Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
edited January 2018 in Social Groups
Since the 2016 thread has gotten so long, I figured we could start a new check in, for anyone who really doesn't want to read through 37 pages of posts!

So, go! Check in here about anything and everything keto or life related!

Previous Thread Link: community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10291901/daily-check-in-for-keto-friends#latest


  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Woo hoo, new year new thread! Let's go folks!
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Getting back on plan and it is feeling great! I am beyond done with the Christmas carbage!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    still going strong with the new year's plan and I'm luving the keto rush.
    Feeling great about this year, and I feel ready to get some new things going.
    A few things are already in the works...early days, but it's just great.
  • BlakelyFaye
    BlakelyFaye Posts: 31 Member
    I've been doing Keto since May and have been hovering around a 30 pound loss since early November. I put on a pound or two over the holidays -- I'm not sure if it was carb creep (lots of keto treats, wine, more nuts than usual) or just too many calories. I just started tracking again after months of doing lazy keto, and I am back on track, I think. Glad to see a new thread for 2017 just as I am trying to re-engage with MFP!
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    I'm starting week 2 of keto (more low carb actually) and I'm holding steady after a quick 1.5lb loss eating more total calories. I had a small bout of lethargy but bounced back pretty quick and now I'm coasting and workout intensity has stayed high. I weight train 6x/wk f.y.i
  • Suzanne_Pmonkey
    Suzanne_Pmonkey Posts: 387 Member
    I've been doing keto for 9 days now and I'm very hopeful that this is a woe I can stick with! @magerchuk I have pcos too and that was one of the many reasons I decided to give this a whirl.

    @KnitOrMiss I lost 20-30 pounds in 4 months last year and then spent the other 8 months gaining and losing 5-10lbs. I like what you said about the metabolism break, it makes me feel a bit better about it. Hoping to avoid that with keto, but I know what an uphill battle it will be either way.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Good things on the near horizon. Staying close but not perfect on my keto plan. Still very happy with progress. Have found a new exercise buddy and that is a very interesting, unexpected development! We'll see how that goes...
    I really think this is going to be my year!!!
    Thanks for being here with me fitness pals!
  • webbsark
    webbsark Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am really trying to break this plateau. I have lost 15 lbs a while ago and now I go down a few lbs and up a few lbs. Have been doing low carb but thinking a more strict keto plan might help. I just have a little harder time getting my fat in.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    For anyone else who has struggled to lose continually on Keto, this is something you should read. For me personally, page 3 (I think) was the standout, but page 2 applied enough that it reeled me in... @Suzanne_Pmonkey

  • Suzanne_Pmonkey
    Suzanne_Pmonkey Posts: 387 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    For anyone else who has struggled to lose continually on Keto, this is something you should read. For me personally, page 3 (I think) was the standout, but page 2 applied enough that it reeled me in... @Suzanne_Pmonkey


    I actually read the whole thing last night, and it was amazingly informative! I have pcos and hypothyroid, and that article was exactly what I have been looking for. It even led me to a doc near me that might be a good choice if he's covered under my insurance.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @Suzanne_Pmonkey - I am insulin resistant, have PCOS, hypothyroidism, and a number of other things, so we're in the same boat. I don't have a gallbladder, so it compounds at lot of the issues, but I've fought for a few years now to get everything working better, but it's an ongoing battle. I'm glad you've found a potential doctor. My endocrinologist is good, but I need a new PCP since I moved, and I'm just...not finding what I require... Frustrating to say the least! LOL
  • drmfeathr
    drmfeathr Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I am on a new adventure with my honey. We have both started the Keto thing me.. in Dec him in Jan. It is going to be harder for him than me. I am not having cravings and not hungry most of the time. Him on the other hand. Big time snacker and Beer Drinker. This has been very hard. 2nd week and he is looking at labels. Oh I hope this works for him and me. He is almost 500lbs and he has a long way to go. This is not a diet this a total lifestyle change for him and Me. We need to get healthy. I only am 52 Life restarts now. looking for recipes especially to keep flavor in foods. different Ideas. I do find this work I have to prepare things on the weekend to get us through a few days during the Week. We were eating My favorite thing in the whole world Ice cream almost everyday. That is gone and I am good with homemade whipped cream etc. But he wants snacks... chips are his down fall. His favorite is funions, Doritos. I bought him fast things from Atkins because he doesn't make time to eat during the day. But he snacks. I am proud of him staying out of the vending machines. Just have to keep him motivated.
  • mrsnav
    mrsnav Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm starting strict Keto tomorrow morning! I just went grocery shopping and have thrown out all the carb stuff. This will be my second time doing Keto. A little over 2 years ago I did Keto and lost 40 lbs in about 5 months. Then I got lazy and reverted back to a carb based diet. I'm really excited to make this switch to Keto a permanent life change!
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    drmfeathr wrote: »
    Hi I am on a new adventure with my honey. We have both started the Keto thing me.. in Dec him in Jan. It is going to be harder for him than me. I am not having cravings and not hungry most of the time. Him on the other hand. Big time snacker and Beer Drinker. This has been very hard. 2nd week and he is looking at labels. Oh I hope this works for him and me. He is almost 500lbs and he has a long way to go. This is not a diet this a total lifestyle change for him and Me. We need to get healthy. I only am 52 Life restarts now. looking for recipes especially to keep flavor in foods. different Ideas. I do find this work I have to prepare things on the weekend to get us through a few days during the Week. We were eating My favorite thing in the whole world Ice cream almost everyday. That is gone and I am good with homemade whipped cream etc. But he wants snacks... chips are his down fall. His favorite is funions, Doritos. I bought him fast things from Atkins because he doesn't make time to eat during the day. But he snacks. I am proud of him staying out of the vending machines. Just have to keep him motivated.

    Good luck to both of you! With a built in support system I'm sure you both will thrive!!
    mrsnav wrote: »
    Hi! I'm starting strict Keto tomorrow morning! I just went grocery shopping and have thrown out all the carb stuff. This will be my second time doing Keto. A little over 2 years ago I did Keto and lost 40 lbs in about 5 months. Then I got lazy and reverted back to a carb based diet. I'm really excited to make this switch to Keto a permanent life change!

    Lots of similar stories to yours here, including myself! Enjoy the journey and lifestyle change!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited January 2017
    @drmfeathr My hubby eventually went keto with me after I was doing it for a few months. Since then he has lost over 100 pounds. He did not follow it as strict as I did, but I would say at least 90 % of the time. We found that we needed to keep everything in the house keto.....he travels, so if he had things non keto this is when it would happen. He loves to munch as well, so our fridge is full of pepperoni, cheese sticks, cucumber slices ( with cream cheese , yum !) beef sticks, pickles, olives. He didn't go as high fat as I did and he tended to snack on more protein type foods where I would eat avocados, use butter and hwc in my coffee to increase my fats. These tweaks worked for the both of us. As you get more familiar with this way of eating, you will find things that may work for you but not him, etc. just keep an open mind and keep experimenting!
  • magerchuk
    magerchuk Posts: 25 Member
    Well.... I'm definitely not getting my carbs down as low as I would like to but I’m definitely noticing a difference in my hunger levels now that I’m cutting back as much as I can.
    It’s challenging here at camp with limited options. Last night we had pasta with meat sauce or fish and chips. The ‘veggie’ options were sweet potato or Brussel sprouts. There is always 2 veggie options at the beginning of the line but we seem to have a lot of sweet potato, butternut squash and zucchini in there. Anyways I had to go for the fish (even though I hate fish) skipped the chips and had some brussel sprouts.

    How much fruit do ppl generally eat while doing keto? I’m new to this :P