnect with my previous, more stable single self.
    In a coule weeks, I'll go out again.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Checking in today, yesterday was so busy, as frustrating as it is to not get any personal time it sure does help to not have time to eat or over think eating. You have to be prepared so you don't grab the wrong thing though, I picked up a Quest bar for lunch while running errands yesterday, it was a nice treat and didn't have any negative effect, my numbers went down. Tomorrow will be one full week for me, I still have about 5 lbs to go to get back to where I was before stalling and wandering off any form of diet :# a bit anxious about hitting a wall again hopefully I'll plow through.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Uh oh. Here comes keto breath, and not the sweet kind. I bought a case(!) of breath spray, mouthwash, floss, etc.
    Hope it goes away soon..., but I'm prepared to be fanatic about it.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    @havisham I subscribe to a few youtube channels that pass treadmill time very quickly (more so than music imo). I follow some of the same people on instagram, as it helps keep me motivated and full of food idea (sorry some of these may only be one or the other).... keto connect, kayla does keto, go keto with Casey, The Keto Guy, Jason Wittrock, Ashley Mann, ketogenicgirl. Some fabulous keto food (that also have instagram and/or youtube) are Ditch the Carbs, Healthful Pursuit, PeaceLoveandLowCarb, All Day I Dream About Food, The Castaway Kitchen (not exactly keto, but fabulous), I Breath I'm Hungry....

    There are so many! These are just but a few off the top of my head because they are my go to
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    I know your not supposed to count calories, but I cant help my self. Stops me from snacking too much too.

    But what kind of calorie-goals do you set? I´m trying for 1750 a day now, but "punched" in some tacos and a lunch for today, and the tacos alone is like 1750.

    Any tips? My protein is worst, 60g over!
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    @kimberwolf71 Thanks for the list! It was a good first week. -5.5 lbs...The weekend Is here soon and I always find that the hardest, gotta keep busy. Still have another 5 lbs to get back to my old stopping point. @sebastiansteinmann I track everything and count calories I go by ruled.me/keto-calculator/ suggestions
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I have kept my physical activity up this week and done quite well keeping on plan when it comes to food. This weekend's forecast is rain which will likely mean no yard work/gardening (that I was looking forward to) and maybe more time spent in the house being sloth-like... which is just a recipe for bad food choices since SO (my carb-aholic snack king) will be home. If we are going to be hitting up some couch time with movies, I think I better go buy some makings for charcuterie or antipasto plates....
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Wasnt able to keep up with my total keto plan this weekend. Probably was more low carb, but that for me stalls weight loss.
    No drama, im shooting for pretty close to a fast today...we'll see.
    Tonight is my first yoga body/mind connection class, and I am so psyched. The timing of this, and the location of the institute I read about in a book on this subject being less that a mile away from my home, makes me believe the timing is right...almost a cosmic connection.
    Then work and appointments every day. I feel so relieved to get going again.
    Hoping my diet plan goes back to keto as of today, and all through the week.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @Sunny_Bunny_ Please update the protein mis-info for @sebastiansteinmann ...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - Sending you ALL of my best thoughts! <3
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I know your not supposed to count calories, but I cant help my self. Stops me from snacking too much too.

    But what kind of calorie-goals do you set? I´m trying for 1750 a day now, but "punched" in some tacos and a lunch for today, and the tacos alone is like 1750.

    Any tips? My protein is worst, 60g over!

    Going over protein is no problem. Your protein macro is a MINIMUM goal. Not a maximum.
    I'm a 5'4" 142 pound woman and eat anywhere from 100g to 200g depending on hunger from day to day.
    Don't bother limiting protein. There's no reason to.

  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all, had a good weekend, kept pretty active , got in the garden for a bit, weight pretty much stayed the same, past the first week now so expecting things to slow down, I wish I could handle not weighing daily but I'm a touch impatient,excited..we have a scale that tracks weight through an app so it's nice to look back and see where you were a year ago, we've had it for almost 4 years now and I swear it has made me lose weight just because I can look back with honesty and see when my weight creeps up and nip it in the bud. My weight has never gone higher than since we got the scale.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    My mind/body yoga connections class was awesome. Really worked up a sweat, and appreciated the reminders to feel the connections and physicality of it.

    This center specializes in treating people who have experienced mind/body disconnection through various types of trauma and is geared towards healing wiring in the brain that is too easily triggered into extreme responses to non extreme situations using yoga as one of its several treatment modalities.

    I mention this because I believe that long term weight issues are often (not always) a result of a person's need for protection and safety from an inability to cope with horrors from the past... basically, varied manifestations of PTSD.

    I wasn't even aware until last month that a center like this existed or that there was a such a commensense way to make a positive change in quality of life. I feel very
    excited about finding this place and am mentioning it in case others might be able to benefit from knowing it's out there when they become ready.

    Hoping to do well today with keto and finally have a full work day...plus have a movie night out with friends. Feeling good for now!
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    I know your not supposed to count calories, but I cant help my self. Stops me from snacking too much too.

    But what kind of calorie-goals do you set? I´m trying for 1750 a day now, but "punched" in some tacos and a lunch for today, and the tacos alone is like 1750.

    Any tips? My protein is worst, 60g over!

    Going over protein is no problem. Your protein macro is a MINIMUM goal. Not a maximum.
    I'm a 5'4" 142 pound woman and eat anywhere from 100g to 200g depending on hunger from day to day.
    Don't bother limiting protein. There's no reason to.


    Hmm, read a lot on limiting protein and it seems like a good thing. Lowering a lot of risks line cancer etc. Also, protein being convertes to sugar is a fear. But I guess I have to go way over for that to matter.

    Been going now for little over a week, but planning a cheatday for tomorrow, since it's our nationalday.

    Had a 700g drop today after a plateau, feels nice.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Hey, all, I just wanted to bounce in and apologize for my absence. I picked up some upper respiratory crud from my boss during this weekend's move, and it's all I can do to Mucinex and Go! To work, that is. Too much going on this week to miss, but crashing hard as soon as I make it home... I'll be back again soon. Please be sure to tag @FIT_Goat or any of the active crew ( @Sunny_Bunny @Dragonwolf etc.) if you have need of anything.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I know your not supposed to count calories, but I cant help my self. Stops me from snacking too much too.

    But what kind of calorie-goals do you set? I´m trying for 1750 a day now, but "punched" in some tacos and a lunch for today, and the tacos alone is like 1750.

    Any tips? My protein is worst, 60g over!

    Going over protein is no problem. Your protein macro is a MINIMUM goal. Not a maximum.
    I'm a 5'4" 142 pound woman and eat anywhere from 100g to 200g depending on hunger from day to day.
    Don't bother limiting protein. There's no reason to.


    I was hoping to see how you get in that much protein so I checked out your diary but it's empty. Any chance you might be able to give some hints as to what kind of food you are eating till achieve those levels of protein in one day? Do you only eat meat? I feel like my diet consists of mostly meat and If I get in over 80 g of protein, that's a good day for me.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I was hoping to see how you get in that much protein so I checked out your diary but it's empty. Any chance you might be able to give some hints as to what kind of food you are eating till achieve those levels of protein in one day? Do you only eat meat? I feel like my diet consists of mostly meat and If I get in over 80 g of protein, that's a good day for me.

    Not @Sunny_Bunny_ but I generally get 130g to 180 grams a day of protein. Yes, I only eat meat. Today my lunch was a pound of 88% lean ground beef (purchasing mistake as it's far too lean) cooked in bacon fat. With that I had cheese and sour cream. That meal alone was over 100 grams.

    Dinner was a 14 ounce chuck eye steak. That added a bunch more. The total was something like 180 grams for the day.

    Granted, my calories were a little over 2,100 for the day (which means I am probably losing weight as I lose at numbers below 2600-2800). If you're eating less, you'll not be hitting the same protein. But, it shouldn't be that hard to hit 100g.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I know your not supposed to count calories, but I cant help my self. Stops me from snacking too much too.

    But what kind of calorie-goals do you set? I´m trying for 1750 a day now, but "punched" in some tacos and a lunch for today, and the tacos alone is like 1750.

    Any tips? My protein is worst, 60g over!

    Going over protein is no problem. Your protein macro is a MINIMUM goal. Not a maximum.
    I'm a 5'4" 142 pound woman and eat anywhere from 100g to 200g depending on hunger from day to day.
    Don't bother limiting protein. There's no reason to.


    I was hoping to see how you get in that much protein so I checked out your diary but it's empty. Any chance you might be able to give some hints as to what kind of food you are eating till achieve those levels of protein in one day? Do you only eat meat? I feel like my diet consists of mostly meat and If I get in over 80 g of protein, that's a good day for me.

    I am trying to track food this month so I entered the last few days that I missed while I was out of town. They aren't the best example though since I ate out that whole time.
    Even though I generally only get about 1100-1400 calories I manage about 100g protein in my low calorie days.
    Now that I'm back home and trying to track this month, more typical entries will be in there.
    I do eat only meat cheese and eggs now. Not to say you can't also have vegetables and still do it though. They just don't agree with me digestively, so I just avoid them.
    I generally eat beef, either a couple burger patties or a steak of some sort for lunch. Or a few eggs and bacon or sausage. Dinner is whatever meat the family is having. Steak, chicken breast, pork or ground beef in burger or taco meat form. Could be fish too but I'm never satisfied with fish. I always end up needing more food after dinner on those days.