Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • Suzanne_Pmonkey
    Suzanne_Pmonkey Posts: 387 Member
    edited February 2017
    I found a Facebook group called Optimal Ketogenic Living where they suggest lowering your fat intake so you can burn off your body fat instead of the fat you're eating. They also focus less on macro percentages and more on gram limits and minimums. I'm shooting for less than 90g fat per day, less than 25g net carbs, at least 120g protein a day, and at least 30g protein per meal. Here's the chart m.imgur.com/gallery/vlRsbXW Once you've reached your goal weight, you ramp up your fat intake to maintain. To be fair, I've only been doing this for several days, but so far so good!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited February 2017
    Still hangIng in with keto. Trying to alter macros to suit changes in lifestyle. Losing some weight, slowly. Not freaking about scale variances since I've done due- logging-diligence for the past couple years, and really understand why it goes up and down in relation to food choices.
    Down close to 10 lbs of this 25 pound reloss drive.
    My dating state of mind is "frantic with overwhelming shades of internal distress and anxiety!" Lol! Sad, but true! At least I'm keeping that to myself and trying to own it 100 percent, and trying to sort out reality from insecurity. It's so hard for me, but I'm noticing a new kernel of self supportiveness that is present at least some of the time. Yay me! I'll be there! I'm my biggest fan!
    Fake it til you make it!!! It works! Actually, I'm trying very hard to find and be my authentic self, whenever I am able to figure out what that is.
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Think I'll go listen to that on You Tube. Have a great day, pals.
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    Did you ever read the 5 Love Languages? Did wonders for my relationship.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I'll check it out. Currently reading another one that was recommended to me: by Dr. Sue Johnson, "Hold Me Tight." But I'm sure I'm way more than a one book basketcase!! Lol. Thanks so much.
  • azutorres
    azutorres Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've started a new eating lifestyle since Jan 9th & so far I've lost almost 10LBS, I will start Keto tomorrow, according to Macros calculator I need 25G fat, 60G protein & 135G fat. I need to lose about 90Lbs. I would really appreciate any friends in the same boat or advice? Thank you!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hanging on to keto for dear life in this current emotional roller coaster of times. Down almost 10 of 25 pounds to reloss goal. Things are slowing down loss wise, though. Good thing I know to expect that during this phase.
    Or I might freak out or something. Lol.
    Am also truly grateful for the present- although somewhat diminished- energy that has kicked in in spite of everything emotionally draining me.
    I'm planning on remaining present in my life no matter what happens, and to first & formost be kind to myself no matter how the cookie crumbles... if it hasn't already crumbled.
    Keto pals rule!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Elize. Glad you are in the present and handling whatever life brings you. IMO when you can control one thing in your life ( keto for me ) other things seem to fall into place as well...or at least I'm able to deal way better....you are doing amazing, keep it up !
  • gigi2892014
    gigi2892014 Posts: 29 Member
    I started Keto 3 days ago. So I am still a newbie to the whole idea. Please feel free to add me :-)
  • ShamanDiva
    ShamanDiva Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Keto Clan, I started Keto on 2/12/2017 after many years of on and off Low Carbing. Seems my body clock has stopped, so now it's time to kick start Keto as ordered by my doctor. I'm still reverting to my old ways watching the carbs and forgetting that it's FAT over Protein macro's...Here to get some motivation and friends who are successful on this WOL...LET'S GO KETO.... B)
  • pdlievsa
    pdlievsa Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all! New to MFP, but I'm glad I found your community. I just want to introduce myself as well as my goals, in hopes that it well help me with accountability! My name is Parker, I'm a 23 year old student who's getting married in less than 3 months. At my a couple months ago I was 298 pounds, I hopped on the keto train off and on, and am sitting at 265 right now. I'm 2 weeks into keto, no cheating, and I'm feeling really great. My goal is to hit 235 by my wedding day, a number I haven't seen on the scale since early highschool. I look forward to getting to know you all, as well as hopefully providing support for you. KCKO!
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Welcome new keto family!

    @pdlievsa congrats on your pending nuptials!! Good luck with keto, don't let the stress of a wedding derail your goals!

    @elize7 Stressful times are hard for any deliberate way of eating. Keep your head up and remember Keep calm and keto on!!!
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I have derailed on a few meals throughout the week and I'm feeling the effects of it. A long weekend with some spring-like weather is on the horizon, so I am reminding myself that I need to keep on keeping on!! I refuse to let carb creepage in a few meals (not days, just meals!) destroy the progress I have been making (and most importantly FEELING), over the last 1.5 months!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Welcome keto newbies...glad you found us here, and best of luck to you all. There are many wise soles on this thread and through out the Low Carb Forum, so buckle up- You are about to learn so much!!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    You've got this kimberwolf71
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Better to fight back a few bites in than a few.months in!
  • ShamanDiva
    ShamanDiva Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! What goals can I use in MFP for sodium and sugars? I am tracking carbs, fats and proteins and something kicked me out of ketosis yesterday. Today is a new day, I am optimistic to get back on the wagon...LOL
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Sodium 3-5,000 mg. Sugars as low as possible. Zero or incidental found in whole foods is preferable. That's why there are very little fruits that are keto approved. And even then you would want to only eat those a few times a week, if that.
  • ibarra97adriana
    ibarra97adriana Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, starting Keto today , 2.20.17. I just want to become healthy and lose around 30 pounds. I hope this works out for me.
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    edited February 2017
    Welcome! How did you start your first day?

    I went a little off the wagon yesterday, 42 carbs...yikes! But I only ate about 1500 calories so I don't really feel bad about it. And it wasn't even bad stuff, I added coleslaw and some bbq sauce on a chicken leg.

    MFP tells me "you'd be 219lbs in 5 weeks if you keep eating like this". I'm 239 right now...well thanks MFP!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    I love it when MFP tells me how much I'll lose!!
  • fairytink2u
    fairytink2u Posts: 16 Member
    Been doing keto since Jan 2, lost 17 pounds so far:)) still tweaking it because I am insulin resistant so I am trying to find the right combo to keep losing weight. And friends would be great to have!
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    been stalled for a few weeks and today the scale finally started moving down again. So thankful. February was a tough month as I only lost 2lbs (18lbs the month before that). I am hoping that march goes much smoother. I have cut out my morning coffee and increased my water even more.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Hey there, starting Keto today , 2.20.17. I just want to become healthy and lose around 30 pounds. I hope this works out for me.

    So, how have your first couple of days been??

    been stalled for a few weeks and today the scale finally started moving down again. So thankful. February was a tough month as I only lost 2lbs (18lbs the month before that). I am hoping that march goes much smoother. I have cut out my morning coffee and increased my water even more.

    That's good to hear! All you did was cut morning joe? Wow, was it like super keto-fied, fat bomb proof coffee? All joking aside I'm interested, because I drink mine with just HWC and stevia and add little to my caloric or carb count.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    Just spent 48 hours with the 24 hour stomach bug! Yay {sarcasm}. About 12 hours in I realized that the B-R-A-T diet was not gonna work for me......I was left in a bit of a pickle and sadly without actual pickles. Alas I lived to tell the tale. I made if with several servings of broth from canned chicken noodle soup(what was in the house) and a slice and a half of wheat toast. I honestly didn't care about carb count, but still steered clear of extra carby stuff.

    It makes me wonder though, how does a keto lifer survived a stomach virus? What are your "go to" keto approved survival bites? Or is there such a thing?
  • RoosterDJC
    RoosterDJC Posts: 93 Member
    @XavierNusum Dude, you upped your profile pic game...

    I haven't gotten sick since I started, but when I do, its going to be a lot of liquids, diet ginger ale and buttered keto bread.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    @Roosterdjc I had to do something to lift the depression of being out of the gym for 4 whole days! :'(
  • Scochrane86
    Scochrane86 Posts: 374 Member
    edited February 2017

    ha, all it was is coffee and HWC (no sweetener, oil, butter, nothing) not sure if that is what was actually stalling me, or if it was a coincidence. I do love my coffee, but if I need to have it in the afternoon vs morning than I am ok with that.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member

    ha, all it was is coffee and HWC (no sweetener, oil, butter, nothing) not sure if that is what was actually stalling me, or if it was a coincidence. I do love my coffee, but if I need to have it in the afternoon vs morning than I am ok with that.

    You know it may be the fasting aspect, if you're not having breakfast with that coffee. If mornings were just the coffee and now coffee is with lunch or just later in the day, it may be the extended fast. The HWC in my coffee is the only reason I don't consider myself fasting. Interesting.