Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Missed posting for 2 days, did stop by for a read but ran out of time to post. Chugging along slow but sure, keeping busy with plenty to do. Made it to a group exercise class yesterday that uses cardio and weights, trying to keep activity up as I find things stall if I don't and I do like to eat throughout the day. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks, glad to say this week is moving fast. @KnitOrMiss ,hope you feel better soon :)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Got a couple good keto days under my belt again, light purple ketostix.
    Had a busy work week, great to see coworkers again, therapy tomorrow, possible retail therapy tomorrow night, yoga on Sat, and dance night Sunday, work and yoga on monday, work and book club on Tues. This is alot for me, way out of my usual homebased modus operandi.
    Mostly trying to keep busy out of the house these days. I spend too much time at home alone. Projects are great but not really fulfilling me at this point.
    I am craving relationships of all kinds.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @elize7 Great job on the keto stick! It's nice to get that affirmation! Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! Enjoy yourself!

  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    2 weeks today, down a total of 6.6 lbs moving in the right direction. It's great when weight moves fast but I know in the end slow and steady is just as great a result, when you look at other people that have lost a large amount of weight you hear how slowly it happened and you think that would be great if you yourself could do that. While they had lost say 30 lbs I had gained 10 ... Long weekend this weekend with no solid plans, will look forward to sleeping in a bit. This weeks obsession has been looking at my sleep on Fitbit. I know it's not perfect science but it gives me a general idea of my sleep. Really been trying to get to bed on time to get 7 hours. Have a good weekend all.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Ugggh, to slower than instant gratification results. On the scale, of course.
    Oh well, feel primed for the weekend of fun activities. Not feeling any cravings or need to escape with food, and am trying to utilize my yoga strategy of being physically present and in the Now moment.
    Saw a guote once that said basically depression is dwelling in the past, anxiety is worrying about the future and being present in the current moment is where we can find our peace and happiness If we choose to do that.
    Kind of simplistic, but it rings true for me.
    Have a great weekend, pals!
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Had a strong start to the week, but have been slipping a little the last two days. It is long weekend coming up with lots of outdoor physical activity planned. The weather forecast looks promising and I hope to get myself back on track and set up to stay strong next week!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited May 2017
    3.6 pound whoosh this am..great but just undoing last week's damage. This week is looking less full of emotional land mines, so I'm planning on making the most of it.

    Would love to drop another 2-3 pounds.
    That would get me another reward!

    I'm trying to remember and be mindful of how simple my food plan is, and how good it makes my body feel. Don't know why I keep going astray...more than half the time the relapse foods don't even taste that good. It really springs from a fevered need to stuff down feelings. And doesn't even work except in the actual moment.
    Still wrestling with this obstacle more than I care to admit.

    Hope my yoga body/mind classes help with this...that would be an awesome added bonus.
    Hope the weekend is going great for my fitness pals!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @elize7 congratulations on the loss!
  • hillarymouse
    hillarymouse Posts: 69 Member
    I went off keto for the weekend because of travel and graduation parties and I'm craving pizza and carbs so badly! I maaaay have had flamin' hot cheetos for breakfast like an adult... I did avoid pizza, and my dinner will be keto friendly even if it kills me. I get such a foggy brain when I carb. My goals for the rest of the day are to keep my net carbs under 30 and drink half my weight in water.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Sounds like a good plan.

    I'm still on vacation and trying very hard to make good Keto choices staying in a hotel and eating out for every meal.

    I've been logging everything and staying under 50g of carbs. Yesterday, I fasted from 10am to 7pm waiting for dinner where I could choose something other than pizza and French fries.

    That's a true NSV for me. It was proof that I must have a handle on Keto (and be fat adapted) because there is no way I would ever have been able to do that on my own. I didn't even have to resist or feel like I missed something, I genuinely didn't want what everyone else was having. The temptation just wasn't there. It was amazing!

    Heading home later today. Even though I know I made decent choices, it wasn't perfect and I'm looking forward to getting back to routines. I may even try an egg fast to get things back on track faster.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    So discouraged. Been back on plan for a week now and myvweight won't drop. In fact, it went up half a pound . I've even been fasting from 6:30!pm-8:30 am....nothing. I'm wondering if I need to drop my cals again ...or try to drop carbs more. Ugh. I feel like this happens with every single diet. I have a couple of good weeks and then I level off and stop losing or I gain.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Long weekend over , did well considering I had no plans, made them up as I went along and had a pretty entertaining weekend, not much accomplished otherwise. Got the basics done around the house. Had to eat out once, not as exciting as it used to be, I almost find it a bit of a drag other than not having to cook and clean up.. I ordered steak and vegetables but goodness knows what was in them ,my Keto sticks went back to square one that night. But didn't seem to affect my weight in any negative way so I will just carry on, we do the best we can. Thanks to this community and thread, I have good company and a way to stay focused :)
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    havisham wrote: »
    Long weekend over , did well considering I had no plans, made them up as I went along and had a pretty entertaining weekend, not much accomplished otherwise. Got the basics done around the house. Had to eat out once, not as exciting as it used to be, I almost find it a bit of a drag other than not having to cook and clean up.. I ordered steak and vegetables but goodness knows what was in them ,my Keto sticks went back to square one that night. But didn't seem to affect my weight in any negative way so I will just carry on, we do the best we can. Thanks to this community and thread, I have good company and a way to stay focused :)

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited May 2017
    My son is visiting. Off plan via alcohol and carby snacks at a party.
    I notice my midsection is getting very thick and bloaty looking. First time I've hated seeing my body since I lost all my weight.
    This regaining pattern is scaring me now. It's getting real, and I want my focus and ferocious keto adherence back. Really!
    Driving my son back on Thursday. After that, its game on! Might even be game on right now.
    Enough is enough.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    @mjj79 I am sorry to read that you are feeling discouraged. I don't know your whole story, but one week really isn't that long. Perhaps you don't have that much water weight to lose (the cause of the initial whoosh that excites so many), maybe your body needs to heal or adjust, perhaps your stress hormones are high or sleep numbers are low.

    Try and pay attention to all the other things, especially how you FEEL instead of the scale. Have patience with yourself and your body.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    ^^^^What she said^^^^^
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - I'm finding myself in that spiral right now too. It's like I lost my gravity to keto somehow, and just trying to get that momentum back is exhausting. Sending you and all those struggling the best thoughts. (hugs)
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all, Is it the New Moon or what? I was feeling ok other than wanting to just immerse myself in a huge 3 course meal, didn't happen of course but I sure do want to just munch and munch. I have to go to a family dinner tonight and I am not looking forward to the eating part. There are some people that are supporting and get it and then there are others who don't get it and take offense to not eating everything they made, also a touch of guilt because I understand when you spend all day cooking just to be told "I can't eat that", and just the anxiety of having to even deal with explaining what and why you eat what you eat... so much easier to prepare your own food.
    So , with wanting to eat the house down and going to a dinner that will test my will power I am feeling a little edgy, did I mention there will be birthday cake, yeah....so there's that too. I know it wouldn't kill me to eat whatever in moderation but I really want to treat this WOE like an addiction recovery and just not touch sugars and breads and starches. It doesn't feel like a treat anymore, feels like a hassle and a setback.
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm only in week 3, but have not gone off plan. Weight seems to be stalled after some initial wt loss (I also badly injured my ankle last week = more sedentary than usual with a brace), but I'm believing in the WOE because my BG has been in normal range for 10 straight days!! I'm actually looking forward to my next dr visit.

    Heading out of town for the weekend but planning on taking my keto foods with me and keeping keto.... and maybe even get some exercise if my ankle holds up.
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    Today is my first day transitioning to the Keto WOE. Started off my morning with a bulletproof coffee (using Kerrygold and Heavy Whipping Cream) and found it quite yummy. I don't usually like eating much in the morning, so that may be it until I start feeling hungry. Starting weight is 268.2. I'll check back in later!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    havisham wrote: »
    Hey all, Is it the New Moon or what? I was feeling ok other than wanting to just immerse myself in a huge 3 course meal, didn't happen of course but I sure do want to just munch and munch. I have to go to a family dinner tonight and I am not looking forward to the eating part. There are some people that are supporting and get it and then there are others who don't get it and take offense to not eating everything they made, also a touch of guilt because I understand when you spend all day cooking just to be told "I can't eat that", and just the anxiety of having to even deal with explaining what and why you eat what you eat... so much easier to prepare your own food.
    So , with wanting to eat the house down and going to a dinner that will test my will power I am feeling a little edgy, did I mention there will be birthday cake, yeah....so there's that too. I know it wouldn't kill me to eat whatever in moderation but I really want to treat this WOE like an addiction recovery and just not touch sugars and breads and starches. It doesn't feel like a treat anymore, feels like a hassle and a setback.

    @havisham - Cake trick - pick up a piece, move it around on your place, make it look like you've eaten some, then as soon as no one is watching, find a random place to set it down, and tell them, "Yes, it was GREAT! Thanks."

    Also, tell them you're avoid "whites" at doctor request (white sugar, white flour, white veggies, etc.). Makes it easier when you present it as a less extreme ideal most of them are probably accepting of already.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks @KnitOrMiss it's almost time to go.... too bad it's not weird to take cake in the bathroom with you...
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Was visiting with my son this week but now he's gone. Did horribly carb wise first two days, moderate last two days. Feel recharged because it was a great time with my awesome son, and I just feel ready to start up again in so many areas of life.
    A fresh start for me...Starting now!
    Have a great night, pals.
  • bannierooster
    bannierooster Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Ladies and Gents! I recently participated in in the Keto four week challenge and am now trying to find another group. Mind if I join in with y'all? I am 65, fairly new to Keto, and trying to reverse (recent diagnosis of) type 2 diabetes.
    Ann from Alabama
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hey Ladies and Gents! I recently participated in in the Keto four week challenge and am now trying to find another group. Mind if I join in with y'all? I am 65, fairly new to Keto, and trying to reverse (recent diagnosis of) type 2 diabetes.
    Ann from Alabama

    Glad you are here!
  • darkphoenix323
    darkphoenix323 Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm closing in on the end of Day 1. All in all, I feel good. Never felt starving. I felt a little low energy with a mild headache midday, but I upped my salt intake and felt better. I'm under 20 carbs. I don't feel hungry since dinner, so I may not eat again. Any feedback on my entries for today would be appreciated!

    Fat: 119g
    Protein : 72g
    Carb: 13g
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    Hey Ladies and Gents! I recently participated in in the Keto four week challenge and am now trying to find another group. Mind if I join in with y'all? I am 65, fairly new to Keto, and trying to reverse (recent diagnosis of) type 2 diabetes.
    Ann from Alabama

    Hey Ann! ROLL TIDE!

    I'm 53 and just started keto and also got a TD2 diagnosis recently. Feel free to add me! Let's do this together!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I'm closing in on the end of Day 1. All in all, I feel good. Never felt starving. I felt a little low energy with a mild headache midday, but I upped my salt intake and felt better. I'm under 20 carbs. I don't feel hungry since dinner, so I may not eat again. Any feedback on my entries for today would be appreciated!

    Fat: 119g
    Protein : 72g
    Carb: 13g

    @darkphoenix323 - The combo of low energy and headache is definitely indicative of too low sodium. Remember that your body will be dumping around 5000 mg of sodium a day that you must replace... Especially as you adapt to the program. Some people have to continue to supplement past 12 weeks, some don't... Some need even more than that... So just keep an eye on that sodium. If you get to the point of having headaches, you're going to start dumping magnesium, too...
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    Whoosh underway... 1.8 lbs down at this morning's weigh in. Drank a ton of water for the past 2 days, and I think that helped.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Still waiting for my "whoosh". I was sure it would be this morning but it wasn't.