Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • joannaedickson
    joannaedickson Posts: 1 Member
    This is my day one of the new adventure! Eeek!
  • wings651
    wings651 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new to this group, but not new to Keto. I've been on this WOE for almost a year now and have lost 70 pounds so far. I just configured My Fitness Pal to log with my Keto percentages and it's working great! Thanks for letting me join.
  • fairytink2u
    fairytink2u Posts: 16 Member
    Starting brain octane oil today!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @elize7 - Just remember that any plan can be adjusted as needed "on the run." Good for you for working on getting yourself properly equipped for the social insanity! (hugs) Find some other enjoyable activities to fill the social gap, like a book club or random events at the library...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @fairytink2u - Remember to start slowly to avoid ... digestive pyrotechnics!

    @Scochrane86 & others marking achievements - Congrats!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Hi everyone ! I am new to the group and new to Keto. Hoping that finally I have fond a way of eating that I can stick with. I am enjoying it thus far and my only problem is... getting enough fat and protein. Do any of you folks have tips for or do you have to use supplements for that?
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    xLexa wrote: »
    Hi everyone ! I am new to the group and new to Keto. Hoping that finally I have fond a way of eating that I can stick with. I am enjoying it thus far and my only problem is... getting enough fat and protein. Do any of you folks have tips for or do you have to use supplements for that?

    what is your protein goal? the fat is more of a ceiling and you don't need to worry about hitting that amount, just use fat as a way to fill you up and keep you satisfied.
    Eggs are a great way to get in protein.

  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    xLexa wrote: »
    Hi everyone ! I am new to the group and new to Keto. Hoping that finally I have fond a way of eating that I can stick with. I am enjoying it thus far and my only problem is... getting enough fat and protein. Do any of you folks have tips for or do you have to use supplements for that?

    what is your protein goal? the fat is more of a ceiling and you don't need to worry about hitting that amount, just use fat as a way to fill you up and keep you satisfied.
    Eggs are a great way to get in protein.

    Hi there. My protein goal is 133. I used the calculator I found in a facebook group. It is 22 g carbs 133 protein and 100+ fat I am struggling to eat much more than 1000 cals a day and even then it is more likely to be 800. I started back here to MFP so I could keep a better track on things.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    xLexa wrote: »

    Hi there. My protein goal is 133. I used the calculator I found in a facebook group. It is 22 g carbs 133 protein and 100+ fat I am struggling to eat much more than 1000 cals a day and even then it is more likely to be 800. I started back here to MFP so I could keep a better track on things.

    Welcome xLexa! Try to make sure you're minimal intake isn't because you're feeling deprived or don't have many choices in your pantry right now. I often felt this way when it was just me doing keto. Now that my wife has joined in just about everything in the house is friendly and I actually have to restrain myself sometimes! :D Just a thought, and remember the staples:
    Heavy whipping cream
    Full fat dressing
    Fattier cuts of meat/dark meat chicken
    Fibrous veggies if you choose
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Still think I've got another week or so before i settle back into my own life, but im trying to hang on to my plan and self care whenever possible. Not running from the feelings and definately cutting myself some slack with my program, which is helping me to at least not lose ground.
    Hoping for a pared down keto fasting kind of day to get rid of carb bloat from some weekend indulgences, which were not excessive.
    Retail therapy this AM, in the form of some new yoga items which I've been doing for a few weeks. Trying to get some flexibility back, now that endurance has definately improved.
    To me, staying primarily keto is going to always be my go-to plan and my first stop for a reset.
    Honestly, i feel like i am doing the real work of my weightloss journey now and am finding it way harder than the losing weight phase. Learning to live with all the ups and downs, staying present for myself when I'm able, and keeping stable with eating while I'm living... really is the key to this journey for me.
    I feel like this is the work that will let me be free of body issues, of sickness around my perceptions of eating, of weight gain for self protection, and of fear and anxiety based binging/ purging cycles.
    Its so hard, but I know I'm so much healthier and kinder to myself than I was even a year ago; even if...for now...i have to live through pain without my fatsuit to shield me.
    Luv you, pals. Rock on!!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Hi everyone !
    So, I have a question. I have searched the forums and online and have seen it both ways. Here's the story.. I bought those Atkins Endulge as I was really craving something sweet. On the box it says 1g net carbs. On the tracker it goes in as much more. So should I be counting net carbs or just as they are on the nutritional info. Thanks !!
  • goldengirl111
    goldengirl111 Posts: 684 Member
    Tried the keto pancakes recipes. . . not for me/.... ughhh ... I wanted to like them, but they had my house smelling badly... the taste and texture was eggy and rubbery. . . so not like pancakes. I decided I'll just eat regular pancakes just not as many. Probably not 100% keto but I'm still learning.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    xLexa wrote: »
    Hi everyone !
    So, I have a question. I have searched the forums and online and have seen it both ways. Here's the story.. I bought those Atkins Endulge as I was really craving something sweet. On the box it says 1g net carbs. On the tracker it goes in as much more. So should I be counting net carbs or just as they are on the nutritional info. Thanks !!
    You've just stumbled across the age old question of net vs total when counting carbs. And you will find just as many varying opinions. The Atkins products use some sort of sugar alcohol to sweeten it. Many believe they do not have to count the sugar alcohols bc the sweetener is not supposed to raise your blood sugar or cause insulin spikes. Personally, I think the reaction to these artificial sweeteners are highly individual, some people many not react at all to them, where others find themselves dealing with more intense sugar cravings. With Keto, you are trying to eliminate sugar or things that turn into sugar quickly in the body by keeping your carbs low. This way your body is forced to adapt its main fuel source away from sugars to fats.

    I count net carbs on my fruit and veggies, and total carbs on any thing else, still keeping my total amount for the day under 20 gr.
  • Lem0nyFresh
    Lem0nyFresh Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! So I started about a week ago, and have been slowly working towards a "full keto" diet. I'll dig into the other posts, but have any of you run into issues meeting your macros for the day, or found yourself trying to find fat or protein full foods with super low carbs to meet your macros?
  • dflat0821
    dflat0821 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone, I've been Keto for couple years, lost most of my weight in the first six months, started at 215 went down to 180, so much to learn in this WOE, best of all I love the food I eat and keep the weight off without doing hours on a treadmill, I'm starting again to lift weights and it feels great! I guess I've been in maintenance for some time and have upped the healthy fat to about 75-80% of daily intake, I do intermittent fasting during the week and eat a lot on weekends, keto of course,
  • dflat0821
    dflat0821 Posts: 10 Member
    edited March 2017
    Have a great day!
  • dflat0821
    dflat0821 Posts: 10 Member
    To be honest I fell off a few times, once when my daughter brought home 7 crates of Girl Scout cookies to sell! I ate 8 boxes in about a week, gained 5lbs back, I struggled for 2 weeks to get back on the Keto, but I did, I had other slip ups but got right back on the next day, I realized that the longer I'm on keto it's easier to correct it, I really want to stay on track but know I won't be perfect, it's for the long term, not just about weight for me, my blood pressure is back to normal and blood panel has much improved. So I just "keep calm and Keto on"
  • HappyBride917
    HappyBride917 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Today is my first day on Keto. I had a good day but I went over my calories by about 250. I guess it's just hard starting out. I read somewhere to give yourself a week or two of getting yourself into ketosis and getting used to the foods, and then worry about calories. I'm not sure if that is sound advice, since I'm just starting but I might try it.

    To introduce myself a little, I've been on every diet on earth. I tried weight watchers 23987521938742 times...I'm actually still a member (I have it free until mid-April). I've also tried simply calorie counting, I've tried eating weird foods like dry fish and beets...I've just done everything since I was about 12 years old. Low carb, however, was never something I've done before. My whole life FAT=BAD...so Keto really scared me at first, but I'm hoping this works because it seems like my last option. OH, did I mention...my wedding is in 6 1/2 months, and I'm desperate to feel comfortable in my wedding dress.

    I do have a lot of keto questions...I've been googling most, but some I'd like to see if you guys have answers to. How often do you, if you do, eat more than 20-50g of carbs a day. Is it okay to do that every once in a while? Does it take forever to get back into ketosis? Can you drink on Keto? I've read that you can have things like vodka because they are very low carb. How long can you stay on Keto for (my mom is nervous that it will have negative long term effects)? I'm sure I have more, but I'm not thinking of them now. Any tips/tricks/advice you'd like to offer to this newbie would be much appreciated :) Thanks!!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Welcome LemOnyFresh....to answer your question... Yes! I use avocado, coconut oil, butter, olive oil to increase fats. I also use sour cream, real mayo and blue cheese dressing a lot. Protein is an easy fix bc it's your meats, eggs and cheese.....