Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I could stand a little keto venting right about now. I was doing well with it, but I am one of those lucky people who get keto rash. Luckily I only get it under my arms, but it's still not fun. Anyway I took a short break from strict keto, probably was mostly in the 25-30 grams of carbs per day range as opposed to the 15-20 I had been doing before. My rash disappeared almost overnight, and the weight loss stopped. Lowered my carbs about a week ago and have lost another four (!) pounds in that time. Aaaand the rash is back and worse than before. It's frustrating that in order to lose weight I have to go so low carb I give myself a rash.

    @SisalKeenly - I've found that for me, this stems from the fact that when our body burns fat, part of the byproduct released is done so through our skin, either as air or sweat released. The keto rash is developed when this sits on the skin. For me, with sensitive skin, I'll feel as if I have an "all day" sunburn. As such, by accident, I discovered that the same treatment helps it. Swipe down with witch hazel, let dry naturally, and repeat until that "burn" feeling is gone, then lightly moisturize with coconut oil or a lotion containing coconut oil and/or shea butter. Stay away from aloe vera (creates odd reaction) and commercial lotions. I have the most sensitive skin out of most of the people I know, and this works well for me.

    This is the same thing I do with sun exposure, as I burn easily, too, though zinc oxide based sunscreen with coconut oil is an amazing sunscreen, too!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Today is presenting itself as challenging in a not good way on three fronts: work, work, and social.

    My plan is to get through the first two and go to bed at 6:30pm to avoid the leftover hurt from the third. Also hopefully... avoiding a potential food break out type of situation.
    Probably not the best strategy, but looking doable for this particular moment in time.

    Then, I've decided to break a bit from socializing for a couple weeks and dive into a very purge focused spring cleaning. Hopefully also get back on my moderate daily activity plan. Kind of like hitting a reset button and starting over. I think I'm at least ready to try that.
    Still not feeling right about myself, but a little better.

    @elize7 - I'm sincerely sorry that you're struggling so much. I'm sending you my best thoughts to survive! (HUGS)
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    I made homemade gummies today. They were super good! Great for treats.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - you make me smile. Not your struggles, but your perseverance! Good on you, adapting and moving on! You are so incredible, and I bet you don't even realize it. <3
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    On the 2nd day of a 3 day fast. I haven't done this in a while and I forget how easy it's become. Hoping that it's jump start me in my quest to lose the last 15 lbs to my goal. I put myself in maintenance for a year and got really comfortable with it.

    It would be nice if I can do that before I have to get fitted for a tux for my son's wedding. lol
  • joearzola504
    joearzola504 Posts: 1 Member
    Question for the ones who have done Keto for awhile, I recently began on 4/17 and my cal intake is at 2675/day, days 1 and 2 I took in 2350(avg). Do I need to force feed myself to hit my goals? I've yet to hit 160g protein, 207g fat and I've nailed the carbs at 30g per day. Will I hurt physically if my protein is at 130 and fat at 165g? Just wondering. The bullet proof coffee in the morning keeps me full for 5-6hrs easily
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    If you stay under the carbs, stay pretty close on the protein then you'll do fine. I'd say that you must be pretty active with those macros. You're doing great!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Question for the ones who have done Keto for awhile, I recently began on 4/17 and my cal intake is at 2675/day, days 1 and 2 I took in 2350(avg). Do I need to force feed myself to hit my goals? I've yet to hit 160g protein, 207g fat and I've nailed the carbs at 30g per day. Will I hurt physically if my protein is at 130 and fat at 165g? Just wondering. The bullet proof coffee in the morning keeps me full for 5-6hrs easily

    @joearzola504 - Typically, we say, carbs are a hard limit, protein is a goal range based on activity, etc., and fats fill in to satiety.

    If you need a visualization, that means whatever calories you aren't naturally eating by hunger, your body MAY burn from your stored body fat (and no, artificially manipulating these numbers doesn't mean more burned fat - it can, but it may also slow your metabolism and a number of other ill effects - it's very individual).

    Humans naturally have hungrier days and less hungry days. If you look at your deficits on a 7-10 day average, you should be coming out within a reasonable range. Tune in to that true hunger again. One day you may go 1000 calories over, and then you may be around 200 under for the next 4-5 days, leveling it out. It's really really unique to each person how that happens.

    For me, forcing yourself to eat when you TRULY are not hunger is as disordered as not eating when you're starving, etc. Protein doesn't have to be exactly even either. As long as you don't have super low days regularly, that can be a more flexible range, too. It should be based off of lean body mass or goal mass...etc. Different calculations. You can always consider adding protein powder to your BPC, or collagen, or both, depending on your preference. You can also add in some leaner meals or eggs, etc., that will get your numbers up without adding too much other into the picture. Hope this helps.

    Oh, and remember, you have to eat 3500 calories above your MAINTENANCE number to gain a pound of pure fat. Any other fluctuations are easily water gains. Enjoy the reduced hunger while it lasts, tune into those hunger signals again, and enjoy the journey.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Aloha! I've found my way back to this group!!!!!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    RoosterDJC wrote: »
    Started doing Keto for 2017. Lost 9 lbs so far. I have just not been eating breakfast. Its coffe and half and half until noon. Anyone else doing this?

    Mon thru friday. Sat & sunday i usually make family breakfast.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    When i do this successfully, i dont have anything but coffee/cream til 2pm ish, sometimes til 6pm. And still have mega energy once I'm fat adapted. Really amazes me. Keto is rhe best!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Starting the 4 week keto challenge today, hoping to clean up my food/activity act! Goals are pretty standard for my food plan, and a combo of walking, yoga and bodyweight strength for my activity plan. Sometimes a challenge works for me. Hoping this one does. I did succeed at a 4 week plank challenge once...
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi all! I'm doing a four week keto challenge as well. I am on Day five now, on keto again. This is the first day I've felt mental clarity!!!! I'm so grateful for this, and so eager to get to where I need to be.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I love Keto! I purposely let myself I have carbs on Easter and have regretted it ever since! My body does so much better when I eat this way!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited April 2017
    Had a 3.8 pound beginner's woosh after only one day. Feel so motivated. Really hoping that will ramp up as the week goes along, so my weekly loss goal numbers will become more reasonable for the duration of the challenge.
    As I look at them, a small, tiny, very softspoken voice of reason is saying, " it might be more like six weeks to actually reach your goal...based on past experience..."
    But, I will give that voice the floor only after 4 weeks. Four weeks is doable and I can make a real good dent no matter the end numbers.
    Such a head game for me. Still takes up too much of my time. But I figure I make it up in time saved not having to cook much.
    Have a great day pals!

  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good morning! A new day to kick *kitten* and take names!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited April 2017
    Baby whoosh of 1.4 lbs. Total in two days is 5.2 lbs. Wowza. That helps my mood a bit.
    Not feeling the total energy rush yet...but waiting for it...

    Have an unexpected movie night at a friends house tonight... then on Friday I'm going back to one of my dance nights...lost the other to the dreaded ex, but it's forcing me to reach out and expand socially. That is good, and since it's at a friends home it feels more real than dance night at the bar- even though I just love all my pals there.

    Going back to my beginning keto habits feels good. I'm remembering how committed and fierce I was then about getting the weight off. Trying to keep my mind in that space for now. 27 days to go...15 Lbs. A little over a 1/2 lb a day. Not really realistic, but shooting for it and then re-evaluate. Hoping to get back to new goal weight again by the first day of summer!
    Now that is a challenge I can sink my teeth into.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @elize7 you're doing fantastic!
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    After 2 days I'm down 2.6. Keeping net carbs around 50 bc I'm nursing my 9 month old. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will finally help me lose weight after failing at EVERYTHING else I've tried. My goal is to add exercise in over the next week . I've hardly worked out at all in the past 9 months. I have a couple of autoimmune diseases, one of which is hashimotos hypothyroidism. (The other disease causes lots of joint pain and fatigue.) Really hoping this WOE is the answer.
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hey I lost four pounds this last week, and I bet it would've been a couple more, but for TOM, DOMS, and not being able to go doodoo.

    You are all doing sooooo great!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @SuperCarLori you are doing fantastic! I am so happy for you!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    @SuperCarLori you are doing fantastic! I am so happy for you!

    Thank you, my friend! You inspired me.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Okay. Messed up at movie night. 6 homemade cookies on an otherwise perfect day.
    Not the end of the world, but then this.
    Dreaded ex keeps texting me and it messes my mind up. Havent responded yet, but its 3pm and im having a carby cocktail that i created for the break up which is called "the FU and then his first name initial which just happens to be K.
    Im writing a text response just so i can let this go. I am vacillating between something angry, something dismissive, and something real, but not needy. Every week for 4 weerks of 8, he has made a lame attempt to contact me. It really messes with my head, and avoiding him doesn't help. I suspect he doesnt want to reconcile, just wants to make nice nice due to mutual friends.
    Any one out there who has managed to have a good, healthy relationship who would care to help me out with suggestions would make my day! i feel like a babe in the woods. Dont know what to do. Would like to remain civil so I could still see my dance night friends, and not mess up my keto food plan. The anxiety is getting to me big time.
    Thanks for being here pals.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Okay. Messed up at movie night. 6 homemade cookies on an otherwise perfect day.
    Not the end of the world, but then this.
    Dreaded ex keeps texting me and it messes my mind up. Havent responded yet, but its 3pm and im having a carby cocktail that i created for the break up which is called "the FU and then his first name initial which just happens to be K.
    Im writing a text response just so i can let this go. I am vacillating between something angry, something dismissive, and something real, but not needy. Every week for 4 weerks of 8, he has made a lame attempt to contact me. It really messes with my head, and avoiding him doesn't help. I suspect he doesnt want to reconcile, just wants to make nice nice due to mutual friends.
    Any one out there who has managed to have a good, healthy relationship who would care to help me out with suggestions would make my day! i feel like a babe in the woods. Dont know what to do. Would like to remain civil so I could still see my dance night friends, and not mess up my keto food plan. The anxiety is getting to me big time.
    Thanks for being here pals.

    @elize7 - just think how much worse you would feel having those cookies on top of a high carb day! So that's a win unto itself, right?

    I'm sorry this guy is stressing you.

    It really depends on what he's said and all, how I would base my response. Something along the links of, "I appreciate you reaching out. I've moved on, and believe you should do so as well. Thankfully we're both grown adults and can be in the same room without acting like children."
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thanks, Knit. Might do that. Since all my friends are from the group, I dont feel comfortable talking about it to them. Never again. Venting at least feels better than stewing.
    Have three upcoming events that i can go to this weekend, so that will take my mind off things.
    Back to keto. I'll find out the damage tomorrow and get back to it. I notice that even with all the back and forth eating of this year, I get back into ketosis pretty fast. And when I do the supplements and salt, which I do faithfully, there really isn't any keto flu! So that is good.Tomorrow, if I up the salt amounts til the extra water lets go, it will be even better.
    Ultimately, one goal that I have for maintenance is to find the number of carbs i can eat which lets,me maintain, but also minimizes keto breath. Has anyone found what range that might be for them?
    Would be nice to finally put that piece away for good.
  • gooberiam
    gooberiam Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for Keto friends with public journals! Mine is public and I would love help, support, advice and ideas.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @elize7 - Ran across this yesterday talking about quitting sugar and anxiety. Tell me if it doesn't speak to you...

    "Yip! And the amino acids help you quit so easily! No willpower required!
    GABA for stress-eating, DPA for comfort-I deserve-it cravings, tryptophan for eating for happiness, tyrosine for energy and focus and glutamine for intense cravings due to low blood sugar
    If these don't help enough candida needs to be considered"
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    So, I've noticed my protein is always higher than fat... anywhere from 5 g to 20 g more. Is that a problem?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Carly or Karen Thanks for giving advice and support to others. Do either of you have an answer to @mjj79 about excess protein to fat ratio?